Aseita aloitteleville Tähdenetsijöille

Starfinderissa on tuhottomasti erilaisia aseita, joten niiden valitseminen omalle hahmolle voi olla työlästä. Tähän on koottu aloittelevalle Tähdenetsijälle sopivia aseita eri lähdekirjoista.

Sallittujen esineiden lista löytyy täältä. Tarkemmat kuvaukset aseista: Archives of Nethys,

Joitain hyviä ostoksia:

  • anarchic Tactical Dueling Sword (360+475=835cr) - Inevitable-outsidereiden tappamiseen vaaditaan kaoottinen ase. Käyttöä ei ehkä tule usein, mutta hyvä silloin kun sitä tarvitsee. Toisaalta vihun voi aina sitoa pakettiin.
  • called Sopranino Singing Disk (120+115=235cr) - Strenahahmolle sopiva kaukotaisteluase. Tekee sonic-vahinkoa, STR-bonus osumiseen ja vahinkoon ja palaa käteen swift-actionina.
  • merciful Tactical Pike (360+475=835cr) - Nonletaali vahinko on must jos haluaa saada viholliset tainnutettua hengissä ja reach-ase taltuttaa loitsijat ja pyssyttelijät.
  • soulfire Apocalypse Crystal Shard (120+150=270cr) - Monen solarianin ostoslistalla. Charisma-bonus asevahinkoon ja force-efektinä tekee täyttä vahinkoa incorporeal vihuihin.
  • Tactical Sword Cane + Light Bayonet Bracket (250+150=400cr) - Itsessään keskinkertainen, mutta kantomatka-aseeseen kiinnitettynä erinomainen pistin.
  • trailblazer Hunting Rifle/Tactical Semi-Auto Pistol (120+240/260=360/380cr) - Hyvä perusase, toimii niin lumimyrskyssä, suossa kuin veden allakin. Räjähdeammusten kanssa myös parvia vastaan.
  • Smoke Grenade (40cr) - Starfinderin Stinking Cloud. Vähemmän tehokas kehenkään, jolla on avaruuspuku, mutta eläimiä, parvia ja muita eläväisiä vastaan todella hyvä.

Level: esineen taso (vaadittu hahmotaso esineen ostamiseen, jos eri kuin em.)
Bulk: L = light bulk, - = negligible bulk

One-Handed Basic MeleeLevelPriceDamageCriticalBulkSpecialSource
Basic Handaxe1901d4 S-Lanalog, thrown (20 ft.)Armory
Cestus Battleglove11001d4 B-LanalogCRB
Survival Knife1951d4 S-Lanalog, operativeCRB
Tactical Baton1901d4 B-Lanalog, operativeCRB
Tactical Sword Cane12501d4 Pbleed 1d3Lanalog, operativePactW
Tactical Dueling Sword2 (1)4751d6 S-LanalogCRB
Two-Handed Basic MeleeLevelPriceDamageCriticalBulkSpecialSource
Battle Staff1801d4 Bknockdown1analog, blockCRB
Tactical Spear13751d6 P-1analog, block, thrown (20 ft.)CRB

