Champion (Tyrant) of Zon-Kuthon 14
Player Nostrix
Ancestry Half-elf (mummy), Background Able carter
Speed 40 (35 in armor), PerceptionE +21, Darkvision
Alignment LE
Languages Osirian, Elven, Necril
Str 20, Dex 10, Con 18
Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 18
AC 38; (+8 armor, +0 Dex, +20 master) / 40 (+2 shield)
HP 188 (8 human, 120 champion, 48 con, 12 toughness)
Fort +26M, Ref +20E, Will +25M
Special Defenses
Basic undead benefits, Iron command, Juggernaut, Divine will
Resist: slashing 3, Fire 0
Melee +2 striking fist +27 2d6+7 B
Melee +2 astral impactful Gr.striking khopesh +27 3d8+8 S +1d6 spirit +1d6 force
Melee +2 fearsome wounding Gr.striking shield spikes +27 3d6+8 P +1d6 persistent bleed
Divine Spell AttackE +22, DC 32
Rank 5 (1/d) - Shadow blast
Rank 4 (1/d) - Divine wrath
Rank 3 (1/d) - Warding aggression
Rank 2 (1/d) - Horrifying blood lossS
Rank 1 (1/d) - HarmS
Cantrips (at will) - Guidance, Needle darts
Focus Spells pool: 3
1st: Touch of corruption, Savor the sting, Soul siphon, Armor of bones
Ancestry Abilities Natural ambition1, Nimble elf4, Elf step9, Avenge ally13
Bonus feats Mummy dedication1, Basic oracle spellcasting4, Mummy's despair6, First revelation8, Ensnaring wrapping10, Dessicating inhalation12, Advanced mystery (armor of bones)14
Class Feats Deity's domain (pain)1, Iron repercussions1, Oracle (bones) dedication2, Aura of despair4, Attack of pportunity6, Quick block8, Desperate prayer10, Expert oracle spellcasting12, Smite14
General Feats Toughnessm, Fleet3, Incredible initiative7, Diehard11
Skill Feats Hobnobber1, Stitch flesh1, Titan wrestler2, Assurance (athletics)4, Intimidating glare6, Intimidating prowess8, Break curse10, Battle cry12, Sacred defense14
Class Features Iron command, Divine ally (shield)
Bulk Limit: || Worn + Weapons = || All =
Worn Full plate, sturdy shield
Weapons khopesh
Wealth ? gp
At base
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