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Sorelev Ajalaitle Acheron (6089-16)

En ole nyt vieläkään ihan varma, mitä te oikeestaan haluaisitte mun sanovan. Verestäkö siis ei saa puhua?

Half-Elf NinjaUC 5
Neutral Medium Humanoid (elf, human)
Player Veltzeh (6089-16)
XP 14,0
Faction Grand Lodge
Prestige/Fame 17/23
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Init +2
Senses Low-light vision; Perception +10
Speed 30 ft.
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AC 18 (+4 vs. AoOs from moving), flat-footed 15, touch 14, flat-footed touch 11 (+2 Dex, +4 armor, +0 armor (magic), +1 dodge, +0 natural, +1 deflection, +0 insight)
HP 29/40 (5d8+2)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantment
CMD 19
SD immunity to magic sleep
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  • Melee (1-h) +1 katana +7, 1d8+4, S, 18–20/×2, —
  • Melee (2-h) +1 katana +7, 1d8+5, S, 18–20/×2, —
  • Melee Dagger +6, 1d4+3, P or S, 19–20/×2, 10 ft.
  • Melee (1-h) Club +6, 1d6+3, B, ×2, 10 ft.
  • Melee (2-h) Club +6, 1d6+4, B, ×2, 10 ft.
  • Melee mithral dagger +7, 1d4+3, P or S, 19–20/×2, 10 ft.
  • Melee cold iron kusarigama +6, 1d3/1d6+3, S or B, ×2, —
  • Melee alchemical silver nunchaku +6, 1d6+3, B, x2, —
  • Ranged Dagger +5, 1d4+3, P or S, 19–20/×2, 10 ft.
  • Ranged Club +5, 1d6+3, B, ×2, 10 ft.
  • Ranged Sling +5, 1d4+3, B, ×2, 50 ft.
  • Ranged mithral dagger +6, 1d4+3, P or S, 19–20/×2, 10 ft.
  • Ranged mwk composite (+0) shortbow +6, 1d6+0, P, ×3, 70 ft.
  • Ranged splash weapon +5, 1d6+0, element, ×2, 10 ft.

CMB +6
Special Attacks

  • Sneak Attack +3d6

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Ki pool 4; Ki abilities

  • Ki points remain: treat Acrobatics (jump) checks as having a running start.
  • Spend 1 ki point, swift action: make one additional attack at highest attack bonus when doing a full attack.
  • Spend 1 ki point, swift action: increase speed by 20 feet for 1 rnd.
  • Spend 1 ki point, swift action: gain +4 insight bonus on Stealth for 1 rnd.
  • Spend 1 ki point, swift action: become invisible for 5 rnds (vanishing trick).
  • Spend 1 ki point, standard action: gain mirror image for rnds (shadow clone).

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Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
BAB +3
Traits Armor ExpertAPG, ResilientAPG
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes
Skills Acrobatics +10 [5], Appraise +0, Bluff +6 [1], Climb +8 [2], Craft () +0, Craft () +0,:) Diplomacy +6 [1], Disable device +12 [5], Disguise +7 [1], Escape artist +10 [5], Fly +2, Heal +0, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (local) +4 [1], Linguistics +5 [2], Perception +10 [5], Perform (dance) +7 [2], Ride +2, Sense motive +0, Sleight of hand +7 [2], Stealth +10 [5], Survival +0, Swim +7 [1], Use magic device +10 [5]

  • +1 insight bonus on opposed Stealth checks whenever stationary and does not take any action for at least 1 round.

Languages Common/Taldane, Elven, Thassilonian, Kelesh
Special Qualities Half-elf: Low-light vision, elven/human blood, Elven Immunities (immune to magic sleep, +2 racial save bonus vs. enchantment), Keen Senses, multitalented (summoner), Dual MindedARG; Ninja: poison use, sneak attack, ki pool, ninja tricks (vanishing trick (Su), shadow clone (Su))) uncanny dodge
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Special Abilities

  • Dodge You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC.
  • Combat Reflexes May make AoOs while flat-footed. Make 3 AoOs per round.
  • Mobility +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. AoOs caused when you move out of or within a threatened area.
  • Poison use Cannot poison emself when applying poison to weapon.
  • No Trace (Ex) DC to track a ninja using the Survival skill increases by +1. +1 insight bonus on Disguise checks and on opposed Stealth checks when stationary and does not take any action for at least 1 round.
  • Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Cannot be caught flat-footed, does not lose Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. Immobilized and feinting works normally.

