Ennio Magnifico, Visconte de Fuocofarese

"Ennio Magnifico ei seuraa ketään!"

Male gnome barbarian 7/bard (savage skaldAPG84) 7
CN Small humanoid (gnome)
Player NiTessine (1724-4)
Faction Sovereign Court
XP 39; Prestige/Fame 38/65

Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17

AC 29, touch 18, flat-footed 27 (+9 armor, +3 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 insight, +2 natural, +1 size); Expert Duelist, improved uncanny dodge, +4 dodge vs. giants, +1 dodge vs. weapons in the spear weapon group, +2 vs. traps
hp 117 (7d12+7d8+33)
Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +11; +4 vs. bardic performance, sonic and language-dependent effects, +2 vs. illusions, +1 vs. poison and disease, +2 vs. traps, +1 vs. transmutation
Defensive Abilities improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +2; DR 1/−

Speed 30 ft.; feather step slippers
Melee Crescendo Furioso +22/+17/+13 (1d10+12/17-20) or

Crescendo Furioso with PA +22/+14/+9 (1d10+20/17-20)

Ranged spear +14 (1d6+6/x3)
Special Attacks +1 vs. reptilians and goblins, +1 circumstance bonus vs. nagaji and nagas, Fencer, rage (18 rounds/day)
Bard Spells Known (CL 7th, concentration +10)
3rd (1/day) - daylight (DC 15), haste
2nd (4/day) - calm emotions (DC 14), glitterdust (DC 14), heroism, versatile weaponAPG254
1st (5/day) - cure light wounds, expeditious retreat, feather fall, remove fear, vanish
0 (at will - detect magic, light, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic
Gnome Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th, concentration +16)
1/day - dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 13), prestidigitation, speak with animals

When raging, Ennio's statistics are AC 28, touch 17, flat-footed 23; hp 136; Fort +14, Will +12; Melee Crescendo Furioso +26/+21/+16 (1d10+17/17-20) or w/Power Attack +26/+18/+13 (1d10+26/17-20) or w/PA, Arcane Strike & inspire courage +30/+22/+17; Ranged spear +14 (1d6+8); Str 20 (26), Con 18; CMB +18; CMD 35

Str 16 (22), Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +12; CMB +17; CMD 34

Feats Arcane Strike, Dodge, Extra Performance, Furious FocusAPG161, Improved Initiative, Lingering PerformanceAPG164, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +12 [10], Appraise +5 [1], Bluff +22 [2]1, 2, 8, 12, 13, Craft (musical composition) +7 [1], Diplomacy +22 [14]1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, Disguise +71, 5, 8 [1], Handle Animal +13 [0], Intimidate +13 [1]1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, Knowledge (arcana) +9 [2]9, 14, Knowledge (engineering) +8 [1]9, 14, Knowledge (geography) +8 [1]7, 9, 14, Knowledge (history) +8 [1]9, 14, Knowledge (local) +8 [1]9, 14, Knowledge (nature) +8 [1]9, 14, Knowledge (nobility) +8 [1]9, 14, Knowledge (planes) +8 [1]9, 14, Knowledge (religion) +8 [1]9, 14, Linguistics +11 [9], Perception +17 [12], Perform (percussion) +13 [8], Perform (song) +22 [14]1, 8, Sense Motive +22 [1], Spellcraft +7 [3], Survival +9 [6]7
Traits Expert DuelistGPSOP15 (gain +1 trait bonus to AC when adjacent to a single foe), FencerAPG328 (+1 trait bonus to attacks of opportunity with swords and similar bladed weapons)
Languages Abyssal, Azlant, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnome, InfernalSC7, Keleshi, Sylvan, Taldan, Thassilonian, Tien, Orc, Osirian
SQ bardic knowledge +3, bardic performance 20 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, incite rage [DC 15], inspire competence +3, inspire courage +2, inspiring blow), country estate w/seneschal (Taldor), driven by glorySC22, gnome magic, height of fashionPFSFG, hoofbrotherSC23, Lion BladePFSFG, lore master 1/day, noble titlePFSFG, rage powers (good for what ails youAPG76, moment of clarity, renewed vigor 1d8+4 1/day), spearmindSC23, versatile performance (percussion – Handle Animal, Intimidate; song – Bluff, Sense Motive), well-versed

