Mukana ainoastaan Pathfinder Society peleissä.


NameRaceFaktioLuokka ja tasot97350
MeldanyaHalf-elfCheliaxCleric of Irori 141
Анна Екатерина (Кити) БелаяGnomeTaldorDruid 102
GirolamoGnome-Sorcerer 6-
Vasili VolkovHumanGrand LodgeRanger 43
Contessa Fiamma Estrema di FormaggioHumanTaldorSorcerer 1 / Cleric of Sarenrae 154
KyraHumanGrand LodgeCleric of Sarenrae 7-
FoliumHumanAndoranFighter (Archer) 2 / Wizard (Scryer) 16
Vialeea Eleonoora ValkonenGnomeOsirionWitch (Winter Witch) 5 / Winter Witch 27
GariHalf-orcScarzniFighter (Lore Warden) 3 / Bloodrager 4 / Dragon Disciple 18
ToraHuman-Fighter 1 / Ninja 1-
Merisiiliblobbi? Erin--1.19
UlrikaDwarfLiberty's EdgeGunslinger (Musket Master) 5/Druid (Nature Fang) 910
IavasElfLiberty's EdgeCleric of Desna (Varisian Pilgrim) 2/Unchained Rogue (Knife Master) 311
MirielElfLiberty's EdgePaladin 412
Veli BjörnGnomeScarab SagesPaladin 313
AmirHumanExchangeUnchained rogue (Rake) 3 / Bard (Dawnflower dervish) 314
Anastasia normal (mistake)?XXXXXX15
Delena?HumanDark ArchiveWitch 116
RenardagnanKitsuneLiberty's EdgeSwashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 / Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 117
Anastasia?ElfScarab SagesWizard (Transmuter) 118

Muut hahmot

NameRaceFaktioLuokka ja tasot125690
PinfinederHumanGrand LodgeFighter 61



3,25 dl vehnäjauhoja
2,5 dl sokeria
1,5 rkl kaakaojauhetta
3/4 rkl vaniljasokeria
1 tl leivinjauhetta
125g voita
1,5 dl maitoa

Sekoita sokeri ja sulatettu rasva. Sekoita kuivat aineet keskenään ja yhdistä maidon kanssa sokeri-rasva -seokseen. Voitele ja korppujauhota kakkuvuoka, kaada taikina vuokaan. Paista 175 asteessa n. 50 min.


Emerald Spire
Female dwarf Gunslinger (Musket Master)
Ulrika on hiukan pyöreä, ystävällisilmeinen kääpiönainen. Hänellä on palmikoidut hiekanväriset erittäin paksut hiukset, ja yllään yleensä hyvin käytännölliset vaatteet. Polunnäyttäjävarustukseen kuuluu kovia kokenut musketti ja pieni kirves.

Ulrika on hyvin suorapuheinen ja rehellinen, eikä kainostele turhia. Hän ei ole kuitenkaan tahditon, vaan osaa käyttäytyä tilanteen vaatimalla tavalla. Hän pitää monista asioista, jotka jossain yhteiskunnissa mielletään miesten asioiksi, kuten vahvoista juomista, rasvaisista liharuuista, ammunnasta yms. Muuten hän on hyvin tyytyväinen naiseuteensa, ja tuo sen esille, esimerkiksi juhliin hän pukeutuu hyvinkin naisellisesti.

Tuo nätti haltianainen tarjoaa sinulle lähdevettä, vihersalaattia, harpunsoittoa ja kävelyä kuunvalossa. Minulla on viskiä, pihviä, juomalauluja ja rehdit hommat sängyssä. Kumman kanssa lähdet?

Str 10(0) Dex 17 (13) Con 15 (3) Int 10 (0) Wis 14 (2) Cha 10 (2)
Fort +4 (+6 poison), ref +5, will +2 (+4 spell) HP 13, AC 17, Attack musket +4 (1d12), handaxe +1 (1d6)
Attack PB musket +5 (1d12+1)
Leather lamellar 60g, Battered musket 0g, gunslinger's kit 26g, 40 doses of gunpower 40g, 40 cold-iron bullets 8g, 2 extra powder horns 9g, handaxe 6g, 1 gp
Feats Point-blank shot, Gunsmithing, Rapid Reload: Musket
Skills Acrobatics +7-2(1), Perception +6(1), Craft: Alchemy +4 (1), Survival +6(1)
Traits? Tunnel fighter (+2 init underground, +1 crit damage x multiplier), Magical Knack druid (+2 CL up to lvl)
Racial? standard

Qadiralainen Sarenraen temppelitanssijatar. Koulutettu niin lauluun, tanssiin kuin yleiseen vieraiden viihdyttämiseen. Erittäin lahjakas tanssija ja keskustelija.

