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ARIUS: the Ashen Age

Arius: the Ashen Age


The Covenant






Alcyone, the cursed ship

Chronicles of the Covenant


Chapter I: Echoes from the dark

Session I: Meet the Litter

Session II: A Letter to a Friend

Session III: Nocturnal Encounter

Session IV: the Eye of the Storm

Session V: A Correspondence Continued

Session VI: Eye By Eye, the World Goes Blind


Session VIII: Melancholy News From the Desert

Session IX: One Flew Over the Cockoo's Nest

Session X

Session XI

Chapter II: Saving Brother Keinon

Session I: A Journey in Inofficial Capacity

Session II: Of things to come

Session III: The Throne of Sights

Session IV: Kingdom of Eternal Darkness

Session V: Of love, lust and other things

Session VI: Nearing Civilization's Edge

Session VII: Growing pains

Session VIII: After the Time We've Lost

Session IX: The Gears of the Angel in Red

Session X:

Session XI: Sacred Music

Reports (in-game)

Ordo Rimore communications

Friends & Foes

Chapter I: Echoes from the dark

Aurelio of Ordo Nuntius (dead)

Benjamin of Ordo Hospetaler

Candice, Major Domo

Dionysos of Ordo Machinus

Horatio of Ordo Machinus

Katarine of Ordo Machinus

Matilda of Ordo Machinus

Paramon, the Head of Security

Salman, Elder of Ordo Nuntius

Tacito, Elder of Ordo Rimore

Xenon the Flyer, Ordo Proelium

Chapter II: Saving Brother Keinon

Belinda the Heretic Ambassador?

Ambassador Isaac, Elder of Ordo Voluptas

Master Selim, Elder of Ordo Hospetaler











Minions & Acquiantances

Arx Machinus




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Covenant / AlcyoneCrew

Ship: Alcyone

Captain: Fortunatus
Försti Ollie Barabbas
nuori aatelisen oloinen virkamies., ALLY I, Motivation: Shame. Careful. Vulgar misogynist. Bald. young. Criminal past. From Ameracho.

Helmsman Maxwell Uivel
vanha techdabler, ALLY II. Motivation: Children. Fanatic. Nosy neighbour.Scarred. Tattooed. Pilgrim

Sotilasmestari Thaddeus Crow
Valtausjoukkojen johtaja ALLY II, Motivation: Revenge. Reckless. Morbid Joker. Loud voice, very Thin. Strange Heirloom.

Alfa: Sotilasmestari: 16 TN: Heavy weapons, Tactics, Gloom movement, 13 TN: leadership, Stealth, firearms. Puku on barbaarinen, Haisee kaiken aikaa verelle, Leimuavia liekkejä, Haitta: heikko osa haarniskassa, Etu: Jumpjets.

KUOLLUT Timpuri/Konemestari Scud Russel
ALLY I : Dark secret. Xenophilic. Calculating turncoat. Tall and dirty. Foreigner

Konstaapeli, gunnery officer sir Antonio DeMoya
Pikkuaatelinen, motivoi sankaruus, ahne, positiivinen, epäkypsä temppuilija, rokonarpinen ja tatuoitu. Homoseksuaali. INF ALLY II

Viestiupseeri Fatima Bint Suleiman
Farspeaker 16, farseer 16, Intohimoltaan taiteilija, motivoi kauneus, Lojaali, Salaileva, Laiska lekottelija, Huonot hampaat, skandaaliomaiset vaatteet, uhkapeluri, nainen, : INF ALLY II

Välskäri Yaromir Grebenshchikov
Lunaruslainen. Kirjanoppinut, motivoi oikeudenmukaisuus, näyttävästi pukeutuva, siveellinen, tekopyhä moralisti, Polttaa piippua, silmälappu, paljon rikollisia ystäviä. INF ALLY II

Quartermaster, purseri, Gopala
not ally: business, administration, streetwise. Porter, Motivation justice, Chaste, Xenophobic, Carefree carouser, Very thin, Scarred, Informant.