Gear Crescendo Furioso (+3 keen furiousAPG288 greatsword) (4 lb.), two spears (6 lb.), +5 glamered chain shirt (12½ lb.), belt of giant strength +6, circlet of persuasion, feather step slippers, amulet of natural armor +2, unfettered shirt (freedom of movement 10 min./day), backpack (½ lb.), entertainer's outfit (1 lb.), two potions of cure light wounds, two potions of mage armor, potion of endure elements, oil of bless weapon, air crystals, two antiplagues (2 lb.), ghost touch weapon blanch, wayfinder (1 lb.), dusty rose prism ioun stone, ring of protection +3, wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), two alchemist's fires, 2 spring-loaded wrist sheaths, adventurer's sash, cloak of resistance +4, deluxe Pathfinder's kit, tax collector's signet ring, Shadow Lodge signet ring, token of kobold. Total 34 lb.
Other Possessions hot-weather outfit, adamantine lucerne hammer, parasol, camel named Sir Talmadge-Talmadge, 998 gp
Encumbrance 26½ lb. without backpack, 33 lb. with backpack
43½ lb. light/87 lb. medium/131¼ lb. heavy

Incite Rage (Su) A savage skald can induce a furious rage in one creature within 30 feet. This effect functions as a rage spell that lasts as long as the target can hear the bard’s performance; however, unwilling creatures can be affected if they fail a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the bard’s Cha modifier). Success renders the target immune to this power for 24 hours. The bard cannot target himself with this ability. If the target has the rage class feature, it can instead immediately rage and stay in this rage without consuming rounds of rage per day as long as the bard continues performing. This mind-affecting effect requires audible components.
Inspiring Blow (Su) A savage skald roars his war-cries with each telling blow. When he confirms a critical hit, he can start this performance as an immediate action (ending any other performances). He gains temporary hit points equal to his Charisma modifier (if positive), and all allies within 30 feet gain a +1 morale bonus on their next attack roll prior to the start of his next turn. These temporary hit points remain until the bard ends his performance.
Moment of Clarity (Ex) The barbarian does not gain any benefits or take any of the penalties from rage for 1 round. Activating this power is a swift action. This includes the penalty to Armor Class and the restriction on what actions can be performed. This round still counts against her total number of rounds of rage per day. This power can only be used once per rage.

1 +1 circumstance bonus on any Charisma-based checks with any citizen of Andoran.
2 +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks in Magnimar and the cities and towns allied to it.
3 +2 bonus to Intimidate checks and -2 penalty to Diplomacy checks in Varisia.
4 +3 bonus to Diplomacy checks against gnome nobles, politicians and aristocrats.
5 +4 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks to masquerade as member of the Shadow Lodge.
6 +2 on all Diplomacy checks with humanoids of the reptilian subtype.
7 +2 on Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks when in Taldor.
8 +2 on Charisma-based skill checks with orcs in Varisia and any country that directly borders it.
9 +3 insight bonus on Knowledge checks pertaining to Sky Citadels and dwarven history.
10 +5 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks when dealing with members of the Pathfinder Society your level or lower.
11 +2 bonus on all Diplomacy checks made against centaurs.
12 +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against the people of Tian Xia and other Pathfinders.
13 +1 circumstance bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against nagaji or nagas.
14 +2 circumstance bonus on any Knowledge skill check relating to nagas, nagaji, Nagajor, and Nalinivati.
APG Advanced Player's Guide
GPSOP Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play
PFSFG Pathfinder Society Field Guide


Ennio on syntyjään taldorilainen, joskin hänen klaaninsa sukujuuret ulottuvat hyvinkin yllättäviin paikkoihin. Hänen taustansa on hieman epäselvä ennen kuin hän ilmaantui erääseen vähäisempään opparalaiseen oopperaan bassoksi, taiteilijanimellä "Magnifico". Kultakurkkuinen ja -tukkainen maahinen niitti mainetta ja kunniaa estradeilla peräti kymmenen vuoden ajan ennen kuin hänen äkkipikainen ja diivaileva luonteensa johti valitettavaan tilanteeseen, johon liittyi eturivissä istuneen puolituisen ylikokoinen hattu, kaksi kiloa Sisämeren kilohailia, maaton galtilainen paroni, epävireinen alttoviulu sekä kaksikymmentä vuotta Enniota nuorempi balettitanssija.

