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Male Wayang (Valashmai) Arcanist (Magaambyan Initiate) 5
CG Small humanoid/outsider (wayang/native)
Player Naal (144782-7)
Xp 12

Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15; (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 39 (5d6 +10 Con +2 favored, +5 feat)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +6
Special Defenses 50% miss chance in dim light

Speed 20 ft.
Melee cold iron sickle +5 (1d4+2 S)
Melee cold iron punching dagger +5 (1d3+2/x3 P)
Melee alchemical silver heavy mace +5 (1d6+3 B)
Special Attacks arcane reservoir (5/8), arcanist exploits (quick study), consume spells (1/day)
Arcanist Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +9)
  2nd (4/day)—a, b
  1st (5/day)—a, b, c, d
  0 (at will)—a, b, c, d, e, f

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Great Fortitude, Scholar (arcana, nature), Spell Mastery (knock, magic missile, monkey fish, vanish), Toughness
  Acrobatics        + 2  (  ranks no class +2 Dex -0 armor)
  Appraise          + 4  (  rank +3 class +4 Int)
  Bluff             + 1  (  ranks no class +0 Cha +1 comp)
  Climb             + 2  (  ranks no class +2 Str -0 armor)
  Craft             + 4  (  ranks +3 class +4 Int)
  Diplomacy         + 1  (  ranks no class +0 Cha +1 comp)
  Disable Device    + 5  (1 rank  no class +2 Dex -0 armor +2 circ)
  Disguise          + 0  (  ranks no class +0 Cha)
  Escape Artist     + 2  (  ranks no class +2 Dex -0 armor)
  Fly               + 2  (  ranks +3 class +2 Dex -0 armor)
  Handle Animal     + 2  (1 rank  no class +0 Cha +1 comp)
  Heal              - 1  (  ranks no class -1 Wis)
  Intimidate        + 0  (  ranks no class +0 Cha)
  K (arcana)        +13  (4 ranks +3 class +4 Int +2 feat)
  K (dungeoneering) + 8  (1 rank  +3 class +4 Int)
  K (engineering)   + 8  (1 rank  +3 class +4 Int)
  K (geography)     + 8  (1 rank  +3 class +4 Int)
  K (history)       + 8  (1 ranks +3 class +4 Int)
  K (local)         + 8  (1 ranks +3 class +4 Int)
  K (nature)        +14  (4 ranks +3 class +4 Int +2 feat +1 comp)
  K (nobility)      + 8  (1 rank  +3 class +4 Int)
  K (planes)        + 8  (1 rank  +3 class +4 Int)
  K (religion)      + 8  (1 rank  +3 class +4 Int)
  Linguistics       +10  (3 ranks +3 class +4 Int)
  Perception        +11  (5 ranks +3 class -1 Wis +2 race +1 trait +1 comp)
  Perform           + 0  (  ranks no class +0 Cha)
  Prof. (sailor)    + 3  (1 rank  +3 class -1 Wis)
  Ride              + 2  (  ranks no class +2 Dex -0 armor)
  Sense Motive      + 0  (  ranks no class -1 Wis +1 comp)
  Sleight of Hand   ---  (  ranks no class +2 Dex -0 armor)
  Spellcraft        +11  (4 ranks +3 class +4 Int)
  Stealth           + 8  (  ranks no class +2 Dex -0 armor +2 race +4 size)
  Survival          + 1  (1 rank  no class -1 Wis +1 comp)
  Swim              + 2  (  ranks no class +2 Str -0 armor)
  Use Magic Device  + 5  (1 ranks +3 class +0 Cha +1 comp)
Special Skill Bonuses +1 trait to Survival in jungles, +1 to Sleight of Hand to conceal a wand, holy symbol, etc.
Traits indomitable will (+1 trait to Will), Valashmai veteran (Perception +1 and class, +1 to jungle Survival
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Dwarven, Infernal, Polyglot, Sylvan, Taldane (common), Tengu, Tien, Wayang
SQ aura of good (equivalent to level 5 cleric), lurker, scion of shadows, shadow whisperer

