Ex-kymenlaaksolainen joka tottelee nimeä Jaakko ja on sangen nyyppä kaikenlaisen ropeltamisen tiimoilta. Niin siis semmoisen joka ei ole PF:ää. Laskin pari vuotta sitten(huhti-15) että alkaa olla 1202 tuntia PF:ää kasassa. Se on vain 50 vuorokautta!
Kokemusta: FATE, Dark Heresy, D&D 3.5/PF, Dungeon World, Savage Worlds, Feng Shui, Vampiret, With Great Power, ym. Tahtoo koklaa: CoC, Dogs in the Vineyard, Runequest, Traveller ja Unknown Armies.
jaakko pist hukka at gmail pist fi
Male Lizardfolk Cavalier (wave warden/emissary) 6
Neutral Evil Med. Humanoid (reptilian)
Player Muser
Campaign Vapauksia ja Valintoja
Init +3(+FT)
Senses Perception +1(+FT); darkvision 60 ft.
AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19; (+3 dex, +7 armor, +2 natural, +1 Dodge)
hp 57 (5d10+15+fcbx1)
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +6; +2 vs poison/drugs, +4 vs alcohol
Special Defenses
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee mwk weighted spear +12/+7 (1d8+6, 20/x3), bite +4 (1d3+2, 20/x2)
Melee(TWF) mwk ws +10/+10/+5/+5 (1d8+5, 20/x3, 1d6+5, 20/x2), bite +4 (1d3+2, 20/x2)
+challenge +12/+12/+7/+7 (1d8+11, 20/x3, 1d6+11, 20/x2), bite +6 (1d3+8, 20/x2)
Str 20, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10
BAB +6; CMB +11; CMD 24
Feats Two-Weapon Fighting, Double Slice, Mounted CombatB, Monstrous Mount (hippocampus)B, Dodge, MobilityB, Improved Two-Weapon FightingB
Skills (ACP -3) Climb +9 (1), Handle Animal +7 (2)(inc. harness), Knowledge Geography +4 (4)(+3 at sea), Knowledge Nature +9 (6)(+1 at sea), Linguistics +3 (1), Profession (sailor) +6 (2), Ride +10 (2)(inc. tool), Survival +10 (6), Swim +21 (4)
Traits Indomitable Faith, Iron Liver, Shackles Seafarer
Languages Lizardfolk, Common (ling 1.)
Racial darkvision, natural attacks, natural armor, swim, xenophobic
SQ Cavalier’s charge, challenge(+1 morale bonus on attack rolls against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4. If the target is of the aberration or undead type, he can roll his first attack roll each round against the target creature twice and take either result), in or out of the saddle, order of the green, order ability(favored terrain: water), battlefield agility, bonus feat
On person 2 acids (2 lb.), backpack (2 lb.),cloak +1, +1 agile bp (25 lb.), mwk alchemical silver/cold iron sw (lb.) rope (50 ft.) (10 lb.), pirate's outfit (2 lb.), mwk tool(ride), infernal healing potion, small chest+good lock, javelins x10 (10 lb.)
In backpack/chest -132 gp, wand of clw (38), mwk cold iron longsword (3 lb.), waterproof bag, +1 spear, bag of holding I, 2 tanglefoot, 2 thunderstone, seaweed leshy bulb x1, tonsa' jewelry, misc booty
Encumbrance lb. without backpack, x lb. with backpack ( lb. light/ lb. medium/ lb. heavy)
sentients fed upon: 5
booze consumed: 16
challenges won: 2
hippocampus animal companion (charger) hd 5
N Large magical beast
Init +3
Senses Perc +8, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 21 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size, +1 Dodge)
hp 44 (5d8+12)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +5; evasion
Speed 5 ft., swim 60 f
Melee bite +9 (1d6+7, 20/x2)
Str 20, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 25
Feats Wpn Focus (boite), Iron Will, Light Armor PrB, Dodge, MobilityB
Skills Perception +8 (4), Swim +17 (2)
SQ barding training(ACP -1, Dex mod +1), mounted challenge(½ boni of master), link, water dependency, , battlefield agility
Tricks attack errything, defend, down, heel, flank and work
gear leather lamellar barding, training harness, feed (kelp) x10
Female Lastwaller Dwarf Sorcerer (wildblooded) 4
Neutral Good Med. Humanoid (dwarf)
Player Muser
Xp 0
Campaign Raivon tyttäret
Init +3
Senses Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft; +2 vs flying creatures
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; (+1 dex, +4 armor)
hp 34 (4d6)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +6
Special Defenses +2 dodge AC vs flying creatures, Resist acid & cold 5
Speed 20 ft.