One-Handed Advanced MeleeLevelPriceDamageCriticalBlkSpecialSource
Assault Hammer1951d6 B-1analogCRB
Junk Censer11251d6 B&Fburn 1d4Lanalog, fueled (20/4), thrown (10 ft.)Armory
Sopranino Singing Disk11151d4 SoconfuseLanalog, thrown (20 ft.)Armory
Runner Spark Knife13901d4 E&Sarc 1d4Ldrain charge, operative, powered (20/1)Armory
Standard Longsword13751d8 S-1analogCRB
Standard Taclash12401d4 S-Lanalog, disarm, nonlethal, reach, tripCRB
Tactical Starknife11101d4 P-Lanalog, thrown (20 ft.)CRB
Undercover Ice Needle13301d4 C&Pinjct. DC+2Lconceal, injection, powered (20/4)Armory
Utility Welder13001d4 E&F-Lpowered (20/1), professional (contractor)Armory
Injection Glove2 (1)4901d4 Pinjct. DC+2Lanalog, injectionCRB
Thunderstrike Pulse Gauntlet2 (1)4751d6 B&Soknockdown1powered (20/1)CRB
Two-Handed Advanced MeleeLevelPriceDamageCriticalBlkSpecialSource
Fireball Flame Spinner12251d6 Fburn 1d41analog, free hands (2), fueled (20/1), unwieldyArmory
Follower Shadow Chains13901d3 Cbind2analog, disarm, reach, tripArmory
Light Seismic Pick11801d4 Sodeafen1penetrating, powered (20/1), professional (miner)Armory
Red Star Flare Axe11201d4 E&Fburn 1d41powered (20/1)Armory
Spark Polarity Gauntlets14101d3 E-1operative, polarize 1d3, powered (20/1)Armory
Tactical Doshko12401d12 P-1analog, unwieldyCRB
Ember Flame Doshko2 (1)7501d8 Fwound1powered (20/1)CRB
Tactical Pike2 (1)4751d8 P-2analog, reachCRB

Small ArmsLevelPriceDamageRangeCriticalCapacityBlkSpecialSource
Azimuth Laser Pistol13501d4 F80 ft.burn 1d420/1 chrgL CRB
Bruiser Decoupler14301d4 A20 ft.demoralize20/2 chrgL Armory
Electrocellular Plasma Claw12801d4 E&F20 ft.-20/2 chrgLlivingArmory
Harmonic Dirge Pistol14401d3 So20 ft.sicken20/1 chrgLantibiologicalArmory
Needler Pistol11051d4 P30 ft.injct. DC+26/1 dartLanalog, injectionCRB
Pulsecaster Pistol12501d4 E30 ft.-20/1 chrgLnonlethalCRB
Subzero Hail Pistol11201d4 C&P20 ft.bleed 1d420/1 chrgL Armory
Survival Flare Gun1901d3 F30 ft.burn 1d61/1 flareLanalog, brightCRB
Tactical Semi-Auto Pistol12601d6 P30 ft.-9/1 rndsLanalogCRB
Flame Pistol2 (1)4701d4 F20 ft.burn 1d420/4 ptrlLline, unwieldyCRB
Static Arc Pistol2 (1)7501d6 E50 ft.arc 220/2 chrgLstunCRB

Azimuth Laser Rifle14251d8 F120 ft.burn 1d620/1 chrg1 CRB
Gulchgun1901d8 F20 ft.burn 1d64/1 shell1analogArmory
Hunting Rifle12401d8 P90 ft.-6/1 rnds1analogCRB
Needler Rifle11101d6 P60 ft.injct. DC+212/1 dart1analog, injectionCRB
Pulsecaster Rifle11001d6 E50 ft.-20/1 chrg1nonlethalCRB
Shout Rifle14501d4 So30 ft.demoralize20/4 chrg1blast, nonlethal, unwieldyArmory
Tactical Numbing Beam13701d6 C50 ft.staggered20/1 chrg1nonlethalArmory
Tactical Plasma Bolter12601d10 E&F40 ft.-20/4 chrg2unwieldyArmory
Utility Scattergun12351d4 P15 ft.-4/1 shell1analog, blastCRB
Autotarget Rifle2 (1)7551d6 P60 ft.-10/1 rnds2analog, automaticCRB
Flame Rifle2 (1)4901d6 F25 ft.burn 1d620/5 ptrl1line, unwieldyCRB
Tactical Acid Dart Rifle2 (1)4851d8 A&P80 ft.corrode 1d410/1 dart1analogCRB
Tactical Arc Emitter2 (1)7501d4 E15 ft.-20/4 chrg1blast, stun, unwieldyCRB
Tactical Crossbolter2 (1)4751d10 P70 ft.-1/1 arrow2unwieldyCRB

