Champion (Redeemer) of Pharasma 2
Player Atouru (63058-2003)
XP 16
Ancestry Human (Skilled),
Background Lost and Alone
Speed 20 ft., Perception +4•
Alignment NG
Languages common, varisian
Str 18 (+4), Dex 12 (+1), Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 14 (+2)
AC 20; (+6 armor, +0 Dex, +4 proficiency)
HP 32; (+8 racial, +2*10 class, +2*2 Con)
Fort +8••, Ref +5•, Will +6••
Special Defenses ↻ Glimpse of Redemption, ↻ Shield Block
Melee ◆ Longsword +8 (1d8+4 S, versatile P)
Melee ◆ Warhammer +8 (1d8+4 B, shove)
Melee ◆ Shield Boss +8 (1d6+4 B)
Melee ◆ Dagger +8 (1d6+4 P, agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft., versatile S)
Ranged ◆ Composite Shortbow +5 (1d6+2 P, range 60 ft., deadly d10, propulsive)
Special Attacks
Devotion Spells (Focus Pool: 1)
1st — Lay on Hands
Spell Attack +6, DC 16
Acrobatics +1 | Arcana +0 | Athletics +8• |
Crafting +4• | Deception +2 | Diplomacy +6• |
Intimidation +6• | Lore (Library) +4• | Lore (Warfare) +4• |
Medicine +4• | Nature +0 | Occultism +4• |
Performance +2 | Religion +4• | Society +4• |
Stealth +1 | Survival +0 | Thievery +1 |
Ancestry Abilities
Natural Skill (Crafting & Society),
Skilled Heritage (Diplomacy)
Class Feats
Shining Oath,
Weight of Guilt
General Feats -
Skill Feats
◆ Battle Medicine,
Intimidating Glare
Class Features
Cause (Redeemer),
Champion's Code (The Tenets of Good),
Champion's Reaction (Glimpse of Redemption),
Deific Weapon (Dagger),
Deity (Pharasma),
Devotion Spells (Lay on Hands),
Shield Block
Bulk (limit 9 bulk, max 14 bulk)
Worn Full Plate, Healer's Tools in a Bandoleer, Steel Shield with Shield Boss,
Weapons Composite Shortbow w/ 20 arrows, Dagger, Longsword, Warhammer
Stowed Adventurer's Pack, Climbing Kit, Repair Kit
At the Lodge
Pathfinder Training
Scrolls ••• (2 consumable items, usually 2x
Minor Healing Potion)
Reputations Radiant Oath: 16, Tier 1
Total Reputation 16, Tier 1
Fame 12/16
Scenarios Played
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