Pathfinder Society -hahmot

Female Vishkanya Sorcerer 3
CN Medium Humanoid (Vishkanya)
Player Mustaparta (192672-8)
Xp 7
Faction The Exchange
Prestige/Fame 14/14

Init +2
Senses Perception +5

AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11; (+0 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor)
hp 17
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2, +1 vs. poison
Special Defenses Fire resist 5

Speed 30 ft. base
Melee cold iron kukri +1/1d4, 20/x3
Melee claw +1/+1/1d4, 20/x2
Ranged blowgun +3/1d2, 20/x2, range 20 ft
Special Attacks Toxic (Ex) 1/pv: Vishkanya Venom: Weapon—injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the HD + the Con mod =12; frequency 1/rnd for 6 rnds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save., Poison use (Ex)

Spells known (caster level 3; Concentration +7 [+10 when grappled, pinned, in violent weather, or entangled.])
1st (6/pv) Anticipate Peril, Burning hands (3d4+3, DC 15), Mage armor, Shock shield
Cantrips (at will) — Detect magic, Disrupt undead, Mending, Read magic, Resistance

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB 1; CMD 13
Feats Eschew materials, Nimble moves, Spell focus (evocation)
Skills (FCB +3) Acrobatics +3 (1), Bluff +7 (1), Disguise +4 (1, +8 to appear human), Escape artist +4, Knowledge (Arcana) +6 (2), Knowledge (Nobility) +4 (2), Knowledge (Planes) +3 (1), Perception +5 (1), Spellcraft +6 (2), Stealth +5 (1)
Traits Desperate Resolve, Dreadful Forethought
Languages Common, Vishkanya, Draconic
SQ Draconic bloodline (brass), Poison resistance, Subtle appearance

On person Cold-weather outfit, potion of clw, 18 blowgun darts, wand of magic missiles
In backpack flask of acid, scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of ray of sickening, backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin
Wealth ~1218 gp


  1. #2-15: Shades of Ice, Part I: Written in Blood 16.9.2021
  2. Heroes for Highdelve paizon foorumipeli 29.11.2021-5.1.2022
  3. #4-07: Severing Ties (GM exp 6.3.-24.5.2022 Outpost V: Rivalry!, paizon foorumipeli)
  4. #6-10: The Wounded Wisp paizon foorumipeli 1.1.-2.4.2023
  5. #2-00: Year of the Shadow Lodge Gameday XII, paizon foorumipeli 1.9.-10.10.2022
  6. #2-21: The Dalsine Affair (GM exp 4.3.-19.4.2024 Outpost VII: The Allies We Made Along the Way!, paizon foorumipeli)
  7. #10-01: Oathbreakers Die paizon foorumipeli 6.5.-8.10.2024

Seuraavat tasot:
4. INT +1, Glitterdust, Prestidigitation
5. Burning amplification, True strike, Resist energy, Haunting mists
6. Fireball
7. Spell specialization, Fly, Pellet Blast
Feat-vaihtoehtoja: Sleep venom, Greater spell focus

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