Milezza Esmeranda
Female human (Varisian) arcanist (white mage) 17 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 8, 79)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +8; Senses Perception +17
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+2 deflection, +4 Dex)
hp 160 (17d6+88)
Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +16 (+1 vs. enchantment effects)
SR 20
Speed 30 ft.
Melee adamantine dagger +10/+5 (1d4+1/19-20)
Special Attacks arcane reservoir (9/23), arcanist exploits (counter drain[ACG], counterspell[ACG], dimensional slide[ACG], greater counterspell[ACG], potent magic[ACG], quick study[ACG]), consume spells
Arcanist (White Mage) Spells Prepared (CL 17th; concentration +25)
:8th (4/day)—horrid wilting (DC 26), moment of prescience
:7th (5/day)—greater arcane sight, finger of death (DC 25), reverse gravity
:6th (5/day)—chain lightning (DC 25), greater dispel magic, summon monster VI
:5th (5/day)—fire snake[APG] (DC 24), sending, telekinesis (DC 23), wall of force
:4th (6/day)—dimension door, dragon's breath[APG] (DC 23), greater invisibility, stoneskin
:3rd (6/day)—fly, haste, heroism, slow (DC 21)
:2nd (6/day)—darkvision, glitterdust (DC 20), mirror image, resist energy, see invisibility
:1st (6/day)—comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile, protection from evil, reduce person (DC 19)
:0 (at will)—acid splash, arcane mark, detect magic, mage hand, message, open/close (DC 18), prestidigitation, read magic, spark[APG] (DC 19)
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 26, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +8; CMB +9; CMD 25
Feats Combat Casting, Extra Reservoir<sup>ACG</sup>, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Penetration, Harrowed, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Penetration, Toughness
Traits dockside avenger, harrow chosen
Skills Appraise +12, Diplomacy +19, Disguise +12, Fly +16, Knowledge (arcana) +28, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +20, Knowledge (engineering) +20, Knowledge (geography) +20, Knowledge (history) +21, Knowledge (local) +20, Knowledge (nature) +20, Knowledge (nobility) +15, Knowledge (planes) +21, Knowledge (religion) +21, Linguistics +13, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +28, Survival +0 (+2 to avoid becoming lost), Use Magic Device +16
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Infernal, Orc, Shoanti, Varisian
SQ spontaneous healing
Combat Gear boots of escape, lesser extend metamagic rod, lesser quicken metamagic rod, lesser silent metamagic rod, otherworldly kimono, potion of cure moderate wounds (2), potion of cure serious wounds, ring of invisibility, scarab of protection, scroll of permanency, scroll of permanency, wand of cat's grace (12 charges), wand of magic missile (CL 9th, 17 charges); Other Gear adamantine dagger, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of physical perfection +4, bottle of air, decanter of endless water, four-leaf clover, handy haversack, harrow deck of many things, hat of disguise, headband of vast intelligence +4, minor cloak of displacement, ring of protection +2, sustaining spoon, wayfinder, bedroll, carnasia varisian idol, flint and steel, golden holy symbol of Desna, granite and diamond dust (worth 250 gp) (4), ink, inkpen, parchment (5), soap (2), spell component pouch, spellbook 1, spellbook 2, spellbook 3, trail rations (4), waterskin, diamond dust (worth 2,500 gp), diamond dust (worth 2,500 gp), 8,071 gp, 2 sp, 8 cp
Special Abilities
Arcane Reservoir +2 DC or CL (23/day) (Su) Pool of points fuel exploits, or can expend to add +2 CL or DC while cast spell.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Consume Spells (2/day) (Su) As a move action, expend a spell slot to add its spell levels to arcane reservoir.
Counter Drain (Su) When counter a spell, add 1/3 its level (round down) to arcane reservoir.
Counterspell (Su) Use 1 reservoir as an imm action, counter with spell 1 level higher or same spell at +5 bonus.
