
Viimeiset Tunnit / Fate Chips

The Fate Point Economy


Each player gets a number of fate points to start each session off with. That total is called the refresh rate. The refresh for a default, starting character is three fate points, but you can opt to spend up to two of your refresh to buy additional stunts.

Spending Fate points

You spend fate points in any of the following ways:

  • Invoke an Aspect: Invoking an aspect costs you one fate point, unless the invocation is free.
  • Power a Stunt: Some stunts are very potent, and as such, cost a fate point in order to activate.
  • Refuse a Compel: Once a compel is proposed, you can pay a fate point to avoid the complication associated with it.
  • Declare a Story Detail: To add something to the narrative based on one of your aspects, spend a fate point.

Earning Fate points

You earn fate points in any of the following ways:

  • Accept a Compel: You get a fate point when you agree to the complica- tion associated with a compel. As we said above, this may sometimes happen retroactively if the circumstances warrant.
  • Have Your Aspects Invoked Against You: If someone pays a fate point to invoke an aspect attached to your character, you gain their fate point at the end of the scene. This includes advantages created on your char- acter, as well as consequences.
  • Concede in a Conflict: You receive one fate point for conceding in a conflict, as well as an additional fate point for each consequence that you’ve received in that conflict. (This isn’t the same as being taken out in a conflict.)

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page last modified on 2014-02-19 15:31