Ennion ura oopperalaulajana katkesi tähän. Muutamaa päivää myöhemmin hän ilmaantui hieman kalalta tuoksahtavana Absalomiin, Tiennäyttäjien suurloosin porteille. Seuraavat kolme vuotta hän pitikin matalaa profiilia kouluttautuessaan tiennäyttäjäksi, kunnes loppukokeenaan kävi Taldorissa ja palasi mukanaan nippu librettoja, joiden luultiin tulleen qadiralaisten polttamaksi muutamia satoja vuosia takaperin.

Ennio on saanut klassisen koulutuksen ja osaa vähän kaikkea - hän laulaa, säveltää, puhuu useampaa kieltä, hallitsee etiketin nyanssit kaikissa Sisämeren valtioissa ja ymmärtää jopa auttavasti taikuuden päälle. Eikä hänen absurdin kokoinen miekkansakaan ole mukana muodin vuoksi.


  • Head circlet of persuasion
  • Headband
  • Face/Eyes
  • Neck amulet of natural armor +2
  • Shoulders cloak of resistance +4
  • Chest
  • Body unfettered shirt
  • Armor +5 glamered chain shirt
  • Belt belt of giant strength +6
  • Wrist
  • Hand Crescendo Furioso
  • Ring ring of protection +3
  • Ring
  • Feet feather step slippers


  1. 30.6.2011 #43: The Pallid Plague
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  5. 23.7.2011 #2-11: The Penumbral Accords
  6. 12.11.2011 #14: The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch (GM Reward)
  7. 28.12.2011 #3-06: Song of the Sea Witch
  8. 3.1.2012 Feast of Ravenmoor
  9. 22.1.2012 #13: The Prince of Augustana (GM Reward)
  10. 18.2.2012 #2-21: The Dalsine Affair
  11. 27.8.2012 #3-02: Sewer Dragons of Absalom
  12. 10.9.2012 #4-02: In Wrath's Shadow
  13. 19.9.2012 #4-03: The Golemworks Incident
  14. 20.10.2012 #4-05: The Sanos Abduction (GM Reward)
  15. 11.2.2013 #4-06: The Green Market
  16. 16.2.2013 #2-03: The Rebel's Ransom
  17. 18.2.2013 #3-16: The Haunting of Hinojai
  18. 5.3.2013 From Shore to Sea
  19. 28.3.2013 #2-18: The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor
  20. 23.8.2013 #4-22: Glories of the Past—Part I: Halls of Dwarven Lore (GM Reward)
  21. 10.10.2013 #4-24: Glories of the Past—Part II: The Price of Friendship (GM Reward)
  22. 20.10.2013 #5-03: The Hellknight's Feast
  23. 12.1.2014 #4-25: Glories of the Past—Part III: The Secrets Stones Keep (GM Reward)
  24. 22.5.2014 #3-04: The Kortos Envoy (GM Reward)
  25. 29.5.2014 #28: Lyrics of Extinction (GM Reward)
  26. 6.1.2015 The Ruby Phoenix Tournament
  27. 16.1.2015 #3-16 Red Harvest
  28. 3.2.2015 #46: Eyes of the Ten—Part I: Requiem for the Red Raven
  29. 23.2.2015 #54: Eyes of the Ten—Part II: The Maze of the Open Road
  30. 22.3.2015 2-05: Eyes of the Ten—Part III: Red Revolution
  31. 8.5.2015 #2-22: Eyes of the Ten—Part IV: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
  32. 15.6.2019 #9-25: Betrayal in the Bones
Land of originTaldorHeight3'2"
EthnicityGnomeWeight37 lb.
CategoryPathfinder Society -hahmot

Kategoriassa Pathfinder Society -hahmot, pelaaja: NiTessine

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