Heavy WeaponsLevelPriceDamageRangeCriticalCapacityBlkSpecialSource
Azimuth Artillery Laser14251d10 F120 ft.burn 1d620/2 chrg3penetratingCRB
Ember Agitator13301d8 F60 ft.burn 1d420/1 chrg2boost 1d4Armory
Exhorter Shout Projector14201d6 So30 ft.demoralize20/2 chrg2explode (10 ft.), integrated (2), nonlethal, unwieldyArmory
Light Reaction Cannon12501d10 P90 ft.-6/1 rnds3penetratingCRB
Merc NIL Grenade Launcher1280by grenade60 ft.-6/1 grnd2analogCRB
Red Star Conqueror14301d10 E&F60 ft.wound20/4 chrg3unwieldyArmory
Static Arc Caster13751d8 E60 ft.second arc 1d620/2 chrg2first arc 1d6, unwieldyArmory
Subzero Hailcannon12751d8 C&P60 ft.staggered20/2 chrg2automaticArmory
Ifrit-Class Flamethrower2 (1)7801d6 F15 ft.burn 1d620/4 ptrl2analog, blast, unwieldyCRB

Sniper WeaponsLevelPriceDamageRangeCriticalCapacityBlkSpecialSource
Precision Coil Rifle13901d6 P60 ft.-4/1 rnds2sniper (250 ft.)Armory
Tactical Diasporan Rifle13501d8 F70 ft.-10/1 chrg1sniper (250 ft.)), unwieldyAA
Tactical Shobhad Horizon Striker14402d4 P100 ft.-2/1 rnds2analog, sniper (500 ft.), unwieldyPactW
Yellow Jacket Wraith-Sting Rifle1375-40 ft.injct. DC+21/1 dart1injection, sniper (250 ft.), subtle, unwieldyArmory
Tactical Shirren-Eye Rifle2 (1)7551d10 P70 ft.-1/1 rnds1analog, sniper (250 ft.), unwieldyCRB

Solarian CrystalsLevelPriceDamageCriticalBulkSpecialSource
Least Tauon Crystal1235+1 Estaggered- PactW
Shard Apocalypse Crystal1150+1corrode 1d4-force effectAA2
Shard Electron Crystal1280+1 E--stunArmory
Shard Photino Crystal1110+1 F-- AA2
Shard Photon Crystal1145+1 Fburn 1d4- Armory
Shard W-Boson Crystal1215+1bleed 1d4- Armory
Shard Z-Boson Crystal1115+1push (5 ft.)- Armory

Frag Grenade MKI1351d6 P20 ft.Lexplode (15 ft.)CRB
Holo Grenade MKI150-20 ft.Lexplode (holographic image 2 rnds, 10 ft.)Armory
Shock Grenade MKI11301d8 E20 ft.Lexplode (15 ft.)CRB
Smoke Grenade140-20 ft.Lexplode (smoke cloud 1 min, 20 ft.)CRB
Stickybomb Grenade MKI1170-20 ft.Lexplode (entangle 2d4 rnds, 10 ft.)CRB
Flash Grenade MKI2 (1)275-20 ft.Lexplode (blind 1d4 rnds, 5 ft.)CRB
Incendiary Grenade MKI2 (1)3751d6 F20 ft.Lexplode (burn 1d4, 5 ft.)CRB

Battery, Standard160-20RechargeableCRB
Petrol Tank, Standard160120-CRB
Rounds, Small Arm140L30-CRB
Rounds, Longarm & Sniper175L25-CRB
Scattergun Shells155L25-CRB
Rounds, Heavy Wpn2 (1)90L20-CRB
Explosive Arrows275L20Explosive, FieryArmory
Explosive Darts250L25Explosive, FieryArmory
Explosive Rounds, Small Arm260L30Explosive, FieryArmory
Explosive Rounds, Longarm & Sniper2150L25Explosive, FieryArmory
Explosive Scattergun Shells2110L25Explosive, FieryArmory
Explosive Rounds, Heavy Wpn3180L20Explosive, FieryArmory
Explosive = half the damage is fire damage, critical knockdown
Fiery = extra critical damage is fire damage, does 150% damage versus swarms, does 50% instead of 0% versus incorporeal

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