Str 7(-4) Dex 15(7) Con 12(2) Int 12(2) Wis 7(-4) Cha 20(17)
Geisha Bard 1
AC 12, HP 10, Weapon prof: Simple, fighting fan.
Neutral good, Deity Sarenrae
Human, racials: Silver tongued +2 diplomacy & bluff. Improve attitude 3 steps instead of 2.(replaces +1 skill rank/lvl). Focused study, Skill focus feat at levels 1, 8, 16. (replaces bonus feat).
Feats: Skill focus: Diplomacy, Persuasive, Spell focus: Enchantment (Geisha bonus feat)
Languages: Taldane, Keleshite
Traits: Illuminator (+2 diplomacy), Savant (+2 perform, dance)
Perform: dance +12 (+1 geisha, +1 rank, +5 stat, +3 class, +2 savant)
Perform: sing +9 (+1 rank, +5 stat, +3 class)
Diplomacy +19 (+1 geisha, +1 rank, +5 stat, +3 class, +3 skill focus, +2 persuasive, +2 race, +2 trait)
Bluff +11 (+1 rank, +3 class, +5 stat, +2 race)
Knowledge: nobility +5 (+1 geisha, +3 class, +1 rank)
Craft: Calligraphy +1 (+1 geisha)
Intimidate +11 (+1 rank, +3 class, +2 persuasive, +5 stat)
Use Magic Device +9 (+1 rank, +3 class, +5 stat)
Spells: (DC lvl + 6)
0-lvl spells (4): Daze, TODO
1-lvl spells (2): Sleep, TODO

Equipment: Courtier's outfit(30g) 6 lb & jewelry(50g) (loose enough for dance). Ceremonial tea set (25g) 5 lb, Fighting fan (5g) 0 lb. Total 110g, 11 lb.
Lvl 2:
Geisha Bard 1 / Tattooed sorcerer fey bloodline 1
Compulsion DC +2, stat +5, spell focus => lvl +8
Trush familiar, diplomacy +3
Diplomacy +23 (+1 geisha, +2 rank, +5 stat, +3 class, +3 skill focus, +2 persuasive, +2 race, +2 trait, +3 familiar)
Vanity: Caravan. Diplomacy for day jobs.

Diplomacy @ lvl 10: +38 (+4 geisha, +10 rank, +6 stat, +3 class, +6 skill focus, +4 persuasive, +2 race, +3 familiar, +X from items)

Renardagnan the Muskehound

Male Kitsune
Str 8 (0) Dex 18 (10) Con 12 (2) Int 10 (0) Wis 8 (-2) Cha 18 (10)
HP 12
Saves Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +0

Level 1: Swashbuckler 1
Feats: Swashbuckler finesse, weapon focus: rapier
Panache: 4
Skills: Acrobatics +10 (1), Diplomacy +8 (1), Intimidate +8 (1), Swim +4 (1)
Melee: Rapier +6 (1d6-1) 18-20
Melee: Bite +5 (+0 as secondary) (1d4) x2
Traits: Fate's favoured (+1 luck), +1 will (sama kuin Valeros)
Race: Bite 1d4, +2 acro, fast shift (kitsune<->human)
Gear: Chain shirt (100g), Rapier (20g), cold-iron dagger (4g), fancy hat 20g, swashbuckler outfit 0g

Level 2: Swashbuckler 1 / Gunslinger (Mysterious stranger) 1
Feats: Swashbuckler finesse, two-weapon fighting, Gunsmithing
Panache-Grit 8
Skills: Acrobatics +11 (2), Diplomacy +9 (2), Intimidate +9 (2), Swim +4 (1), Perception +5 (1)
Melee: Rapier +7 (1d6-1) 18-20 Ranged: Musket +6 (1d12)
Ranged: (Grit) Musket +6 (1d12+4)

