Pathfinder Society 2 -hahmot

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Paperitöitä on enemmän, muuten niin kuin Liigan leivissä.

Fighter 9
Player Naal (144782-2002)
XP 100; Pathfinder School Spells; Faction Vigilant Seal

Ancestry Human (skilled heritage), Background Pathfinder Hopeful
Speed 25, Perception +17••• (+2 circumstance to initiative)
Alignment Neutral
Languages Draconic, Hallit, Jotun, Orcish, Taldane (Common)

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14
Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 10

AC 28; (+7 armor, +0 Dex, (+2• +9) proficiency)
HP 116; (+8 human, +90 fighter, +18 Con)
Fort +17••, Ref +15••, Will +15••, bravery, bulwark

Melee ◆fist +17 1d4+6 B (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed)
Melee+1 striking low-grade cold iron pick +20 2d6+7 P (fatal d10)
Melee ◆hatchet +17 1d6+6 S (agile, sweep, thrown 10 ft.)
Melee ◆light hammer +17 1d6+6 B (agile, thrown 20 ft.)
Melee ◆dagger +17 1d4+6 P (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft., versatile S)
Ranged ◆hatchet +15 1d6+6 S (agile, sweep, thrown 10 ft.)
Ranged ◆light hammer +15 1d6+6 B (agile, thrown 20 ft.)
Ranged ◆dagger +15 1d4+6 P (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft., versatile S)
Ranged+1 striking composite shortbow +16 2d6+4 P (range 60, deadly d10, propulsive)
Ranged ◆lesser alchemist's fire +15 1d8 fire (manipulate, range 20, 1 persistent fire, 1 splash fire)
Special Attacks combat flexibility, ◆combat assessment, ◆lunge, ◆snagging strike
Arcane Spells spell attack roll +14 DC 24


Pathfinder Lore+16Int +3+4+9 BackgroundPF Dedication
Engineering Lore+18Int +3+6+9 Additional LoreAdditional Lore
Architecture Lore+14Int +3+2+9 PF School 
any other Lore+12Int +3+0+9   
Acrobatics+14Dex +2+2+9+1Class 1 
Arcana+18Int +3+6+9 HeritageHeritage, L9
Athletics+20Str +4+6+9+1Class fixedPF Dedic, L7
Crafting+16Int +3+4+9 Class 2L3
Deception+9Cha +0+0+9   
Diplomacy+9Cha +0+0+9   
Intimidation+9Cha +0+0+9   
Medicine+13Wis +2+2+9 Class 3 
Nature+13Wis +2+2+9 Int 12 
Occultism+17Int +3+4+9+1Int 16L5
Performance+9Cha +0+0+9   
Religion+13Wis +2+2+9 Wizard Dedication 
Society+14Int +3+2+9 Background 
Stealth+13Dex +2+2+9 Rogue Dedic 
Survival+12Wis +2+2+9 Int 14 
Thievery+13Dex +2+2+9 Rogue Dedic 

Ancestry Feats
01 General Training (gain a general feat)
05 Natural Ambition (gain a level 1 class feat)
09 Multitalented
Class Feats
01 Snagging Strike
02 Pathfinder Agent Dedication
04 Lunge
05 Combat Assessment
06 Wizard Dedication
08 Basic Wizard Spellcasting
09 Rogue Dedication (from Multitalented
General Feats
01 Fast Recovery
03 Ride
07 Fleet
Skill Feats
BG Additional Lore (Engineering Lore)
02 Powerful Leap
04 Through Reports
PF Recognize Spell
06 Forced Entry
08 Titan Wrestler
09 Wall Jump (from Rogue Dedication)
Ancestry and class Features
01 Attack of Opportunity
01 Shield Block 09 Combat Flexibility

