
hwechtla-tl: Wiki solution to the search engine challenge


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What's this?

This page is meant as an easy way to add your page to any number of search engines. Although there are many services to tell your site's URL to many search engines, apparently none of them works simply by putting the URL into a list publicly reachable. Listing your page here has the additional advantage of increasing your PageRank in search engines deploying the algorithm. Of course, you can also add any pages you feel like supporting (need they your support or not).

Note that this is an intermediate solution. I'm aiming at implementing a search engine that will only try and find as many existing URL's as possible and list them. These lists should get propagated to other similar search engines when the engine crawls through the list.

Please click the link "toiminnot" and then "muokkaa" to add your site(s) to this list.

The list of links


kommentoi (viimeksi muutettu 20.04.2012 09:33)