Pathfinder Society 2 -hahmot

Attach:hahmonkuva.jpg Δ


Lillyn mielestä tuo on mutkikasta mutta Lilly mielellään auttaa silti.

Rogue (mastermind) 4
Player Naal (144782-2012)
XP 44; Faction Grand Archive

Ancestry gutsy halfling, Background hounded thief
Speed 25, Perception +10••
Languages Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Kelish, Osiriani, Taldane (common)

Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10
Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 12

AC 20; (+1 armor, +3 Dex, (+2• +4) proficiency)
HP 38; (+6 ancestry, +32 rogue, +0 Con)
Fort +6•, Ref +11••, Will +10••; a rolled success against an emotion effect becomes a critical success

Melee ◆fist +9 1d4-1 B (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed)
Melee ◆+1 shauth blade +10 1d4-1 P (agile, deadly d8, finesse, versatile S)
Ranged ◆+1 striking repeating hand crossbow +10 2d6 P (range increment 60, repeating)


Pathfinder Lore10Int +4+2  PFS school
Underworld Lore10Int +4+2  Background
Warfare Lore10Int +4+2  Int +4
Acrobatics9Dex +3+2  Class 1
Arcana12Int +4+4  Class 2/L04
Athletics5Str -1+2  Class 3
Crafting10Int +4+2  Class 4
Deception7Cha +1+2  Class 5
Diplomacy7Cha +1+2  Class 6
Intimidation7Cha +1+2  Class 7
Medicine10Wis +2+4  Int +1/L02
Nature8Wis +2+2  Int +2
Occultism10Int +4+2  Psychic AT
Performance1Cha +1    
Religion10Wis +2+4  Class fixed/L03
Society10Int +4+2  Class fixed
Stealth9Dex +3+2  Class fixed
Survival8Wis +2+2  Int +3
Thievery9Dex +4+2  Background

Ancestry Feats
01 Distracting Shadows
Class Feats
01 Nimble Dodge
02 Psychic Dedication (The Infinite Eye & guidance)
04 Basic Psychic Spellcasting (illusory disguise)
General Feats
03 Advanced Weapon Proficiency (repeating hand crossbow)
Skill Feats
BG Pickpocket
02 Hefty Hauler
03 Continual Recovery
04 Trick Magic Item
Ancestry and class Features
01 Mastermind Racket
01 Sneak Attack
01 Surprise Attack
03 Deny Advantage

Lillyn koko nimi on Lilinari Tolpin, mutta pelkkä Lilly riittää. Lilly on vain apulainen, ja auttaa mielellään kunnianarvoisaa Tiennäyttäjää tämän matkalla jotta tämä voi keskittyä olennaiseen. Antakaa Lillyn huolehtia turhista pikkuseikoista.
Tämä ruipelolta kermanvalkeaan kaapuun pukeutuneelta puolituistytöltä joka kantaa itseään kolme kertaa isompaa reppua ja hymyilee viattomasti. Vallattomat pähkinänruskeat hiukset ja pari sävyä vaaleammat silmät pilkottavat hupun alta ja melkein vievät pois huomion käsivarteen kiinnitetystä jousesta ja vyöstä joka on lastattu itselataavaan käsijouseen tarkoitetuilla lippailla ja jonkinlaisella groteskilla hampaista tehdyllä teräaseella jota odottaisi enemmän Rovagugin palvojalta.


01AP176 Lost Mammoth Vale12 12    
02AP165 Eyes of Empty Death12 12    
04Esoteric Wayfinder (GA)       
05Magical Mentor (GA)       
06Off-Hours Study (Legal Lore)       
07#1-18 Lodge of the Living God404    
08#1-10 Tarnbreaker's Trail4 4    
09#5-12 Mischief in the Maze4  4   
10#5-14 Poisonous Council442    
11#5-17 Stranded on Yesterday's Tide44 2   
SuReputation in total: 42408346   