Bulk 10.8 carried, 5.8 more in bag of holding
Worn +1 full plate, bag of holding type I, bracelet of dashing, chalk, explorer's clothing, flint and steel, grappling hook, healer's tools, lifting belt, pendant of the occult, ring of fire resistance, rope, wayfinder (pearly white spindle aeon stone)
Weapons +1 striking composite shortbow (30 arrows), +1 striking ghost touch low-grade cold iron pick, bastard sword, dagger, hatchet, light hammer, ranseur, warhammer
Stowed Backpack, basic crafter's book, bedroll, explorer's clothing, crowbar, piton (5), rations (7), repair kit, sack, soap, spellbook, torch (2), waterskin, winter clothing, writing set
Consumables cat's eye elixir (2), jade cat talisman, lesser alchemist's fire, lesser antidote, lesser healing potion (3), moderate darkvision elixir, potion of invisibility, potion of leaping, scroll of level 4 restoration, scroll of level 2 see invisibility, silversheen
Wealth see ITS final line
At the Lodge zip
Spellbook Cantrips acid splash, detect magic, ray of frost, shield Level 1 gravitational pull, longstrider Level 2 magnetic attraction, see invisibility Level 3 haste, magnetic acceleration

Combat Assessment Make a melee Strike. On a hit, you can immediately attempt a check to Recall Knowledge about the target. On a critical hit, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the check to Recall Knowledge. The target is temporarily immune to Combat Assessment for 1 day.
Forced Entry You are trained to preserve the arcaheological value of your location when entering. You don't take a penalty to Force Open doors, windows, or containers without a crowbar. If you roll a success on a check to Force Open, you get a critical success instead.
Pathfinder Agent Dedication You become expert in Athletics and Pathfinder (Society) Lore. When using a skill untrained, your proficiency bonus is equal to your level instead of 0.
Recognize Spell Reaction/Trigger A creature within line of sight casts a spell that you don't have prepared, or a trap or similar objects casts such a spell. You must be aware of the casting. Effect If the spell is a common spell of 2nd level (divine/primal) or 4th level (arcane/occult) or lower, you automatically identify it (you can still roll to attempt to get a critical success, but can't get a worse result than success). The GM rolls a secret Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check, whichever corresponds to the tradition of the spell being cast.
  CS You correctly recognize the spell and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throw or your AC against it.
  Su You correctly recognize the spell.
  Fa You fail to recognize the spell.
  CF You misidentify the spell as another spell entirely, of the GM's choice.
Snagging Strike Requirements: You have one hand free, and your target is within reach of that hand. Effect: Make a Strike while keeping one hand free. If this Strike hits, the target is flat-footed until the start of your next turn or until it's no longer within the reach of your hand, whichever comes first.
Through Reports Keep track of each type of creature you successfully identify with Recall Knowledge. When attempting Recall Knowledge checks against creatures on your list in later encounters, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus, and you learn an additional fact about such creatures on success.
Current list: anatomy doll (elite), (lesser) animate dream, animate statue, ankhrav, (greater) barghest, belker, brimorak, cacodaemon, cairn wight, efreeti, gibbering mouther, mist stalker, mummy, (horrid) nightmare, protean (akizendri), sahuagin (sea devil), sea drake, tendriculous, umbral drake, vampire, zombie grindyflow
Wizard Dedication Prepare 2 cantrips and L1, L2, L3 spells.

#Skenaario                       XPReputationFameLeftUsed for
01#1-01 The Mosquito Witch (GM)   44 VS+4 -22Multicultural Training (Absalom)
02#1-03 Bandits of Immenwood (GM) 42 GA 4 VS+46 
03#1-13 The Blooming Catastrophe  44 VS 2 VW+4 -64Combat Mentor, Envoys Alliance Champion
04#1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road   44 EA+48 
05#1-14 Lions of Katapesh         44 EA+412 
06#1-11 Flames of Rebellion       44 EA+4 -216 
07#2-02 Mountains of Sea and Sky  46 EAno14 
08#2-04 Path of Kings             44 EAno14 
09#2-05 Balancing the Scales      44 EAno14 
10#2-06 Crashing Wave             44 EA-140Adversary Lore, Hireling, Expert Hireling
11#2-09 The 7 Secrets of D.Ac.44 VS
12#2-12 Snakes in the Grass       44 VS
13#2-10 In Burning Dawn (GM)      42 EA 4 VS
14#2-16 Freedom for Wishes        44 VS
15#1-09 Star-Crossed Voyages44 VS 2 HH
16#2-23 Agent's Obligation44 VS
17#3-99 Fate in the Future44 EA
18#3-06: Struck by Shadows44 EA
19#3-09: The Secluded Siege44 EA
20#3-17: Dreams of a Dustbound Isle44 EA 2 VW
21#3-19: Mean Streets of Shadow Absalom44 EA
22#4-07: A Most Wondrous Exchange!44 EA
23#4-09: Killer in the Golden Mask46 EA
24Frequent Shopper: Kraken's Ink Tattoo0 
25#4-11: Prisoners of the Electric Castle44 EA 2 HH
26#4-17: Trapping the Hag's Claw46 GA
27#5-11: EE: The Hidden Current44 EA 2 RO 2 VS

