Investigator (interrogator) 13
Player Naal
Ancestry Gourd leshy, Background Clown
Speed 30, Perception +23••• (low-light vision)
Alignment Chaotic Good
Languages AbyssalM1, AkloM1, AzlantiM2, DraconicM2, DwarvenInt, ElvenInt, HalflingInt, Sylvan, Taldane (Common), UndercommonInt
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16
Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 14
AC 34; (+4 armor, +3 Dex, (+4• +13) proficiency)
HP 164; (+8 leshy, +104 investigator, +39 Con, +13 Toughness)
Fort +21••, Ref +21••, Will +22•••
Melee ◆fist +22 1d4+6 B (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed)
Melee ◆+2 greater striking shifting cold iron light hammer +24 3d6+6 B (agile, thrown 20 ft.)
Ranged ◆juggling club +22 1d4+6 B (agile, nonlethal, thrown 20 ft., uncommon)
Ranged ◆oathbow +24 2d8+4 (deadly 1d10, propulsive, range 100, volley 30 ft.)
Special Attacks ◆devise a stratagem, strategic strike +3d6
Skills Circus Lore +23 (+4 Int, +6 prof, +13 level)
trained from Additional Lore Clown Lore +19 (+4 Int, +2 prof, +13 level)
trained from background Leshy Lore +19 (+4 Int, +2 prof, +13 level)
trained from Leshy Lore Acrobatics +23 (+3 Dex, +6 prof, +13 level, +1 item)
trained from class Arcana + 4 (+4 Int, +0 prof, + 0 level)
Athletics +22 (+3 Str, +6 prof, +13 level)
trained from class Crafting +21 (+4 Int, +4 prof, +13 level)
trained from Int 16 Deception +17 (+2 Cha, +2 prof, +13 level)
trained from class Diplomacy +22 (+2 Cha, +6 prof, +13 level, +1 item)
trained from class Intimidation +17 (+2 Cha, +2 prof, +13 level)
trained from Skill Training Medicine +22 (+2 Wis, +6 prof, +13 level, +1 item)
trained from class Nature +17 (+2 Wis, +2 prof, +13 level)
trained from Int 12 Occultism +19 (+4 Int, +2 prof, +13 level)
trained from Leshy Lore Performance +19 (+2 Cha, +4 prof, +13 level)
trained from background Religion +17 (+2 Wis, +2 prof, +13 level)
trained from with dedication Society +19 (+4 Int, +2 prof, +13 level)
trained from class Stealth +18 (+3 Dex, +2 prof, +13 level)
trained from Leshy Lore Survival +17 (+2 Wis, +2 prof, +13 level)
trained from Int 18 Thievery +22 (+3 Dex, +6 prof, +13 level)
trained from Int 14
Conditional skill bonuses Performance +1 circumstance (comedy), Thievery +1 item (Pick Locks, Disable Devices).
Ancestry Feats
01 Harmlessly Cute
05 Leshy Lore
09 Multitalented (Witch Dedication)
13 Natural Ambition
Class Feats
01 That's Odd
02 Shared Strategy
04 Duelist Dedication
06 Dueling Parry
08 Blind-Fight
10 Basic Witch Spellcasting
12 Expert Witch Spellcasting
13 Known Weakness
General Feats
03 Toughness
07 Adopted Ancestry (human)
11 Fleet
Skill Feats
AF Shameless Request
BG Virtuosic Performance (comedy, +1 circumstance)
02 Continual Recovery
03 Additional Lore (Circus Lore)
04 Ward Medic
05 Multilingual (Aklo, Abyssal)
06 Titan Wrestler
07 Assurance (Medicine)
08 Multilingual (Azlanti, Draconic)
09 Bon Mot
10 Magical Crafting
11 Advanced First Aid
12 Cat Fall
13 Skill Training (Intimidate)
Ancestry and class Features
AN Leshy, Plant, Small
AN Low-light vision
AN Plant nourishment
CL Keen Recollection
CL Methodology (interrogator)
CL On the Case
CL Pointed question
CL Strategic strike
CL Weapon Specialization
CL Resolve
CL Light Armor Expertise
Ability Boosts (level 5) Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma
Ability Boosts (level 10) Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom
Maaginen krääsä bracelet of dashing, diplomat's badge, oathbow, +2 greater striking returning shifting low-grade cold iron light hammer, +2 resilient studded leather
Kulutustavara greater elixir of life, moderate healing potion (2), moderate potion of fire resistance, oil of keen edges
Kamat arrows (241), backpack, basic crafter's book, bedroll, chalk (10), clothing (ordinary), expanded healer's tools, flint and steel, hooded lantern, infiltrator thieves' tools (1 replacement picks), javelin (4), juggling club (3), main-gauche, oil (2), sap, thieves' tools (1 replacement picks), torch (2), waterskin
Verso (mole familiar)
Occult Cantrips forbidding ward, shield
Level 1 Occult Spells known command, soothe
Level 2 Occult Spells known darkvision, hideous laughter, soothe
Level 3 Occult Spells known darkvision, heroism, invisibility sphere, soothe
Level 4 Occult Spells known clairvoyance, resilient sphere, soothe
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