Tetran Tulipuro

Phoenixin voimalla
Edicts strive to understand ancient prophecies, destroy undead, lay bodies to rest
Anathema create undead, desecrate a corpse, rob a tomb
Areas of Concern birth, death, fate, prophecy, and time

Phoenix Sorcerer 7
Player mosillan

Ancestry Riftmarked Halfling, Background Folklore Enthusiast
Speed , Perception T +7; Low-light Vision
Languages Common, Halfling, Abyssal, Elven

Str 8 , Dex 16 , Con 14
Int 16 , Wis 12 , Cha 19

AC 22; (+0 armor, +3 Dex, +2+7 trained)
HP 62 (halfling 6 + 7 x [6 sorcerer + 2 con + 0 toughness])
FortE +12, RefT +13, WillE +11
Special Defenses

  • Seasonal Boon [free-action] Trigger You're about to roll any check to Recall Knowledge;
    • Effect You have a flash of insight as you recall an old parable, obscure legend, or applicable tale to the topic at hand. This Recall Knowledge check loses the secret trait. Increase the result of your check to Recall Knowledge by one degree of success.
  • Family: Close-Knit
    • You and your sibling work well together, and go all-out to help them when they're badly hurt. When you provide Aid or Administer First Aid to your sibling, the DC is 5 lower than normal.
  • Amulet's Abeyance

Special Attacks

Focus Spells Focus pool: 1
1st - Rejuvenating Flames
Reaction - Death's Call

Primal Spells
4th (0/day) - Remove Curse, Sacred Nimbus, Life's Fresh Bloom TAI Tomorrow's Dawn TAI Cinder Swarm
3rd (3/day) - Fireball, Haste, Holy Light, Slow
2nd (4/day) - Floating Flames, Dispel Magic, Revealing Light, Speak with Animals
1st (4/day) - Healsig, Burning HandsBL, Animal Allies, Horizon Thunder Sphere
Cantrips (at will) - Eat Fire, Rousing Splash, Ignition, Electric Arc, Detect Magic
Spell AttackE +15, DCE 25

Divine Spells
Cantrips (at will) - Vitaly Lash
Spell AttackT +9, DCT 19


  • Acrobatics T +12
  • Arcana T +12
  • Athletics -1
  • Crafting T +11
  • Deception +4
  • Diplomacy E +16
  • Intimidation +4
  • Lore T +12
  • Medicine E +13
  • Nature T +10
  • Occultism E +15
  • Performance +4
  • Religion T +10
  • Society T +13
  • Stealth +2
  • Survival +1
  • Thievery +2

Ancestry Abilities Keen Eyes

Class Feats

General Feats

Skill Feats

Class Features

Bulk Limit: 4 || Worn + Weapons = 1 || All = 1
Worn Explorer's Clothing
Held Items Dagger, Healer's Toolkit
At the Lodge


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