Entiset hahmot

NameRaceFaktioLuokka ja tasot97350
DaichiElfOsirionSamurai 35

Kaikki skenaariot ja pelaamiset

NumeroTierNimiPelannut hahmoGM hahmoCore hahmo
00-01Tier 1-2/4-5Silent TideKiti  
00-02Tier 1-2/4-5The Hydra's Fang IncidentDaichi  
00-03Tier 1-2/4-5Murder on the Silken Caravan  Miriel
00-04Tier 1-2/4-5The Frozen Fingers of Midnight   
00-05Tier 1-2/4-5Mists of MwangiKiti  
00-06Tier 1-2/4-5Black WatersVasili  
00-07Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Among the LivingVialeea  
00-08Tier 1-2/4-5Slave Pits of AbsalomKiti  
00-13Tier 1-2/4-5The Prince of AugustanaDaichi  
00-14Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster TorchKiti  
00-16Tier 5-6/8-9To Scale the DragonGari  
00-17Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Perils of the Pirate PactGari  
00-20Tier 7-8/10-11King Xeros of Old AzlantMeldanya  
00-22Tier 7-8/10-11Fingerprints of the FiendMeldanya  
00-23Tier 1-2/4-5Tide of MorningGari  
00-24Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Decline of GloryVialeea  
00-26Tier 7-8/10-11Lost at Bitter EndFiamma  
00-27Tier 5-6/8-9Our Lady of Silver   
00-28Tier 7-8/10-11Lyrics of Extinction   
01-29Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Devil We Know Pt.1   
01-30Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Devil We Know Pt.2Fiamma  
01-31Tier 5-6/8-9Sniper in the Deep   
01-32Tier 7-8/10-11Drow of the Darklands PyramidFiamma  
01-33Tier 1-2/4-5Assault on the Kingdom of the ImpossibleFolium  
01-34Tier 7-8/10-11Encounter at the Drowning Stones   
01-35Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Voice in the VoidVialeea  
01-36Tier 7-8/10-11Echoes of the Everwar - Part IMeldanya  
01-37Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7The Beggers Pearl   
01-38Tier 7-8/10-11No Plunder, No PayMeldanya  
01-39Tier 1-2/4-5Citadel of Flame   
01-40Tier 7-8/10-11Hall of Drunken HeroesFiamma  
01-41Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Devil We Know Pt.3   
01-42Tier 7-8/10-11Echoes of the Everwar - Part IIMeldanya  
01-43Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7The Pallid Plague   
01-44Tier 7-8/10-11Echoes of the Everwar - Part IIIMeldanya  
01-45Tier 1-2/4-5Delirium's TangleGari  
01-46Tier 11Eyes of the Ten—Part I: Requiem for the Red RavenMeldanya  
01-47Tier 1-2/4-5The Darkest Vengence   
01-48Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Devil We Know Pt.4   
01-49Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Among the Dead   
01-50Tier 5-6/8-9Fortune's Blight   
01-51Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7City of Strangers Pt.1   
01-52Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7City of Strangers Pt.2   
01-53Tier 7-8/10-11Echoes of the Everwar - Part IVMeldanya  
01-54Tier 11Eyes of the Ten—Part II: The Maze of the Open RoadMeldanya  
01-55Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7The Infernal VaultFolium  
01-56Tier 5-6/8-9The Jester's FraudVialeea  
02-01Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Before the Dawn Pt.1Vasili  
02-02Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Before the Dawn Pt.2Vasili  
02-03Tier 5-6/8-9The Rebel's Ransom   
02-04Tier 7-8/10-11Shadows Fall on AbsalomMeldanya  
02-05Tier 12Eyes of the Ten—Part III: Red Revolution   
02-06Tier 5-6/8-9The Heresy of Man - Part I: The First Heresy   
02-07Tier 5-6/8-9The Heresy of Man - Part II: Where Dark Things Sleep   