Dimensional Slide (170 feet) (Su) Use 1 reservoir as part of move/withdraw, move to spot in sight for only 5 ft movement & no AoO.
Greater Counterspell (Su) Counterspell exploit only needs equal level spell when countering.
Harrowed +1 on saves vs. enchantment; can draw Harrow cards for bonuses.
Quick Study (Ex) Use 1 reservoir as a full rd action, consult spellbook to switch out mem spell (provokes AoO).
Spell Focus (Evocation) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spell Resistance (20) You have Spell Resistance.
Spontaneous Healing (Cure Spells, Breath of Life) (Su) Spend reservoir points & slot to cast any cleric cure spell or breath of life.
Possesses Harrow Deck of Many Things
House rule ability descriptions:
1st level bonus feat: Improved Initiative
Acid Splash/Ray of Frost damage: 1d3 + 1/2 lvl
Blessing of the Harrow (Su):
(replaces 7th level feat)
Once per day, Milezza may perform a harrowing for herself and all allies within 20 feet of her. This harrowing takes 10 minutes, and allies to be affected by it must remain within 20 feet of Milezza for the entire time. At the conclusion of the harrowing, count up the number of cards from each suit that were used in the reading. This harrowing provides a bonus based upon the suit with the most cards showing. In case of a tie, choose one suit. The bonus lasts for 24 hours. The suits grant insight bonuses as follows. Strength: +1 on attack rolls; Dexterity: +1 to AC; Constitution: +1 on weapon damage rolls; Intelligence: +1 on all skill checks; Wisdom: +1 on all saving throws; Charisma: +1 on caster level and concentration checks.
Harrow Casting (modified) (Su):
(replaces 7th level arcanist exploit)
Milezza may, as she casts a spell, draw one card from her Harrow deck. At 11th level she draws two cards and on 15th level three cards.
This adds both a somatic component (if the spell does not already have one) and a focus component (the Harrow deck) to the spell, but does not increase the spell’s casting time. The cards she draws might change the parameters of her spell or grant her some other benefit, as described below.
Each card that Milezza draws that exactly matches her alignment (chaotic good) counts as two cards of that suit. A spell may not be affected by both Harrow casting and a metamagic feat. Milezza may use this ability a number of times per day equal to her arcanist level.
Effects of the different suits:
Strength: Whenever Milezza uses her Harrow casting ability to augment a spell that deals damage to hit points, the spell deals +1 point of damage per die for each card from the suit of Strength she draws.
Dexterity: For each card she draws from the suit of Dexterity, she gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves and to AC until the beginning of her next turn.
Constitution: For each card she draws from the suit of Constitution, she heals 1d6 points of damage.
Intelligence: For each card she draws from the suit of Intelligence, she gains a +1 bonus on caster level checks made to penetrate spell resistance.
Wisdom: For each card she draws from the suit of Wisdom, she increases the spell’s effective caster level by +1.
Charisma: For each card she draws from the suit of Charisma, the save DC of the spell increases by +1.
Sources: Core, APG, ACG, ISWG, Varisia
Milezza on pienikokoinen ja hento ja hän on saanut kuulla riittämiin olevansa söpö. Erikoisin piirre on hänen violetit silmänsä; varisialaisittain tämä ei ole niin erikoista, mutta muille kyllä.
Kuningattaren kukistamisen jälkeen:
Milezza jää Korvosaan tukemaan uuden hallinnon vakiinnuttamista, kunnes Korvosa näyttää pysyvän jaloillaan. Sitten hän lähtee perhekaravaaninsa kyytiin jokisikin aikaa "lomailemaan". Ennen pitkää hän hakeutuu Kaer Magaan Arcanist's Circleen perinteisempään tutkimustyöhön ja opettelee valmistamaan maagisia esineitä.
Hän pitää tietysti yhteyttä muuhun tiimiin ja lähtee heidän kanssaan "retkille", jos tarvitaan :)
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