Male Oread Spiritualist 4
Neutral Medium Outsider
Player <Gomis> (<81346-19>)
Xp 10
Faction Dark Archive
Prestige/Fame 17/18
Init +1
Senses Perception +4/+6, darkvision 60 ft.
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15; (+5 armor, +1 Dex, +1 Nat. Armor)
hp 43
Fort 7, Ref 2, Will 6/8
Special Defenses N/A
Speed 20 ft. / 20 ft.
Melee +1 Greataxe +8/+7, 1d12+7/+10 dmg, x 3 critical, slashing.
Melee MWK Cold Iron Falchion +8/+7, 2d4+6/+9 dm, 18-20/x2 critical, slashing.
Melee Bite (Primary) +7/+6, 1d4+4/+5 dmg, x2 critical, bludgeoning, piercing & slashing.
Melee Bite (Off-Handed) +2/+1, 1d4+4/+5 dmg, x2 critical, bludgeoning, piercing & slashing.
Ranged -
Special Attacks N/A
Spells known
2nd (2/day) - See Invisibility, Purge Spirit
1st (4/day) — Cure Light Wounds, Shield, Expeditious Retreat, Remove Fear
Knacks (at will) — Detect Magic, Stabilize, Guidance, Telekinetic Projectile, Read Magic, Mage Hand
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 5
Base Atk 3; CMB 7; CMD 18
Feats Toughness, Skill Focus (Diplomacy and Sense Motive) when phantom is inside head, Power Attack
Skills Diplomacy -3/+0 (0 ranks), Knowledge (planes) +4 (1 rank), Knowledge (religion) +7 (4 ranks), Linguistics +1 (1 rank), Perception +4/+6 (1 rank), Profession (soldier) +6 (1 rank), Sense Motive +9/+12 (4 ranks), Spellcraft +6 (3 ranks)
Traits Spirit Sense, Adopted -> Tusked
Languages Common, terran, catfolk
SQ Darkvision 60 ft., Spell-like ability Magic Stone 1/day, Granite Skin [+1 Nat. Armor], Earth Affinity, Weapon Familiarity [greataxes and falchions, "orc" weapons are martial; -1 ATK with all other manufactured weapons], Phantom, Shared Consciousness, Etheric Tether, Bonded Senses, Bonded Manifestation, Spiritual Interference.
On person +1 Greataxe (12 lbs.), MWK Cold Iron Falchion (8 lbs.), +1 Chainshirt (25 lbs.), Traveler's Outfit (5 lbs.), Wand of Cure Light Wounds [40 charges] (-)
In Handy Haversack Shovel (8 lbs.), Tent (20 lbs.), Bedroll (5 lbs.), Alchemist's Fire x 4 (4 lbs.), Acid x 2 (2 lbs.), Rope (silk, 50 ft.) (5 lbs.), Potion of Touch of the Sea (1 lbs)
Wealth 921 GP
Encumbrance 52 lb. without backpack, 57 lb. with backpack (100 lb. light/101-200 lb. medium/201-300 lb. heavy)
Scenarios Played
1. #6-10: The Wounded Wisp
2. Pathfinder Module: Murder's Mark [GM exp]
3. #7-10: The Consortium Compact
4. #9-22: Grotto of the Deluged God
5. #10-05: Mysteries Under Moonlight Part 1: Testament of Souls [GM exp]
6. #10-16: What the Helms Hide [GM exp]
7. #10-07: Mysteries Under Moonlight Part 2: The Howling Dance
8. #10-10: The Shattered Shield
Male Catfolk Phantom 4
Neutral Medium Outsider
Init +6
Senses Perception +4, darkvision 60 ft.
AC 16/17, touch 12/14, flat-footed 14/15; (+0 armor, +2 Dex, +4 natural[ectoplasmic], +2 deflection[incorporeal], +4dodge[incorporeal])
hp 19
Fort 2, Ref 5, Will 5
Special Defenses DR 5/slashing[ectoplasmic], incorporeal[incorp.]
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Slam x 2 +4, 1d6+1/1d8+1 damage, x2 critical, bludgeoning.
Special Attacks Dutiful Strike
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk 3; CMB 4; CMD 16
Feats Iron Will, Skill Focus (Disable Device), Improved Initiative
Skills Diplomacy +8 (3 ranks), Disable Device +11 (3 ranks), Perception +4 (1 rank), Sense Motive +6 (3 ranks), Stealth +7 (2 ranks)
Languages Common, terran, catfolk
SQ Darkvision 60 ft., Link, Share Spells, Dutiful Strike, Deliver Touch Spells (30 ft.), Magic Attacks.
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