Male Human Bard (Dawnflower dervish) 3 / Unchained Rogue (Rake) 3
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid (Human)
Player mmultima (97350-14)
Xp 17
Faction The Exchange
Prestige/Fame 1/24
Profession Orator +13
Init +8 (+6 dex, +2 trait)
Senses Perception +8
AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 16; (+5 armor, +6 Dex, +1 Deflection)
hp 42 (28 base, 6 con, 3 fc)
Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +5
Special Defenses Evasion, Well-versed (+4 perform/sonic/language)
Speed 30 ft
Melee Longspear +1 SDS +14 (1d8+13) x3
Melee Longspear +1 Spear Dancing Style TWF +12/+12 (1d8+11/1d6+7) x3/x2
Attack breakup +6 dex, +4 bab, +1 magic, +1 focus, +2 perform, -2 TWF = +12
Damage breakup +6 dex, +1 magic, +2 perform, +2 arcane = +11
Special Attacks Sneak attack +2d6, forgo 1d6 to intimidate as free, +5 circumstance for each additional forgoed dice
Spells Known
0th (6) - Light, Detect Magic, Mage hand, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Mending
1st (4/day) — Saving Finale, Anticipate Peril, Feather Fall, Cure light wounds
Str 7 (-4), Dex 23 (17), Con 12 (2), Int 8 (-2), Wis 10, Cha 15(7)
Base Atk +4; CMB +2 (-2 Str, +4 BAB); CMD 19
Weight 130 lbs
Height 5' 11"
Feats Weapon focus: Longspear, Spear Dancing Style, Spear Dancing Spiral, Two-Weapon Fighting, Dervish Dance, Arcane strike
Skills Skill points 36 (24+18 class, -6 int, 6 human), Acrobatics +15 (6), Bluff +3 (0), Climb +2 (1), Disable Device +12 (1)), Intimidate +11 (6), Knowledge: All +3 (1*10), Perception +9 (6), Perform: Oratory +13 (6), Spellcraft +3 (1), Swim +2 (1), Perform: Act +9 (2)
Traits Reactionary (+2 initiative), Magical Knack
Languages Taldane, Kelesh
Homeland Kelesh
SQ Bardic Performance (self) +2, Inspire competence +2, Versatile Performance Oratory -> Diplomacy & Sense Motive, Rake's smile (+1 bluff & diplo)
On person Darkwood Longspear +1 4,5 lb, Mithril Chain Shirt +1 12,5 lb, Monk Vestments 2 lb, Wand of Heightened Awareness(34), Wand of Cure Light Wounds(sheath)(18), Wand of Identify (49), Pathfinder's pouch (1 lb), Spring-loaded wrist sheath (1 lb), Scroll of comprehend languages, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2, Ring of protection +1
In pathfinder's pouch Tome of Epics (+2 Oratory/Sing/Knowledge: nobility on heroes) (3 lb), Cold Iron Scimitar 4lb, Masterwork Thieves' tools 2lb
In home Silver Light Mace 4lb
Wealth 248g
Encumbrance 21 lb. without backpack, 22 lb. with backpack ( 23 lb. light/ 46 lb. medium/ 70 lb. heavy)
Pelatut Skenaariot
Tunnus | Skenaario | Päivä | GM | Ryhmä |
#XX | XX? | XX.XX.201X | XX? | XX? XX? XX? XX? |
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