Alchemist 7
Player NiTessine (1724-2004)
XP 82
Ancestry Hobgoblin (smokeworker), Background Iolite Trainee Hobgoblin
Speed 25 feet, Perception +8•
Alignment LN
Languages Common, Goblin
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14
Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 14
AC 24 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +7 proficiency)
HP 48; (+8 racial, +8 class, +2 Con)
Fort +11••, Ref +12••, Will +8•
Special Defenses
Melee ◆ dagger +10 (1d4+0 P)
Ranged ◆ bomb +11
Special Attacks ◇◆↻
Alchemist Formulas
acid flask, lesser and moderate
alchemist's fire, lesser and moderate
bottled lightning, lesser and moderate
frost vial, lesser and moderate
ghost charge, moderate
tanglefoot bag, lesser
thunderstone, lesser
antidote, lesser
bomber's eye elixir, lesser
bravo's brew, lesser
eagle eye elixir, lesser
cognitive mutagen, lesser
elixir of life, minor and lesser
Acrobatics +10• | Arcana +11• | Athletics +7• | |
Crafting +13•• | Deception +2 | Diplomacy +9• | |
Intimidation +1 | Lore (Hobgoblin) +11• | Lore (Underworld) +11• | Lore (Warfare) +11• |
Medicine +8• | Nature +1 | Occultism +13•• | |
Performance +2 | Religion +1 | Society +11• | |
Stealth +3 | Survival +1 | Thievery +3 |
Ancestry Feats Alchemical Scholar, Hobgoblin Lore
Class Feats Calculated Splash, Far Lobber, Quick Bomber
General Feats
Skill Feats Alchemical Crafting, Assurance (Crafting), Experienced Professional (Warfare Lore), Sign Language, Skill Training (Society)
Class Features field discovery (bomber), powerful alchemy, research field (bomber)
Bulk 4,5
Worn breastplate (2), explorer's clothing (L)
Weapons dagger (L)
Stowed adventurer's pack (1), alchemist's tools (1), basic crafter's book (L), formula book (L), infused reagents (L)
At the Lodge alchemist's laboratory (6)
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