Minor covenant (the Esteemed Order of Techmancers)

Reformers are a new, idealistic covenant mostly composed of young Techmancers. They seek to reform the inner workings of the Order. They claim the Eserhaus Heresy had several legitimate grievances which must be addressed. The Reformers condemn Eserhaus as such, but want to lessen the impact of tradition on the Order. They seek justice and new, fresh views.

Few take the Reformers seriously; they are seen as kids dabbling in politics. Still, their views have a certain appeal, even among some influential elders. Conservative factions resist them furiously. They hold that change is the road to doom, no matter how minor. The Reformers wish to reconcile with the Followers of Eserhaus in order to reunite the Order. As a result, the Crusaders naturally view them as traitors.

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