02-08Tier 7-8/10-11The Sarkorian ProphecyFiamma  
02-09Tier 5-6/8-9The Heresy of Man - Part III: Beneath Forgotten Sands   
02-10Tier 7-8/10-11Fury of the Fiend   
02-11Tier 1-2/4-5The Penumbral AccordsGari  
02-12Tier 7-8/10-11Below the Silver Tarn   
02-13Tier 1-2/4-5Murder on the Throaty MermaidMeldanya  
02-14Tier 7-8/10-11The Chasm of Screams   
02-15Tier 1-2/4-5Shades of Ice Pt.1   
02-16Tier 7-8/10-11The Flesh Collector   
02-17Tier 1-2/4-5Shades of Ice Pt.2   
02-18Tier 7-8/10-11The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten KoorFiamma  
02-19Tier 1-2/4-5Shades of Ice Pt.3   
02-20Tier 7-8/10-11Wrath of the Accursed   
02-21Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7The Dalsine AffairVialeea  
02-22Tier 12Eyes of the Ten—Part IV: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained   
02-23Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Shadows Last Stand Pt.1   
02-24Tier 1-2/3-4/6-7Shadows Last Stand Pt.2   
02-25Tier 5-6/8-9You Only Die Twice   
02-26Tier 7-8/10-11The Mantis' Prey   
02-SPECIALTier 1-11Year of the Shadow LodgeMeldanya Miriel
03-INTROTier 1First Steps—Part I: In Service to LoreDaichi Merisiiliblobbi? Folium Miriel
03-01Tier 1-2/4-5The Frostfur Captives   
03-02Tier 3-4/6-7Sewer Dragons of Absalom   
03-03Tier 5-6/8-9The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet   
03-04Tier 7-8/10-11The Kortos Envoy   
03-05Tier 1-2/4-5Tide of TwilightVialeea  
03-06Tier 3-4/6-7Song of the Sea Witch   
03-07Tier 1-2/4-5Echoes of the Overwatched   
03-08Tier 3-4/6-7Among the Gods   
03-09Tier 1-2/4-5Quest for Perfection Pt.1   
03-10Tier 5-6/8-9The Immortal Conundrum   
03-11Tier 1-2/4-5Quest for Perfection Pt.2   
03-12Tier 5-6/8-9Wonders in the Weave, Part I - The Dog Pharaoh's Tomb   
03-13Tier 1-2/4-5Quest for Perfection Pt.3   
03-14Tier 5-6/8-9Wonders in the Weave, Part II - Snakes in the Fold   
03-15Tier 5-6/8-9The Haunting of Hinojai   
03-16Tier 3-4/6-7Midnight MaulerMeldanya  
03-17Tier 7-8/10-11Red Harvest   
03-18Tier 1-2/4-5The Gods Market GambleFiamma  
03-19Tier 1-2/4-5The Icebound OutpostGari  
03-20Tier 7-8/10-11The Rats of Round Mountain - Part I: The Sundered Path   
03-21Tier 1-2/4-5The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment   
03-22Tier 7-8/10-11The Rats of Round Mountain—Part II: Pagoda of the Rat   
03-23Tier 1-2/4-5The Goblinblood DeadMeldanya  
03-24Tier 5-6/8-9The Golden Serpent   
03-25Tier 3-4/6-7Storming the Diamond GateGari  
03-26Tier 7-8/10-11Portal of the Sacred Rune   
04-01Tier 1-2/4-5Rise of the Goblin GuildMeldanya  
04-02Tier 3-4/6-7In Wrath’s Shadow   
04-03Tier 5-6/8-9The Golemworks IncidentGari  
04-04Tier 7-8/10-11King of the Storval Stairs   
04-05Tier 3-4/6-7The Sanos Abduction   
04-06Tier 5-6/8-9The Green MarketGari  
04-07Tier 1-2/4-5Severing TiesVasili  
04-08Tier 7-8/10-11The Cultist's KissFiamma  
04-09Tier 3-4/6-7The Blakros Matrimony   
04-10Tier 7-8/10-11Feast of Sigils   
04-11Tier 1-2/4-5The Disappeared   
04-12Tier 7-8/10-11The Refuge of Time   
04-13Tier 5-6/8-9Fortress of the NailFiamma  
04-14Tier 3-4/6-7My Enemy's Enemy   
04-15Tier 1-2/4-5The Cyphermage DilemmaFiamma  
04-16Tier 5-6/8-9The Fabric of Reality   
04-17Tier 5-6/8-9Tower of the Ironwood Watch   
04-18Tier 1-2/4-5The Veteran's VaultVialeea  
04-19Tier 1-2/4-5The Night March of KalkamedesVasili  
04-20Tier 7-8/10-11Words of the AncientsMeldanya  
04-21Tier 3-4/6-7Way of the Kirin   