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On body +1 katana, mwk leather lamellar (25 lb), Handy Haversack (5 lb), Cloak of Resistance + (1 lb), Ring of Protection +, wand of CLW, Wayfinder (1 lb), Dagger (2) (2 lb), Club (3 lb), Sling, Bullets, sling, cold iron (10) (5 lb), mithral dagger (0,5 lb), mwk composite (+0) shortbow (2 lb), cold iron kusarigama (3 lb), alchemical silver nunchaku (2 lb), Arrows (20) (1,2 lb), Cold iron arrows (20) (1,5 lb), Arrows (10) weapon bl. Silver (1,5 lb), Arrow, blunt (20) (1,5 lb), smoked goggles, spring-loaded wrist sheath (2) (2 lb), Weapon cord, Acid (flask) (2) (2 lb), alchemical grease (1 lb), Alkali flask (2) (2 lb), Holy water (flask) (2) (2 lb), Smokestick (0,5 lb), Thieves' tools, masterwork (2 lb), Hot weather outfit (4 lb), weight 70,7 lb;
inside wayfinder: gold piece;
inside spring-loaded wrist sheath (left): wand of CLW (44 ch.);
inside spring-loaded wrist sheath (right): dagger;
In handy haversack Arrows (20) (1,5 lb), Cold iron arrows (20) (1,35 lb), Arrows (10) weapon bl. Silver (1,5 lb), Arrow, blunt (20) (1,5 lb), Backpack (empty) (2 lb), Bedroll (5 lb), Bell, Blanket, winter (3 lb), Chain (10 ft.) (2 lb), Chalkboard (2 lb), collapsible plank (10 lb), Crowbar (5 lb), drill (1 lb), Earplugs (4), filter hood (4 lb), Fishhook, fishing kit (0,5 lb), Flask (water) (3) (4,5 lb), Flint and steel, glass cutter, Grappling hook (4 lb), Hammer (2 lb), Oil (1-pint flask) (3) (3 lb), Rice paper (sheet) (12), Rope, hemp (50 ft.) (10 lb), Rope, silk (50 ft.) (5 lb), Sack (empty) (2) (1 lb), saw (2 lb), Shovel or spade (8 lb), snorkel, String or twine (50 ft.) (0,5 lb), Torch (5) (5 lb), waterproof bag (4) (2 lb), Whistle, signal, Alchemist's fire (flask) (2) (2 lb), Antiplague (vial), Bloodblock, Repellent, vermin (4), board game ("Muuttuva labyrintti") (2 lb), Disguise kit (8 lb), Cleats (2 lb), Cold-weather outfit (7 lb), Explorer's outfit (8 lb), ice skates (2 lb), Snowshoes (4 lb), weight 122,35 lb;
In sack nothing weight 0 lb;
In belt pouch potion of CLW, potion of remove paralysis, potion of lesser restoration, potion of darkvision, potion of invisibility, potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness, oil of magic weapon, Candle (9), Chalk, 1 piece (10), Inkpen, Magnet (0,5 lb), Pouch, belt (empty) (0,5 lb), weight 1 lb;
In ship, lodge or some inn täytetty oranginpääs6, weight 0 lb;
Money 4312 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
Encumbrance 194,05 lb (without sack) (Light 88 lb, Medium 176 lb, Heavy 265 lb)

  • Confirmed Field Agent s2a Farabellus has formally recognized you as a field agent and given you a wayfinder engraved with your name and the date of your graduation. If this is the first time you have received this boon for any of your characters, you receive this wayfinder for free; otherwise, you may acquire it by spending 1 Prestige Point. Furthermore, if you assign this Chronicle sheet to a character whose starting XP is 0, you reduce the Prestige Point cost of any wayfinder enhancement vanities you purchase to modify this wayfinder by 1 (minimum 1).
  • Explore, Report, Cooperate s2b As a free or immediate action, you may consider whether a particular action you name – such as subduing but not killing an enemy, befriending an NPC, or recovering a particular item – would help realize the goals of the Pathfinder Society. The GM then informs you whether the action's impact would be positive (contributes to meeting a secondary success condition for the scenario), negative (opposes the secondary success condition), or negligible (neither contributes to nor opposes the secondary success condition). If none of these three options accurately reflects the action's impact on the PC's fulfillment of the secondary success conditions, the GM may respond with a phrase of five words or less. Once you use this boon, cross it off the Chronicle sheet.
  • Friend of Janira Gavix s2c Janira helps you perform research, granting you a +1 bonus on Knowledge checks attempted while you are in the Grand Lodge.
  • Budding Friendship s5 If you would earn no Prestige Points at the end of an adventure that included one or more encounters in Absalom, cross off this boon to gain 1 PP. 1 use.
  • Ragdya’s Blessing s6 Gain a climb speed of 20 ft. for 1d4 rounds. For one round after this boon expires, if you would fall due to failing a climb check, you fall slowly (as feather fall) if close to a wall or somesuch. 1 use.
  • Skillful Barterer s7 In a settlement of at least 100 people, exchange up to 300 gp worth of mundane items to other mundane items. 1 use.
  • Blessing of Malikeen s8 Yeti-and-child statue: activate as standard action → gain endure elements against cold only and tret the altitude zone as one category lower until the end of the scenario. 1 use.
  • Infiltrator s10 Before rolling a Stealth check, choose an ally also rolling Stealth for the same circumstance. You both roll Stealth and use the higher result of the two. 1 use.
  • APG: Advanced Player's Guide; FG: Pathfinder Society Field Guide; GOP: Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play; ARG: Advanced Race Guide; UC: Ultimate Combat.

