Rogue 1
Player Mustaparta (192672-2006) XP 1
Ancestry Versatile human, Background Time Traveler
Speed 25 ft., Perception +5••
Alignment Chaotic good
Languages Common, Kelish, Varisian

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14 Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14

AC 18 (+2 armor, +3• armor prof, +3 Dex)
HP 18
Fort 5•, Ref 8••, Will 5••
Special Attacks Surprise Attack, sneak attack +1d6

Melee war razor +6/1d4 S +1 precision damage vs. flat-footed, multiattack -4/-8, Crit deadly 1d8
Ranged Double-barreled pistol +6/1d4 P Crit fatal 2d8; 20 bullets

Skills Acrobatics +5•, Alcohol lore +5•, Crafting +5•, Deception +5•, Diplomacy +5•, Engineering lore +5•, Medicine +3•, Occultism +5•, Outer Rifts Lore +5•, Performance +5•, Society +5•, Stealth +5•, Survival +3•, Thievery +5•

Ancestry Abilities Natural ambition 1st
Class Feats Nimble dodgeNA, Overextending feint1st
General Feats Incredible initiative
Skill Feats No cause for alarm
Class Features Scoundrel racket

Worn buckle armor, ordinary clothing
Other bedroll, rope, firearm cleaning kit
Wealth 2 gp, 8 sp, 8 cp

Boons World traveler: You are treated as being from a particular location (Alkenstar) for the purpose of accessing character options; this is in addition to access all characters receive to options from their region of origin at character creation.

Pelatut skenaariot:

  1. GM exp: #7: Cleanup Duty 20.7.2024

Seuraavat tasot:
2. Distracting feint, skill increase (deception)

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