Ranged mwk crossbow +4 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
Melee battleaxe +1 (1d8-1, 20/x3)
Spells CL 3
2nd lvl 4/day create pit (DC 16)
1st lvl 7/day, bless, enlarge person, heightened awareness, snowball (DC 14)
cantrips detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic, ray of frost
Str 8, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 9
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats SpF(conjuration), Spell Spec (snowball), ToughnessB
Skills Heal +8 (1), Kno:Arcana +9 (4), Kno:Engineering +10 (4), Kno:Religion +11 (4), Perception +5 (2), Spellcraft +9 (4)
Traits Crusader Tactician, Reactionary
Languages Common, Dwarven, Orc, Undercommon
SQ Bloodline power (Heavenly Fire, Celestial Resistances), cantrips, bloodline (celestial), eschew materials, mountaineer, sky sentinel, trapfinding, unstoppable, weapon familiarity
On person backpack, battleaxe, soldier's uniform, silk rope, rations x5, pen, ink, clw potion, bolts x20, 20 silver-blanched bolts, pouch of magic shrooms
In backpack sum gp, wand of mage armor, wand of magic missile, wand of identify
Encumbrance lb. without backpack, x lb. with backpack ( lb. light/ lb. medium/ lb. heavy)
40 + SotDC + WBG3&4&5 + FBtS + BK3
1) #31: Sniper In The Deep, #38: No Plunder, No Pay
2) #2-10: Fury of the Fiend, #2-14 The Chasm of Screams, #2-20 Wrath of the Accursed
3) #3-20 The Rats of Round Mountain—Part I; The Sundered Path, #3–22 The Rats of Round Mountain, Part II; Pagoda of the Rat
4) #4-15 The Cyphermage Dilemma
5) #5-00 Siege of the Diamond City, #5-24 Assault on the Wound
6) ei mittään!
7) #7-02 Six Seconds to Midnight, #7-12 The Twisted Circle, #7–20 All for Immortality, Part 1: First Taste of Eternity, #7–26 All for Immortality, Part 2: All the Gods Beyond, #7–29: All for Immortality, Part 3: Serpents Fall
8) #8-00: The Cosmic Captive, #8-18 Champion's Chalice, Part 1: Blazing Dangerous Trails, #8-20: Torrent's Last Will, #8-22: Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen, #8–99: The Solstice Scar
9) #9-00: Assault on Absalom, #9–05: Call of the Copper Gate, #9-16: Fallen Family, Broken Name, #9-24: Beneath Unbroken Waves
10) #10-00: The Hao Jin Cataclysm, #10-03: Blood on the Ice, #10-06: Treason's Chains, #10-08: What Prestige is Worth, #10-09: The Rasping Rebirth, #10-11: The Hao Jin Hierophant, #10-12: Breath of the Dragonskull, #10-13: Fragments of Antiquity, #10-14: Debt to the Quah, #10-16: What the Helms Hide, #10-17: On Sevenfingers's Sails, #10-18: The Daughters' Due, #10-19: Corpses in Kalsgard, #10-20: Countdown to Round Mountain, #10-21: Slaver's End, #10-22—Passing the Torch, Part 1: Who Wears the Mask
Male Android Operative (starfinder forerunner?) 1
Chaotic Neutral Med. Humanoid (android)
Player Muser
Xp 0
Fame/Rep 0/0
Campaign SFS
Homeworld Akiton
Init +3
Senses Perception +5; low-light & darkvision
KAC 15, EAC 14; (+3 K, +2 E, +2 dex)
SP|HP|RP 7|10|3
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 vs disease, mind-affecting, poison & sleep
Special Defenses constructed
Speed 30 ft. in armor
Melee knife +4 (1d4+3, S)
Ranged ? +? (1d? ?, ?, ? ft)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; AC vs CMB 24
Feats Weapon Focus (basic melee weapons)
Skills Acrobatics +7 (1) Athletics +8 (1), Culture +8 (1), Engineering +6 (1), Life Science +3 (1), Medicine +6 (1), Perc +5 (1), Profession (astroprivateer) +5 (1), Sense Motive +3 (1), Stealth +7, Survival +8 (1),
Background Bounty Hunter (+1 Con)
Languages Common, Azlanti, Akitonian, Ysoki
SQ exceptional vision, flat affect, operative's edge +1, specializaton (explorer), theme knowledge, trick attack (Survival +12 vs 20+CR)
On person freebooter armor (L bulk), comm unit[self-charging range 1 tier 1 computer + AP, "Vayu")=77, survival knife (L bulk)
In backpack
Immaterial 68 creds
Encumbrance 0,2 bulk w/o backpack, x bulk. w/backpack ( bulk. light/ bulk medium/ bulk heavy)
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