On person (weapons, armor, magic items)
On person (other gear)
Spellbook Cantrips acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, haunted fey aspect, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, resistance, scrivener's chant, spark, touch of fatigue, vacuous vessel, Level 1 air bubble, alarm, ant haul, arcane pocket, burning hands, celestial healing, charm person, color spray, comprehend languages, crafter's fortune, detect secret doors, detect undead, disguise self, endure elements, enlarge person, erase, expeditious construction, expeditious excavation, expeditious retreat, feather fall, floating disk, grease, identify, itching curse, jump, keep watch, liberating command, lose the trail, mage armor, magic aura, magic missile, magic weapon, monkey fish, mount, obscuring mist, protection from evil, reduce person, serren's swift girding, shadow trap, shield, shocking grasp, sleep, summon monster I, technomancy, thunderstomp, touch of the sea, unseen servant, vanish, Level 2 alter self, animal aspect, bestow weapon proficiency, bull's strength, command undead, eagle's splendor, flaming sphere, force sword, glitterdust, gust of wind, invisibility, knock, levitate, mirror image, protection from arrows, resist energy, scorching ray, see invisibility, share language, spider climb, stone call, summon monster II, web, whispering wind
Wealth See ITS bottom line
Encumbrance 33.5 lbs., 12.25 lbs. more in the mwk backpack (49 lb. light/99 lb. medium/ 150 lb. heavy)

Arcane Reservoir (Su) Start with 5 points. Maximum reservoir is 7. Thansan can expend 1 arcane reservoir as a free action to increase a spell's CL or DC by 1. Thansan can only expend one point in this way.
Aura of Good (Ex) Thansan shines like a good cleric, thanks to his Magaambyan training.
Consume Spells (Su) Once per day as a move action Thansan can expend an arcanist spell and gain arcane reservoir equal to its level.
Halcyon Spell Lore (Su) 1 cure light wounds faerie fire (L1), 2 speak with animals (L1), 3 calm animals (L1), 4 barkskin (L2), 5 delay poison (L2). Thansan can expend (level/2, minimum 1) arcane reservoir to cast a spell by expending an arcanist spell slot of the proper level.
Lurker +2 racial to Perception and Stealth.
Quick Study (Ex) Thansan can expend 1 arcane reservoir to swap one prepared spell to another prepared spell (of the same level) in his spellbook. This is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, and Thansan must be able to reference his spellbook.
Scion of Shadows Some wayangs retain an uncommonly powerful connection to the Plane of Shadow. A wayang with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (wayang) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. In addition, attacks made against such a wayang in dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability doesn’t grant total concealment; it only increases the miss chance.
Shadow Speaker Countless whispers of powerful beings from the Shadow Plane—long since dead or deeply dreaming—echo in the minds of wayangs with strong spiritual connections to the darkness. These faint voices hint at revelations of things to come and suggest actions for receptive listeners to undertake. Three times per day as a free action, but no more than once per turn, a wayang with this racial trait can heed these uncanny whispers to gain a +2 insight bonus on an ability check, attack roll, caster level check, concentration check, saving throw, or skill check. The wayang must choose to use this ability before making the appropriate die roll.

N. Scenario                            XP Prestige
01 #09-17 Oath of the Overwatched (GM)  1 +2- 2= 0 wand of cure light wounds 2 PP
02 #00-01 Silent Tide (GM)              1 +2   = 2
03 #08-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken       1 +2   = 4
04 #10-10 The Shattered Shield (GM)     1 +2   = 6
05 #00-06 Black Waters (GM)             1 +2   = 8
06 #10-16 What the Helms Hide           1 +2+ 1=11 (recovered 1 PP from scenario)
07 #10-14 Debt to the Quah (GM)         1 +2   =13
08 AP#43                                3 +4   =17
09 #06-06 Hall of the Flesh Eaters      1 +2   =19
10 #06-12 SotSK1: On Sharrowsmith's Tr. 1 +2- 1=20 scroll of share language 1 PP
11 #06-14 SotSK2: Kaava Quarry          1 +2   =22
Fame 24