Kokki Oscar
entinen sotilas. Pelastusta kaipaava katkera erakko, joka on addikti ja etsii pelastusta. Xenofiili. Lyhyt, silmälappu, eksoottinen lemmikki: myrkkynuolisammakko.


konemestari, Gaston not ally (II). Officer, Motivation: gadgets. qualities: Just, flamboyant. Vivid storyteller. Strong chin, Old, bonus: veteran. Risen from the cryo chambers of Golden Dome Nuntius station.


Gloom soldiers

Alcyone team beta, Corporal Hutch
Beta on Ally II. Hutch, hyvä johtaja, 16 TN: leadership, tactics, demolitions, 13 TN gloom movement, throw, blades. PUku: kerettiläinen kuvaus, nainen, mies, blighted. Monstrous face, Euraalisanvastainen tunnus, Haittana Vulnerable to Ars, Hyötynä Emergency Shelter kit.

Alcyone Delta Corporal The Scar
Delta on Ally I: Scar 13 TN: tactics, Heavy guns, gloom movement, 10TN: leadership, blades, Acrobatics. Puku: Skin tight fabric, hohtavia numeroja, Code of Conduct kirjattuna. Haittana äärimmäisen vaikea puhdistaa. Etuna grapling lines.

kansipoika Kossi Domen Durai
Orja, Motivoi uskonto, antelias, koukussa johonkin, nuuskaan, empaattinen kuuntelija, valtavat korvat, syljeksivä, Entinen rikollinen.

Demolitions expert
Blance, entinen prostituoitu, motivoi parempi tulevaisuus, johtava luonteenpiirre: itsepäinen, lievempi luonteenpiirre: fanaattinen, personality: Empaattinen kuuntelija, valtavat kulmakarvat, pukeutuu militaristisesti, kuuluisa. TN 11

Prince of Dusk
Caspar the Dusk Prince, metsästäjä, loneliness, reckless, sceptic, wannabe vigilante, smokes nonstop, very young, alcoholic

Ajit, watchman, motivation: adventure, lecherous, superstitious, immature trickster, eyepatch, dresses in rags, worships darkness

Nomads: Gamma-team (animal gloom suits)

  1. Danburite (M) the learned, warrior, motivation: family, addicted, reckless, Personality: Vivid storyteller, Bling Bling, huge ears, bonus: gambler
  2. Sophora (F), officer (low level), motivation: salvation, chaste, merciful, personality: vulgar misogynist, appearance: smoker, thick eyebrows, bonus: priest's informant
  3. Vadim (M), Vermin hunter, motivation: family pressure, traits: Humble, Curious, personality: desperate bachelor, appearance: Tall and sickly, bonus: gay
  4. Corinna (F), Thief, motivation: power, Traits: Social, slacker Personality: Calculating turncoat Appearance: Tall and Clean, Bonus: worships gloom devils
  5. Michico (F), Warrior, Motivation: Destruction ,Traits: Greedy and secretive, Personality: ruthless upstart, Appearance: Tall and ascetic, Bonus: Corrupted 1 point

Lost boys (sadly dead now)

Aulos has companion:
Selene (F), porter, old hunchback, spitting, boot licker.
Liam has a companion:
Mr. Kuiper (M), beggar, naive dreamer, uses lots of parfyme, smokes cigar.
two new cuckoo pups, young, annoying.
Ursa (M), foreman (petty chief), impulsive eccentric, very young, short,
Lanita (F), priest, country pumpkin, spitting, bad teeth
Callisto (F), porter, racist warmonger, scarred, bald


Amok, the Monkey Golem
Scripture quotes, Metallic tentacles, Creator: Morbid joker. Oversensitive sensors, Transformable physical shape. Curius, Violent, Dry Bureaucrat, Help the Poor.
Invasion Golem Gawain
Cyclops, Feathered, Disturbingly human eyes, Creator: Paranoid plotter, No safety protocols, Self-destruct mechanism. Masochist, Xenophobic (Denkhatar), White Knight, Spread Techmancery
Pre-burning clockwork servant, fake skin, uncanny valley, golden glitter uniform.

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Page last modified on 2019-08-04 17:57