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  • Homeland: Absalom
  • Religion: Lao Shu Po?
  • Height: 178 cm / 5' 10"
  • Weight: 67 kg / 148 lbs.
  • Hair: black with a dark red streak (grows from a fist-sized area on Sorelev's right temple)
  • Eyes: dark teal with dark red eyeballs
  • Complexion: disturbingly new, pale and free of blemishes
  • Age: 2, no I mean 22+2
  • Clothes: basic armour and adventurer gear, black
  • Achievements: received an orangutang head trophy, fired a firearm

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  1. 2014-05-20: Intro 1: First Steps—Part I: In Service to Lore
  2. 2014-05-23: #5–08: The Confirmation s2a s2b s2c
  3. 2014-05-24: PFSS: Master of the Fallen Fortress
  4. 2014-08-14: #6–01: Trial by Machine
  5. 2015-06-16: #6–05: Slave Ships of Absalom s5
  6. 2016-03-12: #6–08: The Segang Expedition s6
  7. 2016-03-30: #6–22: Out of Anarchy s7
  8. 2016-04-09: #7–06: To Judge a Soul, Part I: The Lost Legacy s8
  9. 2016-05-10: #7–08: To Judge a Soul, Part II: Karma Reclaimed
  10. 2016-05-14: #7–21: The Sun Orchid Scheme s10
  11. 2016-05-20: #6–11: The Slave Master’s Mirror
  12. 2016-06-11: #6–15: The Overflow Archives
  13. 2016-06-11: #6–09: By Way of Bloodcove

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Tausta: Soular kasvatti Sorelevin Suurloosin kellarissa. Kuten kaikki tietävät, Suurloosin kellarissa on useita rivejä koeputkia, joista ilmestyy Kyran, Ezrenin, Valeroksen ja muiden tutuksi tulleiden hahmojen klooneja. Hullu haltiapommialkemisti tosin käytti Sorelevin tekemiseen omaa ja Skadin geneettistä materiaalia eikä Suurloosin valmiiksi antamia sotkuja. Dekamviraatti ei tuskin ole antanut Soularin toiminnalle virallista hyväksyntää, mutta kukaan ei ilmeisesti ole kertonut heille mitään.

Soular oli unohtanut koeputkeen jonkun Valeroksen vanhan panssarin ja Sorelev putkahti se päällään putkesta. Loosista löytyi Soularin ja Skadin lisäksi muitakin tarpeeksi omituisia henkilöitä, jotka eivät välittäneet Sorelevin oudosta alkuperästä vaan kouluttivat hänestä tienraivaajan.

Persoonallisuus: Sorelev on huolettoman oloinen ja iloluontoinen. Hänellä ei ole “vanhempiensa” älynlahjoja, mutta hän on useammin vähän parempaa seuraa – ainakin jos ei tule puhetta asioista, joista hän ei tiedä mitään, kuten isoksi kasvamisesta. Sorelev pitää verestä, sen väristä, mausta ja hajusta. Hänestä on mukavaa nähdä sen valuvan.

Ulkonäkö: Sorelev vaikuttaa suhteellisen tavanomaiselta puolihaltialta. Hän on 178 cm pitkä, painaa 67 kiloa ja omistaa tummanturkoosit silmät, tummanpunaiset silmämunat ja suoran, kiiltävänmustan tukan, joka yltää hänen olkapäilleen ja jossa on tummanpunainen raita, sillä jostain syystä hänen oikealla ohimollaan on hänen nyrkkinsä kokoinen oudosti pigmentoitunut läiskä. Hän pukeutuu yleensä mustaan kuten tianxialaiset ammatilliset esikuvansa, joten hänellä on useimmiten päällään värjätty peruspanssari. Sorelevilla ei ole omaa vaatetajua, joten hän antaa muiden ostaa vaatteensa. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että hänen ensimmäinen vaatekertansa on Soularin ostama ja lojuu jokseenkin käyttämättömänä Suurloosin kellarissa jonkun tyylitietoisemman tienraivaajan ehdotuksesta.

Kategoriassa Pathfinder Society, pelaaja: Veltzeh.

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