Reputation with Envoy's Alliance 66
Reputation with Grand Archive 6
Reputation with Horizon Hunters 4
Reputation with Vigilant Seal 36
Reputation with Radiant Oath 0
Reputation with Verdant Wheel 4
All-around reputation 110
Ja nämä ovat roskaa koska jotkut eivät vaivaudu muuttamaan faktioita raportoidessaan skenuja ja minä en ole älynnyt tarkistaa niitä jokaisen pelin jälkeen. Tarkistettava Paizolasta.

Kun on totellut kapteeni Akradennia kyllin kauan, kaikki hänen ideansa kuulostavat hyvältä jos haluat pitää luusi ehjinä. Siksi Gan-Sorn osallistui Tekniikkaliigan iskuun Absalomiin, ja seuraavat kolme vuotta hän nosteli kiviä erilaisilla pakkotyömailla ja mietti tekemiään valintoja. Menemättä tarkemmin yksityiskohtiin, Gan-Sorn onnistui venkoilemaan tiensä Suurloosille ja heittäytyi Tienlöytäjien Järjestön opettajien armoille anoen jäsenyyttä ja luvaten tekevänsä mitä tahansa sen eteen. Ei se ihan kivutonta ollut, mutta oli se reilumpaa kun kotona Tähdenpäässä. Suurin osa harjoituksista tehtiin parantajien ollessa huutoetäisyydellä, ja luokan huonoimman ei tarvinnut osallistua opettajien erityistesteihin kuin vapaaehtoisesti, ja niistäkin kaikki tulivat takaisin. Joten Gan-Sornista tuli Tiennäyttäjä. Sitten kenttätehtävät alkoivat, ja erot Liigan ja Järjestön välillä eivät enää tuntuneet kovin isoilta.

Gan-Sorn on jonkin verran alta kolmikymppinen kellid-mies. Kuten tuhannet kaltaisensa, hän on ahavoitunut, pitää suoria mustia hiuksiaan niskaan asti pitkänä, joskus taakse kiepattuna ja toisinaan vapaasti hulmuten, ja katsoo räpyttelemättä maailmaa harmailla silmillään. Hänen vartalonsa on sotilaskoulutuksen, pakkotyön ja sittemmin Tiennäyttäjien messin koulima, ja hän seisoo suorana kuin tanko parasta Numerialaista rautaa. Gan-Sornin vasemmalla ohimolla on sinistä pistekirjoitusta jota ajoittain Tekniikkaliigan käskyläisillä näkee, ja niskassa samalla puolella voi nähdä eri paksuisia mutta samanlevyisiä päällekkäisiä tatuoituja viivoja.

Initial or Fame Boons
0 slotless Home Region (Broken Lands, Numeria)
2 slotless Multicultural Training (Absalom)
4 faction  Envoy's Alliance Champion
0 faction  Vigilant Seal Champion
0 untyped  Cryptid Scholar
0 general  Touched by the Storm
2 social   Combat Mentor
4 ally     Hireling: Sildar-Taan the Red Envoy; Perform and Art Lore
6 ally     Expert Hireling: upgrade Sildar-Taan
4 untyped Adversary Lore: +1 circumstance to recall knowledge about fiends
AcP Boons
None yet

