Pathfinder Society -hahmot

Male taldan Human Gunslinger [Mysterious stranger] 6/Oracle 2
CG Medium Humanoid
Player Mustaparta (192672-6)
Xp 21
Faction Liberty edge
Prestige/Fame 40/40

Init +4, +6 jos vähintään 1 grit point jäljellä Max Grit 4 (+1 fcb)
Senses Perception +10

AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 16; (+5 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 58
Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +8, +1 vs. charm and compulsion

Speed 20 ft. medium load, 30 ft.
Melee +1 flail +9/+4/1d8+2/x2
Ranged +1 lucky battered musket +12/+7/1d12+1/x4(<30 ft. +13/+8/1d12+2), +1 to attack rolls surprise roundseilla, misfire natural 1-2

Str 13, Dex 19 (17+2), Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk 7/2; CMB 8; CMD 23, 24 vs. disarm1
Feats Additional Traits, Extra revelation7th, Gunsmithing, Point-Blank Shot (Combat), Precise Shot (Combat), Rapid Reload (Musket (Combat)), Stealthy
Skills (fcb +2) Acrobatics +12 (5), Bluff +10 (4)2, Climb +6 (2), Craft (Weapons) +4 (1), Escape artist +12 (1), Intimidate +7 (1), Knowledge (engineering) +5 (2), Knowledge (history) +4 (1), Knowledge (local) +7 (4), Knowledge (religion) +4 (1), Perception +10 (6), Perform (Oratory) +4 (1), Sense motive +6 (2)2, Sleight of hand +9 (2)3, Spellcraft +5 (2), Stealth +15 (5)4, Survival +6 (2)
Traits Canter, Freedom fighter, Highlander (Hills or Mountains), Resolve of the Rejected

Spells known 1st (5/day) - Air bubble, Cure light wounds, Disguise self, Divine favor
Orisons (at will) — Create water, Detect Magic, Light, Mending

Languages Common, InfernalCurse, Ignan2nd Curse
SQ Deadeye (target touch AC beyond first range increment, 1 grit point), Focused aim (+2 to firearm damage vuoron loppuun, 1 grit point), Gunslinger's dodge (+2 AC against a ranged attack, 1 grit point), Gunslinger Initiative (Ex), Pistol-Whip (Ex), Stranger’s Fortune (Ex), Utility Shot (Ex), Lucky (Ex) +2, Tongues Oracle curse
Oracle mystery Streets; Nooks and Crannies (Ex), Keep to the Corners (Su)

On person +1 battered musket, +1 light flail, +2 slick studded leather, belt of incredible dexterity +2, ring of protection +1, sandals of quick reaction, pickpocket's outfit
In backpack (masterwork) +1 silver bullets x3, cold iron bullets x30, bullets x27, silk rope 50 ft., blanket, pelikortit, 1799 gp


  1. #6-22: Out of Anarchy (GM exp 15.9.2018)
  2. #10-06: Treason's Chains 8.12.2018
  3. #6-05: Slave Ships of Absalom (GM exp 12.1.2019)
  4. #9–14: Down the Verdant Path 30.3.2019
  5. #10-12: Breath of the Dragonskull 13.4.2019
  6. #10-16: What the Helms Hide 18.5.2019
  7. #3-01: The Frostfur Captives 10.8.2019
  8. #4-11: The Disappeared 13.10.2019
  9. #0-05: Mists of Mwangi Outpost III: Putting on the Ritz, paizon foorumipeli 14.3.-4.5.2020
  10. #9-02: A Case of Missing Persons 24.5.2020 (roll20)
  11. #7-00: The Sky Key Solution Pbp Gameday IX, paizon foorumipeli 1.9.-17.10.2020
  12. #8-01: Portent's Peril 15.11.2020 (roll20)
  13. #3-03: The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet 5.1.2021 (roll20)
  14. #3-23: The Goblinblood Dead Outpost IV: Roll Them Bones!, paizon foorumipeli 16.2.-25.3.2021
  15. #10-98: Siege of Gallowspire (GM exp 31.7.2021) Roll20
  16. #7-25: Orders from the Gate NostalgiaCon 2021, paizon foorumipeli 4.1.-1.3.2022
  17. #17: Perils of the Pirate Pact Outpost V: Rivalry!, paizon foorumipeli 4.3.-16.5.2022
  18. #6-11: The Slave Master's Mirror Gameday XI, paizon foorumipeli 6.9.-30.12.2022
  19. #27: Our Lady of Silver Outpost VI: Strange-ish Things!, paizon foorumipeli 2.3.-4.5.2023
  20. #9–09: Beyond the Halflight Path Gameday XII, paizon foorumipeli 3.9.-15.11.2023
  21. #3-06: Song of the Sea Witch paizon foorumipeli 8.12.2023-11.3.2024

Notes 1 #3-03 Boon: Mutani manual of Martial mastery 2 Salaisten viestien lähettäjä saa +5 bluffiin, Jaakon Sense motive +6 toisten viestejä kuunnellessa 3 +8 hiding small objects in person 4 Stealth +16 mäkisillä tai kivikkoisilla alueilla

Seuraavat tasot:
9. Gunslinger 7; Extra Grit (Grit) tai Bullseye Shot (Combat), Dead shot, Startling shot, Targeting
10. Oracle 3; Revelation: The Streets Are Your Friend (Ex),Stunning barrier, Battle Cry (Combat)
11. Oracle 4; Align weapon
12. Oracle 5; Remove paralysis

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