Starting gold    150150.00 
1 # 9-17 Oath of the Overwatched    500650.00 
2 # 0-01 Silent Tide    4531103.00 
3 # 8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken    5061609.00 
Wand of cure light wounds (2 PP, CL 1st, 50 charges)10 3    1609.0037 left
Masterwork backpack150 3  1 1559.00 
Waterskin11 3  1 1558.00 
Mess kit10.2 3  1 1557.8 
Grooming kit11 3  0.5 1556.8 
Scroll box15 3  1 1551.8 
Ink pen10.1 3   1551.70 
Ink18 3   1543.70 
Journal110 3  1 1533.70 
Traveler's outfit10 3  1 1533.70 
Spellbook10 3  3 1533.70 
Spell component pouch15 3  2 1528.70 
Bandolier10.5 3   1528.20 
Bedroll10.1 3  1.25 1528.10 
Chalk10.01 3   1528.09 
Paper10.4 3   1527.69 
Paper10.4 3   1527.29 
Potion sponge52 3   1517.29 
SCRIBE air bubble, comprehend languages, grease, keep watch, magic weapon, protection from evil, sleep, vanish1120 3  1397.29 
Potion of cure light wounds150 3   1347.29 
Potion of cure light wounds150 3   1297.29 
Scroll of mage armor125 37  1272.29 
Scroll of mage armor125 39  1247.29 
Scroll of shield125 39  1222.29 
Scroll of shield125 311  1197.29 
Scroll of Kreighton's perusal125 3   1172.29 
Scroll of expeditious retreat125 3   1147.29 
Concealable thieves' tools1190 3  0.5 957.29 
Alchemical silver heavy mace1102 3  4 855.29 
Cold iron punching dagger14 3  0.5 851.29 
Heavy crossbow150 3  4 801.29 
Cold iron crossbow bolts100.2 3  0.05 799.29 
Antitoxin150 3   749.29 
Alkali flask115 3  1 734.29 
Alkali flask115 3  1 719.29 
Alkali flask115 3  1 704.29 
Dusk agate extract175 311  629.29 
4 # 10-10 The Shattered Shield    5001129.29 
Scroll box15 4  1 1124.29 
SCRIBE touch of the sea115 4  1109.29 
Scroll of detect secret doors125 49  1084.29 
Scroll of detect secret doors125 4   1059.29 
Scroll of enlarge person125 4   1034.29 
Scroll of true strike125 411  1009.29 
Scroll of true strike125 411  984.29 
Scroll of stone fist125 4   959.29 
Scroll of decompose corpse125 4   934.29 
Scroll of restore corpse125 4   909.29 
Scroll of heightened awareness125 47  884.29 
Scroll of heightened awareness125 410  859.29 
Scroll of Serren's swift girding125 4   834.29 
Scroll of comprehend languages125 4   809.29 
Scroll of comprehend languages125 4   784.29 
Scroll of air bubble125 4   759.29 
Potion of cure light wounds150 4   709.29 
5 # 0-06 Black Waters    5501259.29 
Sling10 5   1259.29 
Sling bullets100.01 5  0.25 1259.19 
Moonrod110 5  1 1249.19 
Moonrod110 5  1 1239.19 
Scroll of floating disk125 5   1214.19 
Scroll of alarm125 5   1189.19 
Scroll of monkey fish125 5   1164.19 
Scroll of magic weapon125 5   1139.19 
Ioun stone cracked mulberry pentacle (+1 comp. Bluff, Diplomacy)1400 5   739.19 
Ioun stone cracked pink and green sphere (+1 comp. Handle An.)1200 5   539.19 
Ioun stone cracked dark blue rhomboid (+1 comp. Perc./Sense M.)1400 5   139.19 
7 # 10-16 What the Helms Hide    700839.19 
6 # 10-14 Debt to the Quah    12702109.19 
8 AP#43 The Haunting of Harrowstone    37115820.19 
Cloak of resistance +214000 8  1 1820.19 
