Crafting and repairing equipment requires three things - resources, time and skill. Consumable items, such as drugs and ammunition, can be done in batches of up to 50 per one skill check. Costs apply as per unit.


Crafting new equipment costs half the listed price in parts and materials. Materials owned by a character must be marked for a specific Mekanima Level. Ingredients equal to Common ML of the location are usually readily available in large settlements. Parts up to the Highest ML can be bought, but with a markup usual to higher ML items. Parts more advanced than the Highest ML are usually not available.

Improvised equipment is an exception to this rule. Parts necessary for improvised items can usually be even scrounged from the surroundings.

Crafting duration

The time taken for creating equipment is the base price divided by ten in hours. For example, crafitng a normal quality clockwork pistol (base price 300) takes 30 hours of work. A full day of work is usually ten hours.

Improvised quality items are an exception to the rule - they are made shoddily and thus quicker to make. Improvised items take the base price divided by hundred in hours. For example, crafting an improvised clockwork pistol takes 45 minutes.

A character can choose to craft at a dangerous speed, halving the time required. This increases the difficulty of all checks by +2D. Building the item in a slow, deliberate pace doubles the time and eases the difficulty by -1D.

Skill checks

Base difficulty for crafting depend on the item rarity. Rarer equipment is harder to make; they require customised components, recipes are secretive and so forth.

Crafting difficulty
Very Rare6D7D

The applicable skill check must be made once per 10 hours of work. A critical success increases the quality of the item produced by one. If the item is of an Excellent quality, a Masterwork item is created. A second critical success in the crafting process finished the item immediately. A normal failure wastes the time spent; no progress is made. A critical failure destroys the item, wasting the resources. If the crafted item is dangerous, such as an explosive or a Miracle Injection, the fumble might cause further complications.

If the item requires skill checks from multiple skills, an equal amount of checks must be made in each skill. For example, for a project lasting 60 hours and using two skills, there would be three checks in each skill. Multiple people can share a project, making different checks at different times.

Checks can be assisted as usual.

Check modifiers

Fast crafting +2D

Slow crafting -1D

Improvised quality product -2D

Poor quality product -1D

Fine quality product +1D

Excellent quality product +2D

High-quality workshop -1D

Repairing equipment

Repairing a damaged item costs one tenth of the base cost in resources. For example, repairing a normal quality clockwork pistol costs 30 omns in parts. Time taken is based on the repair cost. Check difficulty is as creating the item, minus one die. Critical success in a repair task fixes the item with no parts used. Critical failure damages the item further by one level.

Desperate parry (optional rule)

A character aware of an attack can sacrifice the armor of the location hit or, if in melee, a weapon held for a last chance parry. This costs one Defence Pool token and is declared instead of an ordinary defence maneuver. The applicable item is destroyed but protects one last time for twice the listed PV. A sacrificed melee weapon provides PV equal to its maximum damage. All other rules regarding Defence Pool usage apply.

Reliability checks

If a character is hit for damage twice the PV of the armor in the applicable location, a check must be made against the armor reliability score. If the check fails, the armor is damaged by one quality level.

If a melee weapon hits a target for zero damage it requires a reliability check. If the check fails, the weapon is damaged by one quality level. If an unarmed attack hits for zero damage, the attacker takes 2D damage.

Ranged weapons must check reliability every time they are fired. If the check fails the shot is wasted. The weapon must be reloaded to fire again. In the case of a weapon with a magazine, such as a clockwork pistol, the faulty ammo must be ejected. If a ranged weapon fails a reliability check a second time during the same encounter, it is damaged by one quality level. Thrown weapons check reliability when thrown; if it fails they are damaged by one level.

Other equipment, such as tools, are checked for reliability when used. If the reliability fails, the item doesn't work at the time, unless other effect is described. Improvised equipment, regardless of type, is always destroyed on a failed reliability check.

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