Koror of the Sand Eaters

orc oracle of battle 2
Player Rei (4304-2004)
XP 14

Ancestry Humanoid (orc), Hold-Scarred Background Belkzen Slayer
Speed 25 ft. Perception +4•; darkvision
Alignment CG
Languages Common, Goblin, Orcish

Str 16 (+3), Dex 12 (+1), Con 12 (+1)
Int 12 (+1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 16 (+3)

AC 19 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +4 proficiency)
HP 30
Fort +4•, Ref +4•, Will +6••
Special Defenses

Melee falchion +7• (1d10+3 S/forceful, sweep))
Ranged +• (/)
Special Attacks

Spells 0 - detect magic, message, prestidigitation, shield*, stabilize
1st - bless, heal, magic weapon
Revelation Spells athletic rush, call to arms, weapon surge; Focus Points 3

Skills (ACP -0) Athletics +7•, Deception +7•, Diplomacy +7•, Intimidation +7•, Lore (Orc) +5•, Nature +5•, Religion +5•, Survival +4•

Ancestry Feats Orc Ferocity
Class Feats Domain Acumen
General Feats Diehard
Skill Feats Intimidating Glare, Recognize Spell
Class Features attacks• (simple, swords, unarmed), defenses• (light, medium, heavy, unarmored), divine spellcasting, mystery (battle)
Other Pathfinder training ()

Bulk 4 bulk (carry limit bulk)
Worn breastplate (2b)
Using traveler's chair (3b), impulse control
Weapons falchion (2b)
Wealth 32 gp
At the Lodge

Faction ; Reputation ; Tier



  1. 9.10.2020 Quest #1: The Sandstone Secret
  2. 9.10.2020 Quest #2: Unforgiving Fire
  3. 18.3.2023 Pathfinder Beginner Box: Menace Under Otari - Upper Dungeon
  4. 19.3.2023 #3-02: The East Hill Haunting (GM)
  5. 22.3.2023 Pathfinder Beginner Box: Menace Under Otari - Lower Dungeon

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