Sanktioitujen Starfinder Adventure Pathien arvostelut

Nämä ovat Starfinder Adventure Path -sarjan seikkailuja, pidempiä moduuleja, joita ei ole varsinaisesti kirjoitettu Starfinder Societya varten. Ne on kuitenkin sanktioitu kampanjassa pelattavaksi ja niiden Scenario Chroniclet on ladattavissa Paizon verkkosivuilla. Nämä tuppaavat olemaan pidempiä rupeamia kuin perusskenut.


Surkea. Shit Saturday -tasoa.
Huono. Epäloogisuuksia, epäbalanssisuutta, jne.
Keskinkertainen. Hukattua potentiaalia.
Hyvä. Tarina ok, vastukset fiksuja, moniulotteinen.
Erinomainen. Parempaa ei voisi toivoa.


Seikkailupolku on uudelleenpelattava.
Seikkailupolku käyttää avaruustaistelusääntöjä.

Dead Suns

Incident at Absalom Station (Tier 1-2) by Robert McCreary

Temple of the Twelve (Tier 3-4) by John Compton

Splintered Worlds (Tier 5-6) by Amanda Hamon Kuntz

The Ruined Clouds (Tier 7-8) by Jason Keeley

The Thirteenth Gate (Tier 9-10) by Stephen Radney-McFarland

Empire of Bones (Tier 11-12) by Owen K.C. Stephens

Against the Aeon Throne

The Reach of Empire (Tier 1-2) by Ron Lundeen

Escape from the Prison Moon (Tier 3-4) by Eleanor Ferron

The Rune Drive Gambit (Tier 5-6) by Larry Wilhelm

Signal of Screams

AP #10: The Diaspora Strain (Tier 7-8) by Chris Sims

AP #11: The Penumbra Protocol (Tier 9-10) by Jenny Jarzabski

AP #12: Heart of Night (Tier 11-12) by Saif Ansari

Dawn of Flame

AP #13: Fire Starters (Tier 1-2) by James L. Sutter

AP #14: Soldiers of Brass (Tier 3-4) by Crystal Frasier

AP #15: Sun Divers (Tier 5-6) by Joe Pasini

AP #16: The Blind City (Tier 7-8) by Ron Lundeen

AP #17: Solar Strike (Tier 9-10) by Mark Moreland

AP #18: Assault on the Crucible (Tier 11-12) by Jason Tondro

Attack of the Swarm!

AP #19: Fate of the Fifth (Tier 1-2) by Patrick Brennan

AP #20: The Last Refuge (Tier 3-4) by Mara Lynn Butler

AP #21: Huskworld (Tier 5-6) by Lyz Liddell

AP #22: The Forever Reliquary (Tier 7-8) by Kate Baker

AP #23: Hive of Minds (Tier 9-10) by Thurston Hillman

AP #24: The God-Host Ascends (Tier 11-12) by Ron Lundeen

The Threefold Conspiracy

AP #25: The Chimera Mystery (Tier 1-2) by Jason Keeley

AP #26: Flight of the Sleepers (Tier 3-4) by Owen K.C. Stephens

AP #27: Deceivers' Moon (Tier 5-6) by Jason Tondro

AP #28: The Hollow Cabal (Tier 7-8) by Crystal Fraiser

AP #29: The Cradle Infestation (Tier 9-10) by Vanessa Hoskins

AP #30: Puppets Without Strings (Tier 11-12) by Landon Winkler

Devastation Arc (Odottaa sanktiointia)

AP #31: Waking the Worldseed (Tier 13-14) by Jenny Jarzabski

AP #32: The Starstone Blockade (Tier 16-17) by Eleanor Ferron

AP #33: Dominion's End (Tier 18-19) by Ron Lundeen

Fly Free or Die

AP #34: We're No Heroes (Tier 1-2) by BJ Hensley

AP #35: Merchants of the Void (Tier 3-4) by Leo Glass

AP #36: Professional Courtesy (Tier 5-6) by Joe Pasini

AP #37: The White Glove Affair (Tier 7-8) by Kendra Leigh Speedling

AP #38: Crash & Burn (Tier 9-10) by Christopher Wasko

AP #39: The Gilded Cage (Tier 11-12) by Jessica Catalan

Horizons of the Vast (Ilmestyy kesäkuu/2021 - huhtikuu/2022)

AP: #40: Planetfall (Tier 1-2)

AP: #41: Serpents in the Cradle (Tier 3-4) by Hilary Moon Murphy

AP: #42: Whispers of the Eclipse (Tier 5-6) by Kate Baker

AP: #43: Icebound (Tier 7-8) by Jason Tondro

AP: #44: Allies Against the Eye (Tier 9-10) by Jabari Weathers

AP: #45: The Culling Shadow (Tier 11-12) by Landon Winkler

Tulevia Seikkailupolkuja:

Drift Crashers (Ilmestyy kesäkuu - lokakuu/2022)

AP: #46: The Perfect Storm (Tier 1-2)

AP: #47: Nightmare Scenario (Tier 3-4)

AP: #48: Masters of Time and Space (Tier 5-6)

Drift Hackers (Ilmestyy marraskuu/2022 -

AP: #49: A Light in the Dark (Tier 7-8) by Jessica Catalan

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