04-22Tier 5-6/8-9Halls of Dwarven Lore   
04-23Tier 3-4/6-7Rivalry's End   
04-24Tier 5-6/8-9The Price of Friendship   
04-25Tier 5-6/8-9The Secrets Stones Keep   
04-26Tier 7-8/10-11The Waking RuneFiamma  
04-SPECIALTier 1-11Race for the Runecarved KeyMeldanya  
04-SpecialTier 3-4/6-7Day of the DemonDaichi  
05-01Tier 1-2/4-5The Glass River RescueMeldanya  
05-02Tier 3-4/6-7The Wardstone PatrolMeldanya  
05-03Tier 5-6/8-9The Hellknights's Feast   
05-04Tier 1-2/4-5The Stolen HeirMeldanya  
05-05Tier 7-8/10-11The Elven EntanglementMeldanya  
05-06Tier 3-4/6-7You Have What You Hold   
05-07Tier 5-6/8-9Port GodlessMeldanya  
05-08Tier 1The ConfirmationIavas DaichiXXMiriel
05-09Tier 3-4/6-7The Traitor's LodgeMeldanya  
05-10Tier 7-8/10-11Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread   
05-11Tier 1-2/4-5Library of the LionFiamma  
05-12Tier 1-2/4-5A Bitter BargainMeldanya  
05-13Tier 5-6/8-9Weapon in the RiftMeldanya  
05-14Tier 3-4/6-7Day of the DemonDaichi  
05-15Tier 1-2/4-5Race to Seeker's FollyMeldanya  
05-16Tier 3-4/6-7Sanctum of the SagesMeldanya  
05-17Tier 7-8/10-11Fate of the Fiend   
05-18Tier 5-6/8-9The Stranger WithinMeldanya  
05-19Tier 1-2/4-5The Horn of Aroden   
05-20Tier 7-8/10-11The Sealed Gate   
05-21Tier 1-2/4-5The Merchant's Wake   
05-22Tier 1-2/4-5Scars of the Third CrusadeVasili  
05-23Tier 5-6/8-9Cairn of Shadows   
05-24Tier 3-4/6-7Assault on the Wound   
05-25Tier 7-8/10-11Vengeance at Sundered CragMeldanya  
05-99Tier 3-4/6-7The Paths We ChooseGari  
05-SPECIALTier 1-15Siege of the Diamond CityMeldanya  
06-00Tier 1-11Legacy of the StonelordsMeldanya  
06-01Tier 1-2/4-5Trial by Machine   
06-02Tier 3-4/6-7The Silver Mount Collection   
06-03Tier 5-6/8-9The Technic Siege   
06-04Tier 7-8/10-11Beacon BelowMeldanya  
06-05Tier 1-2/4-5Slave Ships of AbsalomVialeea  
06-06Tier 1-2/4-5Hall of the Flesh EatersVialeea  
06-07Tier 5-6/8-9Valley of Veiled Flame   
06-08Tier 1-2/4-5The Segang ExpeditionGari  
06-09Tier 3-4/6-7By Way of BloodcoveGari  
06-10Tier 1-2The Wounded Wisp  Miriel
06-11Tier 3-4/6-7The Slave Master's Mirror   
06-12Tier 1-2/4-5Scions of the Sky Key, Part 1: On Sharrowsmith's Trail   
06-13Tier 7-8/10-11Of Kirin and KrakenFiamma  
06-14Tier 1-2/4-5Scions of the Sky Key, Part 2: Kaava QuarryGari  
06-15Tier 1-2/4-5The Overflow ArchivesKiti  
06-16Tier 1-2/4-5Scions of the Sky Key, Part 3: The Golden GuardianVialeea  
06-17Tier 5-6/8-9Fires of KaramossFiamma  
06-18Tier 1-2/4-5From Under IceKiti  
06-19Tier 3-4/6-7Test of Tar KuataKiti  
06-20Tier 7-8/10-11Returned to SkyFiamma  
06–21Tier 5-6/8-9Tapestry's Toil   
06–22Tier 1-2/4-5Out of Anarchy   
06–23Tier 7-8/10-11The Darkest Abduction   
06–97Tier 1-11Siege of Serpents   
06–98Tier 7Serpents RiseVialeea  
06–99Tier 4True Dragons of Absalom   
07–00Tier 1-11The Sky Key SolutionVialeea  
07–01Tier 1-2/4-5Between the LinesIavas  
07–02Tier 3-4/6-7Six Seconds to MidnightKiti  
07–03Tier 5-6/8-9The Bronze House ReprisalVialeea  
07–04Tier 7-8/10-11The Ironbound Schism   
07–05Tier 1-2/4-5School of SpiritsVasili  
07–06Tier 3-4/6-7To Judge a Soul, Part 1: The Lost LegacyVialeea  
07–07Tier 1-2/4-5Trouble in TamranFolium  
07–08Tier 3-4/6-7To Judge a Soul, Part 2: Karma ReclaimedVialeea  
07–09Tier 5-6/8-9The Blakros ConnectionVialeea  
07–10Tier 1-2The Consortium CompactFolium  
07–11Tier 7-8/10-11Ancient's Anguish   


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