SCRIBE expeditious retreat115 8  1805.19 
Haunt siphon1400 8  1 1405.19 
Antiplague150 8   1355.19 
Vermin repellent15 811  1350.19 
Oil of remove paralysis1300 8   1050.19 
SCRIBE resist energy, invisibility, see invisibility, mirror image, levitate1300 8  750.19 
Scroll of bull's strength1150 8   600.19 
Scroll of see invisibility1150 8   450.19 
SCRIBE knock, command undead1120 8  330.19 
Cold iron sickle112 8  1 318.19 
9 # 06-06 Hall of the Flesh Eaters    18612179.19 
9 # 06-06 dayjob    102189.19 
Wayfinder1250 9  1 1939.19 
Spring-loaded wrist sheath15 9  0.2501934.19 
Spring-loaded wrist sheath15 9  0.25 1929.19 
Traveler's any-tool1250 9  2 1679.19 
SCRIBE reduce person, enlarge person, identify, expeditious excavation, liberating command, thunderstomp190 9  1589.19 
SCRIBE alter self, web, protection from arrows1180 9  1409.19 
Book lariat10.3 9  0.5 1408.89 
SCRIBE shield115 9  1393.89 
SCRIBE ant haul115 9  1378.89 
SCRIBE arcane pocket115 9  1363.89 
SCRIBE celestial healing115 9  1348.89 
SCRIBE crafter's fortune115 9  1333.89 
SCRIBE detect secret doors115 9  1318.89 
SCRIBE detect undead115 9  1303.89 
SCRIBE feather fall115 9  1288.89 
SCRIBE floating disk115 9  1273.89 
SCRIBE jump115 9  1258.89 
SCRIBE magic aura115 9  1243.89 
SCRIBE obscuring mist115 9  1228.89 
SCRIBE serren's swift girding115 9  1213.89 
SCRIBE unseen servant115 9  1198.89 
SCRIBE animal aspect160 9  1138.89 
SCRIBE bestow weapon proficiency160 9  1078.89 
SCRIBE bull's strength160 9  1018.89 
SCRIBE eagle's splendor160 9  958.89 
SCRIBE force sword160 9  898.89 
SCRIBE stone call160 9  838.89 
SCRIBE whispering wind160 9  778.89 
Ioun stone cracked mossy disk (+1 comp. Nature)1200 9   578.89 
Ioun stone cracked pink and green sphere (+1 comp. UMD)1200 9   378.89 
Potion of cure light wounds150 9   328.89 
Potion of cure light wounds150 9   278.89 
Alchemical silver dagger122 9  0.5 256.89 
Trail rations300.5 9  0.25 241.8910 left
Scroll of mage armor125 910  216.89 
Scroll of mage armor125 911  191.89 
Scroll of mage armor125 9   166.89 
Vermin repellent15 9   161.89 
Scroll of share language (1 prestige)10 10  161.89 
SCRIBE share language140 10  121.89 
10 # 6-12 SotSK1: On Sharrowsmith's Trail    11941315.29 
10 # 6-12 Dayjob    101325.29 
SCRIBE spider climb160 10  1265.29 
Spellbook115 10  3 1250.29 
Ioun stone cracked incandescent blue sphere (+1 comp. Survival)1200 10   1050.89 
11 # 6-14 SotSK2: Kaava Quarry    18422892.89 
11 # 6-14 Dayjob    12893.89 
Javelin41 11  1 2892.89 
Javelin41 11  1 2891.89 
Javelin41 11  1 2890.89 
Javelin41 11  1 2889.89 
Scroll of mage armor125 11   2864.89 
SCRIBE true strike115 11  2849.89 
SCRIBE color spray115 11  2834.89 
SCRIBE charm person115 11  2819.89 
SCRIBE erase115 11  2804.89 
SCRIBE expeditious construction115 11  2789.89 
SCRIBE itching curse115 11  2774.89 
SCRIBE lose the trail115 11  2759.89 
SCRIBE shocking grasp115 11  2744.89 
SCRIBE scorching ray160 11  2684.89 

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