Age: 23
Height: 5' 4" (163cm)
Weight: 150lb (68kg)
Male Gillman Paladin (Sacred Shield) 9 / Scar Seeker 7 / Fighter (Unbreakable) 1
Lawful Good Medium Humanoid (aquatic)
Player Feuran
Init +1 (+1 dex)
Senses Perception -2
AC 33, touch 14, flat-footed 32; (+10 armor (+4 magic vestment), +1 dex, +5 shield, +2 def, +1 insight)
HP 296 [1d10(10,8,6,8,9,3,7,9,8,7,7,10,1,9,9,9,7 + lvl fcb)]
Fort +30 (con +6, class +13, cha +8, res +3)
Ref +18 (dex +1, class +6, cha +8, res +3)
Will +19 (wis -2, class +10, cha +8, res +3)
Special Defenses
- Endurance, Diehard
- Immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern her alignment.
- 1/day reroll failed charm or compulsion effect (Set Mind trait)
- Immune to diseases and fear (allies within 10 feet gain +4 morale vs fear)
- Immune to charm spells and spell-likes (allies within 10 feet gain +4 morale vs charms)
- +2 vs enchantment effects (expect -2 when from Aboleth source)
Speed 30ft, swimming 40, with armor 20ft and 30ft
Melee one-handed Seaspike (+3 aberration bane) +22 (1d6+5), 20/x2
Melee one-handed Shortsword (+1) +20 (1d6+3), 19-20/x2
Melee one-handed Trident (+1) +20 (1d8+3), 20/x2
- Bastian of Good 4/day, swift, like smite evil but target's attacks against your allies within 10 feet of you deal only half the damage (you still take full damage). Also gain deflection AC equal to cha+3
- Lay On Hands 28/day (0,5*(paladin+seeker levels) + 8 from feats + 2 from wrists + 2 from vestment + cha/day), standard to heal others, swift to heal self, range 15ft (ornament of healing light).
- Heals for 10d6 (1d6 every other level +2d6 from wrists) AND extra +1d6 if no condition is removed with mercy (sickened, enfeebled, injured or any other with enduring scar)
- 1/day add lesser restoration to LOH
- Fast Healer
- Holy Shield, uses 2 LOH, standard, share shield bonus to adjatent allies, lasts 3+cha rounds
- Divine Bond (shield), 1/day, standard, 5mins, shield gains +1 enchantment or light fortification
- Enduring Scar 11/day, (0,5*seeker levels + cha/day) OR activate enduring scars by dealing damage to self equal to your HD, unpreventable and unhealable until sleeping (Sanguine Sacrifice: gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 hour. Multiple uses of this ability increase the morale bonus by 1 (maximum one-third his class level))
- Healing, can double the heal of LOH, but self take half damage healed (unpreventable)
- Mercy, add any one mercy to LOH your level qualifies (+sickened, enfeebled), seeker levels stack with paladin levels
- Martyr, When brought below 0 hit points, can expend all his remaining uses of LOH (minimum 1) as an immediate action in order to heal his allies and harm evil enemies in a 30-foot radius. He restores or deals an amount of damage equal to 4d6 plus his level, and the damage increases by 1d6 for each use of lay on hands he expends; a creature takes half damage if it succeeds at a Will save (DC = 10 + the scar seeker’s level + his Charisma modifier). The damage dealt by this ability comes from holy power and is not subject to damage reduction, energy immunities, or any energy resistances
- Sacrifice, As an immediate action, the scar seeker can share the damage taken by one ally he can see within 30 feet. This functions as per shield other, but lasts only until the end of his next turn or until his ally moves farther than 30 feet from the scar seeker. The scar seeker must be 3rd level to select this scar.
Paladin Code
- Sacrifice defies the selfishness of evil. I will not shy from a sacrifice that would help the greater good.
- Evil does not rest, so good cannot either. I will not be complacent, but rather seek out evil to oppose.
- Family is a rare refuge from the evils of the world, but it cannot keep me from my cause. I will not favor my own family over other innocents.
Spells usually prepared (CL 9)
1st: 4/day: x2 Hero's Defiance, Honeyed Tongue, Abadar's Truthtelling
2nd: 4/day: x2 Shield Other, x2 Suppress Charms and Compulsions
3rd: 3/day: x2 Accept Affliction, Litany of Escape
Item spells:
1/day Daylight (CL 5)
1/day See Invisibility (CL 5)
3/day Fire Shield (chill) (CL 7)
Other handy picks
- 1st: Fallback Strategy, Grace, Lesser Restoration
- 2nd: Healing Token, Abeyance (suppress curse), Aquatic Cavalry, Carry Companion, Delay Disease, Delay Poison, Enchantment Sight, Resist Energy, Remove Paralysis, Zone of Truth, Suppress Charms and Compulsions, Paladin's Sacrifice
Str 14 (4th) Dex 12 Con 26 (8th,12th,16th) Int 12 Wis 6 Cha 27 (+3 tome)
Base Atk 17/12/7/2; CMB 19; CMD 33
- Toughness (1st)
- Greater Mecry (3th), LOH heals +1d6 more if no condition is removed
- Extra Lay on Hands (5th), +2 LOH uses per day
- Extra Lay on Hands (7th), +2 LOH uses per day
- Ultimate Mercy (9th), uses 10 LOH, raise dead
- Favored Prestige Class (Scar Seeker, Intimidate +4) (11th)
- Extra Lay on Hands (13th), +2 LOH uses per day
- Extra Lay on Hands (15th), +2 LOH uses per day
- Endurance (fighter 1)
- Diehard (fighter 1)
- Fast Healer (17th), all healing heals 0,5*con more
Skills ACP (-5 armor, -0 shield)
Skill | Total bonus | Ranks | Misc. mod. |
Acrobatics | 4 | 3 | |
Craft [Scarification] | 5 | 1 | 3 |
Diplomacy | 25 | 11 | 3+1 |
Heal | 4 | 3 | 3 |
Intimidate | 35 | 17 | 3+4+3 |
History | 18 | 17 | |
Religion | 21 | 17 | 3 |
Linguistics | 18 | 17 | |
Spellcraft | 21 | 17 | 3 |
Swim | 9 | 4 | 3 |
UMD | 27 | 12 | 3+1+3 |
Traits Dangerously Curious (+1 UMD and class skill), Set Mind (1/day reroll failed compulsion or charm effect)
Languages Common, Aboleth, Azlanti, Aquan, Draconic, Aklo, Sylvan, Auran, Sahuagin, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Giant, Terran, Protean, Ceratioidi, Strix, Any water-breathing creature with a language (armor), Lip reading, Treant, Thassilonian
RSQ Aquatic, Amphibious, Enchantment Resistance, Water Dependent
- Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Bastion of Good, Divine Grace, Lay On Hands, Aura of Courage, Divine health, Mecry (sickened, enfeebled, injured), Holy Shield, Divine Bond (shield), Enduring Scar (Healing, Mercy, Martyr), Painful Purification, Sanguine sacrifice, Aura of Resolve
On person:
In backpack:
Ioun Stones: Dusty rose prism (+1 insight AC)
Wondrous Items