
Kuinka kaunis otus. Melkein yhtä kaunis kuin Taro.

CN Female Aasimar(Angel-blooded) Samurai 1 / Summoner 4
Player JJape 66474-10
Xp 9
Faction Dark Archive
Prestige/Fame 10/24
Deity Lamashtu

Init +2
Senses Perception +5, Darkvision

AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+7 armor, +2 Dex, +1 def)
with shield 24, touch 13, flat-footed 22
hp 49(1d10+4d8+5*2+4+5)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +4

Speed 30ft (40 ft with longstrider)
mwk C.I Katana +7 1d8+13, 18-20, PA&AS, S
mwk Al.S Lucerne Hammer +7 1d12+13, x3, PA&AS, B
Ranged mwk Darkwood composite (+3) Longbow +7 1d8+4, As, P, x3
Special Attacks Dirty Fighter: +1 damage when flanking, resist acid/cold/elec. 5

Summoner Spells&abilities
Lvl 2(1/day) - Haste
Lvl 1(4/day) - Grease, Enlarge Person, Feather Fall, Protection from Evil
Cantrips Detect Magic, Message, Open/Close, Mending, Read Magic, Prestidigation

Other Daily Resources
Samurai Challenge(Order of the Dragon)(1/day), Resolve(1/day)
Aasimar Alter Self(1/day)

Str 19, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Power Attack, Toughness, Arcane Strike
Traits Dirty Fighter, Rice Runner
Skills Acrobatics +11 (5), Climb +7(1), Diplomacy +5 (1), Heal +1 (0), Linguistcs +6 (2), Spellcraft +5 (1), Perception +5 (3), Ride +5 (1), Swim +7(1), Survival +3 (1), Use Magic Device +5 (1)
Languages Taldane, Tian, Celestial, Draconic, Aklo, Infernal
SQ Human traits, Mount, Order of the Dragon, Resolve, Cantrips, Eidolon:Taro, Life Link, Summon Monster
ACP -1

On person Samurai's outfit (5), +1 Agile Mithral Breastplate, Cloak of Resistance +1, mwk C.I Katana, mwk Al.S Lucerne Hammer, mwk Darkwood composite (+3) Longbow, Wand of Infernal Healing, Wand of Mage Armor, Wand of Shield, Wand of Longstrider, 50xarrows(C.I. blanch), 50xarrows(Al.S.blanch), 5x Acid Flask, 2xWrist Sheath(Spring Loaded), Courtier Outfit&Jewels, Potion of Fly, Potion of Touch of the Sea, Oil of Bless Weapon, Ring of Protection +1, Scroll of lesser restoration, Potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness, CLW-wand
In Backpack (5) Pathfinder Kit, Grappling Hook
Spring-loaded to wrist sheaths
Wealth 2,227 gp

Itse olen tehnyt niin, että jokainen loitsu, feat, skill yms. on omalla rivillään ja jokaisella on linkki d20pfsrd:n vastaavaan asiaan, esimerkiksi:

1st (3/day) — Acid Arrow, Comprehend Languages
Feats Power Attack, Dodge
Skills Appraise +4 (1), Craft (alchemy) +4 (1),
Tällä tavoin asiat ovat edes jonkinlaisessa järjestyksessä muokkausruudussa, ja linkit eivät huku sotkuun.


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