Initial gold      15.00 
01 (#1-02: The Mosquito Witch)     1429.00 
01 earn income (8 days)     0.429.40 
02 (#1-04: Bandits if Immenwood)     1443.30 
02 earn income (8 days)     0.443.80 
03 (#1-13: The Blooming Catastrophe)     12.656.40 
03 earn income (8 days)     0.456.80 
Splint mail13312 6.543.80 
Composite shortbow14316 729.80 
Arrows (10)0.13  29.70 
Arrows (10)0.13  29.60 
Dagger0.23  .1 29.40 
Pick0.736 0.3528.70 
Hatchet0.43  .1 28.30 
Light hammer0.33  .1 28.00 
Backpack0.13   27.90 
Bandolier0.137 0.127.80 
Bandolier0.137 0.127.70 
Basic crafter's book0.13  .1 27.60 
Bedroll0.013  .1 27.59 
Belt pouch0.0437 0.0427.55 
Chalk (10)0.013   27.54 
Explorer's clothing0.13  .1 27.44 
Explorer's clothing0.13  .1 27.34 
Compass136 0.5026.34 
Crowbar0.53  .1 25.84 
Flint and steel0.053   25.79 
Grappling hook0.13  .1 25.69 
Healer's tools53  1 20.69 
Pitons (x5)0.013   20.645 jäljellä
Rations (7)0.4316  20.24 
Repair kit23  1 18.24 
Rope 50 ft.0.53  .1 17.74 
Sack0.013  .1 17.73 
Sheath for dagger0.0137 0.0117.72 
Soap0.023   17.70 
Torch (x2)0.013  .2 17.682 jäljellä
Waterskin0.053  .1 17.63 
Writing set16  .1 16.63 
Minor healing potion434  12.63 
Lesser alchemist's fire337  9.63 
Lesser antidote33  .1 6.63 
04 (#1-06: Lost on the Spirit Road)     2228.63 
04 earn income (8 days)     1.630.23 
Minor healing potion446  26.23 
Lesser tanglefoot bag3419  23.23 
Arrows (10).14  .1 23.13 
Lesser alchemist's fire34  .1 20.13 
05 (#1-14: Lions of Katapesh)     19.839.93 
05 earn income (8 days, crit fail)     039.93 
+1 pick3559 354.93Rune removed
06 (#1-11: Flames of Rebellion)     2226.93 
06 earn income (8 days)     0.427.33 
Sell compass and pick     0.8528.18 
Wayfinder06   28.18 
Jade cat (talisman)66   22.18 
Bastard sword46  1 18.18 
07 (#2-02: Mountain of Sea and Sky)     30.448.58 
07 earn income (8 days)     1.650.18 
Recover money from container items     0.2550.43 
Winter clothing0.47  .1 50.03 
Minor elixir of life678  44.03 
08 (#2-04: Path of Kings)     3882.03 
08 earn income (8 days)     1.683.63 
Lesser darkvision elixir6813  77.63 
09 (#2-05: Balancing the Scales)     38115.63 
09 earn income (8 days)     2.4118.03 
Potency rune removed from old pick     35153.03 
Potency rune transferred3.59  149.53 
+1 striking low-grade cold iron pick1449  1 5.53 
Ranseur29  2 3.53 
10 (#2-06: The Crashing Wave)     6467.53 
10 earn income (8 days)     471.53 
11 (#2-09: The Seven Secrets...)     64135.53 
11 earn income (8 days)     2.4137.93 
Scroll of heal 141112  133.93 
12 (#2-12: Snakes in the Grass)     64197.93 
12 earn income (8 days)     2.4200.33 
12 sell splint mail     6.5206.83 
+1 full plate1601221 16046.83upgrade
13 (#2-10: In Burning Dawn)     100146.83 
13 earn income (8 days)     4150.83 
Aeon stone: pearly white spindle6013   90.83 
Lesser healing potion |! 121320   78.83 
Bag of holding type I7513  1 3.83 
14 (#2-16: Freedom for Wishes)     7073.83 
14 earn income (8 days)     0.6474.47 
15 (#2-09: Star-Crossed Voyages)     100174.47 
15 earn income (8 days)     4178.47 
Spellbook015  .1 178.47 
Lesser healing potion121521  166.47 
Silversheen615  .1 160.47 
Hornanlörtsy0.0215  160.45 
16 (#2-23: Agent's Obligation)     150310.45 
16 earn income (8 days)     8318.45 
Lifting belt8016  .1 238.45 
Bracelet of dashing5816  .1 180.45 
Pendant of the occult6016  .1 120.45 
16 sell composite shortbow     7127.45 
+1 composite shortbow351620 3592.45 
17 (#3-99: Fate in the Future)     150242.45 
17 earn income (8 days)     6.4248.85 
Rations (7 days)0.417  .1 248.45 
Warhammer117  1 247.45 
18 (#3-06: Struck by Shadows)     150397.45 
18 earn income (8 days)     6.4403.85 
Moderate darkvision elixir1118  .1 392.85 
Ring of fire resistance24518   147.85 
Lesser healing potion121825  135.85 
Ghost touch rune to pick7518   60.85 
Moderate antiplague351919  25.85 
19 (#3-09: Secluded Siege)     220245.85 
