Starfinder Society -hahmot


Spathinae Xenoarchaeologist Precog 3
LN Medium monstrous humanoid
Player Mustaparta (192672-709)
Xp 7
Faction Cognates
Homeworld Gideron Authority

Init +2
Senses Perception +5; Blindsense (vibration) 30 ft., Darkvision 60 ft.

KAC 15, EAC 14 (+3/+2 armor, +2 Dex)
SP 15, HP 18, RP 3
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2; +2 racial bonus to saving throws against bleed, critical hit effects, paralysis, sleep, mind-affecting effects and stunning
Defensive Abilities Chronomatic defense +2, Swarm Flexibility

Speed 30 ft., fly 20 ft. (average)
Melee Inspiring cold iron tactical dueling sword +3 (1d6+4 Slashing)
Ranged Secured tactical plasma bolter +4 (1d10+3 Electricity & Fire, unwieldy)

Str 12 (+1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10 (+0), Int 15 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10 (+0)
Base Atk +2; AC vs. CMB 21, +4 racial bonus to KAC against bull rush, grapple, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers
Skills Acrobatics +8 (3), Bluff +4 (1), Culture +7 (2), Diplomacy +5 (2), Engineering +8 (3) (Reduce the DC to identify rare, ancient, or alien tech by 5), Mysticism +7 (3), Perception +6 (2), Piloting +7 (2), Profession (archaeologist) +10 (1), Sense motive +6 (2), Stealth +7 (2), Survival +2 (1)
Feats Fighting balance, Focused sense3rd, Long arm proficiencyPrecog 1st lvl
Languages Common, goblinInt, ignanInt, ysokiC, jinsulC
Other abilities Theme Knowledge (identify rare, ancient, or alien tech), Shapable, Spathinae Defenses, Spathinae Senses, Verminlike, Anchor (Timewarped), Temporal anomaly: Safeguard (Su)

Spells known (CL 3rd)
1st (3/day) — Identify, Recall, Reflecting armor, Swap initiative
0th (at will) — Detect magic, Mending, Moment's hesitation, Stabilize, Stumble, Vanishing trick

Boons Scoured stars veteran: Rescued Starfinder

You can start a new character who begins at 2nd level. This new PC begins play with 3 XP, 2,160 credits, 5 Fame, and 5 Reputation with the faction that character selects a faction boon for. You must keep a copy of this Chronicle sheet with the character.
SFS Intro: Year of Fortune's Fall Enemy of the Organization (Slotless Boon): Alongside First Seeker Ehu Hadif, you vowed to bring an end to the dangerous criminal syndicate that the Starfinders have dubbed the Organization. Once per scenario as a free action, you can denounce the Organization and its members. Doing so grants you a +1 insight bonus to Intimidate and Sense Motive checks made when interacting with members of the Organization or allies of the Organization. You also gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls against members of the Organization and allies of the Organization. These bonuses last for 1 minute.
Year of Era's End Allies in Eternity (Ally Boon): You’ve made friends with two fellow Starfinders who are also participating in Sarmak’s archaeological survey of Eternity. You can contact these new allies for advice. Contacting one of these allies is a full action. You can contact each ally twice. After you contact that ally, check off the appropriate box.
[ ] [ ] Hope-01 (NG male android): Hope-01 is a newly graduated Starfinder, who joined Sarmak’s expedition to Eternity as an analyst. They’re intelligent and kind, and give sound advice. When you contact Hope-01, they can help you think through a complicated problem. The next time you roll an Intelligence- or Wisdom-based skill check before the end of the scenario, you roll that check twice and use the higher result.
[ ] [ ] Kinpopo (CG agender vulkarisu technomancer): Kinpopo joined Sarmak’s expedition as a translator and programmer. They’re an expert in technolinguistics, and they pride themselves on their knowledge of mathematics, linguistics, and codebreaking. When you contact Kinpopo, they help you translate foreign texts. For 10 minutes, Kinpopo successfully aids another on any Culture skill checks you attempt to decipher writing. For as long as Kinpopo is helping you in this way, you can attempt Culture checks to decipher writing even if you aren’t trained in Culture.

Combat gear ThermSkin I, tactical plasma bolter
Other gear standard battery, datapad, gear maintenance kit, lighter, engineering tool kit, arkeologi-profession tool kit, industrial backpack
Immaterial ~2609 kr

Played Scenarios

  1. Intro: Year of Fortune's Fall 19.6.2023 (Roll20); mukana Dofon, Hardur, Nendra Vrinn, Professor Saana ja Zapple
  2. GM exp: #3-13: Silence at Outpost 634 Tracon Hitpoint 4.11.2023
  3. Intro: Year of Era's End 3.6.2024 (Roll20); mukana Iseph, Nibble ja Obozaya
  4. #6-99: The End Awakens 29.9.2024 (Roll20); mukana Darkfin Tusk, Esteban Forastero, Jyskos Arabath ja Magnius Finch

Backround Syntynyt Gideron Authorityn hallitsemalla planeetalla ja ajautui arkeologin työn perässä Scoured stars -aurinkokuntaan tekemään tutkimuksia. Siellä ollessaan tutustui Tähdenetsijöihin ja liittyi itsekin järjestöön.

4. 2nd-lvl Death's door Uncanny luck
5. Forensic acumen, Bypass password

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