"Taivaanpuna olkoon meidän. Palakoot iäti!"
Human Solarian 3
Chaotic Neutral Med. Humanoid (human)
Player Muser
Xp 6
Fame 11/11?
Infamy 1
Deity Empty Traveller
Homeworld Aucturn
Init +0
Senses Perception +6
KAC 18, EAC 15; (+8 K, +5 E, +0 dex)
SP|HP|RP 21|25|3
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3
Special Defenses
Speed 25 ft. in armor
Melee tau cross hued in burning darkness +7 (1d6+9+1E, B, stun on crit)
Ranged returning starknife +7 (1d4+7, S, range 20 ft)
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; AC vs CM 26
Feats Cleave, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Step Up, Weapon Specialization
Skills Diplomacy +8 (3), Bluff +8 (3), Culture +7 (3), Intimidate +10 (2), Mysticism +5 (1), Perception +6 (3)
Background Priest (+1 Wis)
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Azlanti, Common, Eoxian
SQ bonus feat, skilled, skill adept (bluff, culture), solar manifestation, stellar mode, stellar revelations (black hole, supernova, plasma sheath), sidereal influence (bluff, diplo)
Worn gear squad defiance series [darkvision thing] (2 bulk), returning starknife, ring of resistance mk I, [soulfire infusion] electron shard, starstone compass, serum of healing mk I, ability crystal mk I [Str], voice amplifier mk I
Immaterial 2051-1260 creds?
Encumbrance 2,2 bulk w/o backpack, x bulk. w/backpack ( bulk. light/ bulk medium/ bulk heavy)
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