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Zenon oikea käsi, kulkee isäntänsä (ja monien muiden) mandaatilla. Naamioitumisen mestari on vieraillut useissa Golarionin hämärimmistä satamista. Kukaan ei ole nähnyt hänen kasvojaan ja useimmat ovat vain kuulleet hänestä. Väitetään, että hän pitää linnunkasvoista naamiota nukkuessaankin. Betton suvun nuorimmille hän on kummitustarinoiden mörkö - se, jolla pelotellaan.
3'2", 36 lbs.
Betto Legacy
Male halfling rogue 7
CN small humanoid (halfling)
Prestige 4/26 [Cheliax]; Xp 20
Init +4; Senses trap spotter, Perception +20 (+27 to locate traps)
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 19; (armor +4, Dex +4, size +1)
hp 45 (7d8+7) 45
Fort +6, Refl +10, Will +4; (+2 vs fear, +1 vs airborne toxins and scent-based effects)
Special defenses evasion, sihedron brand (14 temp hp 1/day), trap sense +2 (Refl and AC vs traps), uncanny dodge
Speed 40 ft.
Melee brass knuckles +11/+11 (1d2+5/18-20)
Ranged hand crossbow +10 (1d3/19-20)
Special attacks sneak attack +4d6
Str 7, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB +2; CMD 16
Racial fearless, halfling luck, keen senses, sure-footed
Feats alertness, deceitful, skill focus (stealth), stealthy, weapon finesse
Traits pesh addict, successful shirker
Skills(1) acrobatics +21, bluff +19(2,3), climb +17, diplomacy +13(2,3), disable device +23, disguise +18, escape artist +22, knowledge (local) +12, linguistics(4) +6, perception +20(5,6), sense motive +15, sleight of hand +8, stealth +29, use magic device +16
Languages halfling, kelish, osiriani, taldane, vudrani
SQ canny observer (ex), evasion (ex), finesse rogue, sneak attack +4d6, trapfinding, trap sense +2 (ex), trap spotter (ex), uncanny dodge (ex)
Scrolls bless weapon, comprehend languages, expeditious retreat, pass without trace, resist energy
Wands disguise self (50), infernal healing (47), longstrider (47), mage armor (46), shield (46)
Combat Gear 2 smokesticks, 2 sunrods
Equipment +1 agile brass knuckles, cold iron dagger, sap, hand crossbow, mwk studded leather armor, cracked incandescent blue sphere ioun stone (sense motive +1), top hat of persuasion, duster of elvenkind, vest of escape, sturdy boots of elvenkind, colored spectacles of the eagle, azlant pendant, ring of climbing, climber's kit, doctor's mask, sleeves of many garments
Mwk backpack disguise kit (10), 5 doses of exotic perfume, mwk forgery set, mwk thieves' tools, map of the Silken Way, 5 filth fever tonics, grappling hook, 50ft silk rope, hammer, 8 pitons, ink, inkpen, 5 sheets of paper, signal whistle, flint&steel, soap, 102 gp
(1) +10 insight bonus to any skill check 1/day.
(2) +4 circumstance bonus against worshippers of Lissala.
(3) +3 trait bonus to avoid punishment by lawful authority.
(4) +2 to create forgeries.
(5) +4 bonus to hear the details of a conversation, or to find concealed or secret objects or doors.
(6) +7 to locate traps.
Map of the Silken Way — +2 circumstance bonus on Survival and Track checks, when in the Zho Mountains or traveling the Silken Way.
Sihedron Brand (endurance) — 14 temporary hit points 1/day, and +2 profane bonus on Fortitude saves (permanent).
Outstanding Service to the Empire — one free use of divination from a cleric of Asmodeus, in Egorian.
plus Fairie Dragon Improved Familiar, Lissalan Library
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