19 earn income (8 days)     16261.85 
Potion of invisibility2019  .1 241.85 
Scroll of longstrider 2122020  229.85 
Scroll of see invisibility1220  .1 217.85 
Cat's eye elixir720  .1 210.85 
20 (#3-17: Dreams of a Dustbound Isle)     220430.85 
20 earn income (8 days)     0430.85 
20 upgrade +1 composite shortbow to     35465.85 
+1 striking composite shortbow10020  1 365.85 
Cat's eye elixir720  .1 358.85 
Lesser bravo's brew elixir72021  351.85 
Potion of leaping2120  .1 330.85 
Scroll of level 2 restoration122026  318.85 
Scroll of level 4 restoration7020  .1 248.85 
Arrows (10).120  .1 248.75 
Lesser healing potion122026  236.75 
21 (#3-19: Mean Streets of Shadow Absalom)     220456.75 
21 earn income (8 days)     8464.75 
21 upgrade +1 full plate to     160624.75 
+1 resilient full plate50021  4 124.75 
22 (#4-07: A Most Wondrous Exchange!)     300424.75 
22 earn income (8 days)     20444.75 
Ring of acid resistance24522   199.75 
+1 striking silver longsword14422  1 55.75 
23 (#4-09: Killer in the G.Mask )     300355.75 
23 earn income (8 days)     0355.75 
Stanching rune (access via AcP)13023  1 225.75 
Lesser healing potion1223  .1 213.75 
Lesser healing potion1223  .1 201.75 
Lesser healing potion1223  .1 189.75 
25 (#4-11: Prisoners of the Elec.C.)     300489.75 
25 earn income (8 days)     0489.75 
Scroll of level 2 endure elements122526  477.75 
Scroll of level 2 endure elements122526  465.75 
26 (#4-17: Trapping the Hag's Claw)     440905.75 
26 earn income (8 days)     24929.75 
Scroll of water breathing level 33026  .1 899.75 
Charm of electricity resistance24526  .1 654.75 
Potion of water breathing1126  .1 643.75 
Rations (7 days left)0.426  .1 643.35 
Rations (7 days left)0.426  .1 642.95 
Rations (7 days left)0.426  .1 642.55 
27 (#5-11: EE: The Hidden Current)     4401082.55 
27 earn income (8 days)     201102.55 
Learn spell: 0: draw moisture127  .55 
Learn spell: 0: eat fire127  .55 
Learn spell: 0: electric arc127  .55 
Learn spell: 0: gale blast127  .55 
Learn spell: 0: gouging claw127  .55 
Learn spell: 0: light127  .55 
Learn spell: 0: mage hand127  .55 
Learn spell: 0: message127  .55 
Learn spell: 0: prestidigitation127  .55 
Learn spell: 0: produce flame127  .55 
Learn spell: 0: telekinetic projectile127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: acidic burst127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: air bubble127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: alarm127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: ant haul127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: create water127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: fear127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: gust of wind127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: hydraulic push127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: illu sory disguise127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: jump127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: kinetic ram127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: mud pit127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: negate aroma127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: pest form127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: quick sort127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: shattering gem127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: tether127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: breathe fire127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: runic weapon127  .55 
Learn spell: 1: sure strike127  .55 
27 sell light hammer     0.20.75 
+1 light hammer13527   .75 
striking rune to light hammer16527   .75 
Returning rune to light hammer15527   .75 


1st (3/day) — Burning Hands, Mending
Feats Armor Proficiency, Cat Fall
Skills Arcana +4•, Crafting +4•,
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