Initial gold      15.00 
01 AP176 Lost Mammoth Vale     42.0057.00 
03 earn income (24 days)     0.8857.88 
04 AP165 Eyes of Empty Death     66.00123.88 
04 earn income (16 days) + OHS1     2.00125.88 
+1 repeating hand crossbow35.002  0.1 90.88see #10
+1 shauth blade35.002  0.1 55.88 
Shootist bandolier1.002   54.88 
Padder armor0.202  0.1 54.68 
RepHandCrossbow mag (empty)0.90210  53.78 
RepHandCrossbow mag (empty)0.90211  52.88 
RepHandCrossbow mag (5 bolts)0.902  0.1 51.98 
RepHandCrossbow mag (5 bolts)0.902  0.1 51.08 
Backpack0.102   50.98 
Basic crafter's book0.102  0.1 50.88 
Bedroll0.022  0.1 50.86 
Brass ear1.002   49.86 
Candles (10 remain)0.012   49.85 
Chalk (10 uses remain)0.012   49.84 
Climbing kit0.502  1 49.34 
Clothing (ordinary)0.102   49.24 
Clothing (ordinary)0.102   49.14 
Clothing (explorer's)0.102  0.1 49.04 
Crowbar0.502  0.1 48.54 
Disguise kit2.002  0.1 46.54 
Earplugs0.102   46.44 
Flint and steel0.052   46.39 
Grappling hook0.102  0.1 46.29 
Hammer0.102  0.1 46.19 
Healer's toolkit5.002  1 41.19 
Hourglass3.002  0.1 38.19 
Lantern (hooded)0.702  0.1 37.49 
Lock (simple)2.002   35.49 
Marbles0.202  0.1 35.29 
Marbles0.202  0.1 35.09 
Mirror1.002   34.09 
Mug0.012   34.08 
Oil0.012   34.07 
Oil0.012   34.06 
Pitons (6 remain)0.062   34.00 
Rations (devoured)0.40210  33.60 
Repair toolkit2.002  0.1 31.60 
Rope (50 feet)0.502  0.1 31.10 
Sack0.012   31.09 
Sack0.012   31.08 
Soap0.022   31.06 
Tent (pup)0.802  0.1 30.26 
Thieves' toolkit3.002  0.1 27.26 
Thieves toolkit replacement picks0.302   26.96 
Thieves toolkit replacement picks0.302   26.66 
Torch (5 remain)0.052  0.5 26.61 
Hatchet0.402  0.1 26.21 
Hatchet0.402  0.1 25.81 
Light hammer0.302  0.1 25.51 
Light hammer0.302  0.1 25.21 
Gauntlet bow9.002  0.1 16.21 
Crossbow bolts (8 remain)0.102  0.1 16.11 
Sling0.002  0.1 16.11 
Sling bullets (6 remain)0.102  0.1 16.10 
Dagger0.202  0.1 15.90 
Lesser healing potion12.002  0.1 3.90 
Wayfinderboon2  0.1 3.90 
07 Lodge of the Living God     38.0041.90 
07 OHS1 Legal Lore 16/50      41.90 
Predator's claw3.0078  38.90 
Potency crystal4.0078  34.90 
Rations (shared to the timelost)0.40711  34.50 
Clothing (winter)0.407  0.1 34.10 
08 Tarnbreaker's Trail     38.0072.10 
08 OHS1 Legal Lore 24/50      72.10 
Predator's claw3.00811   69.10 
Potency crystal4.008   65.10 
Clear spindle aeon stone60.008   5.10 
09 Mischief in the Maze     38.0043.10 
09 OHS1 Legal Lore 32/50      43.10 
Potency crystal4.009   39.10 
Lesser antidote3.001010  36.10 
10 Poisonous Council     64.00100.10 
10 OHS1 Legal Lore 40/50      100.10 
Repeating hand crossbow: striking65.0010   35.10 
Predator's claw3.0010   32.10 
Lesser antidote3.0010  0.1 29.10 
Lesser antiplague3.0010  0.1 26.10 
Oil of potency7.0010  0.1 19.10 
11 Stranded on Yesterday's Tide     64.0083.10 
11 OHS1 Legal Lore 48/50      83.10 
Predator's claw3.0011   80.10 

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