Female Human Guard Solarian 6
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid (Human)
Player Nostrix, (<140263-702>)
Xp 15 Fame 25
Faction Exo-guardians
Homeworld Absalom Station
Init +2 (+2 Dex)
Senses Perception +10
KAC 24, EAC 22 (+12 /+10 armor, +2 Dex)
SP|HP|RP 46 | 54 | 4
Fort +6 (+1 Con +5 Solarian)
Ref +5 (+2 Dex, +2 Solarian, +1 Resistance)
Will +5 (+0 Wis, +5 Solarian)
Resist Cold (5), Fire (5)
Speed 30 ft. with armor 25 ft. Fly (30)
Melee Soulfire Katar +13 2d6+1d4+18 (Corrode 1d4) (P, Force effect)
Ranged Tactical Semi-auto pistol +8 1d6+3 analog
Str 22, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk 6
Skills acp -2; Total skill ranks: (24 Solarian, 6 Human, 0 INT) = 30
Languages Common
Class Features:Skill adept, solar manifestation, stellar mode, Stellar revelation (black hole, supernova (7d6 DC16), Stellar rush (3d6 DC16), Plasma sheath(move action, fire +3), Light of life)
Sidereal influence:
Graviton Skills: Mysticism (Wis)
Photon Skills: Culture (Int)
Reputations Acquisitives 0, Tier ; Dataphiles 1, Tier ; Exo-Guardians 11, Tier ; Second Seekers , Tier ; Wayfinders 0, Tier
Credits 5306
Combat gear Mk I healing serum (x2)
Other gear Survival knife, Tactical semi-auto pistol, Small arms rounds (30), Golemforged plating III [jetpack, thermal capacitor I], least apocalypse crystal shard, soulfire weapon fusion, Professional tools, Trapsmith tools, thruster heels
Augmentations Synaptic accelerator (+4 STR), Ability crystal (+2 CHA)
Hireling (professional) (7 fame) Skill bonus +9
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