
Verta ja kultaa

Pistolero Gunslinger 14
Player mosillan

Ancestry Vampire Empty Sky Kitsune, Background Money Counter
Speed 30, Perception M +21; darkvision, +2 to initiative
Alignment NE
Languages Common, Sylvan, Necril

Str 10 , Dex 20 , Con 16
Int 14 , Wis 12 , Cha 19

AC 36; (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +4+14 trained)
HP 176 (kitsune 8 + 14 x [8 gunslinger + 3 con + 1 toughness])
FortE +21, RefE +23, WillE +19
Special Defenses

Melee Fangs +8 1d6 P
Ranged Flintlock Pistol +18 1d4+3 Fatal d8, Concussive
Ranged 2x +1 Striking Dueling Pistol +19 2d6+3 Concealable, Concussive, Fatal d10
Special Attacks

  • Drink Blood -

Formula Book DC: 23
Reagents per day: 2 (int) + 12 (lvl) + 1 (familiar)
1st - Elemental Ammunition
0ed - Black Powder

Divine spells
5th - Marvelous Mount
4th - Air Walk
3rd - Vampiric Feast, Blindness
2nd - Blood Vendetta, Silence
1st - Harm, Command
Cantrips (at will) - Chill touch, Rousing Splash
Spell Attack +21, DC 31

Divine innate Spells
5th - confusion
1st - choose one daily: bane, illusiory Object, sanctuary
Cantrips (at will) - choose one daily: daze, forbidding ward, or ghost sound
Spell Attack +21, DC 31


  • Acrobatics T +22
  • Arcana +2
  • Athletics T +16
  • Crafting T +18
  • Deception M +26 Way of the Pistolero
  • Diplomacy T +20
  • Intimidation T +20
  • Accounting Lore T +18 BG
  • Medicine +0
  • Nature +0
  • Occultism +2
  • Performance T +20
  • Religion M +21
  • Society T +18
  • Stealth M +25
  • Survival +0
  • Thievery T +21 BG

Ancestry Abilities

Class Feats

General Feats

Skill Feats

Class Features

Bulk Limit: 5 || Worn + Weapons = || All =
At the Lodge


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