Female Half-elf Investigator (Psychic Detective) 10
Neutral Medium Humanoid (Half-elf)
Player Nostrix (<140263-11>)
Init +8 (+5 dex + 2 trait + 1 ioun stone)
Senses Perception +20+1d8+2, Low-light vision
AC 24, touch 16, flat-footed 19; (+5 dex, +5 armor, +2 shield, +1 natural, +1 deflection)
HP 85 (10d8 + 30 con +2 FCB)
Fort +9 (con +3, class +3, resistance +3) Heroism +2
Refl +15 (dex +5, class +7, resistance +3) Heroism +2
Will +10 (wis +0, class +7, resistance +3) Heroism +2
Special Defences:
Inspiration 1pt to Save
Psychic meddler: +3 save vs psychic
Trapsense: +3 ref/AC vs traps
Immune to sleep
Speed 30ft, with armor 30ft
Melee (PA) Adamantine Inspired Rapier +1 +12/+7 1d6+10 (18-20/x2)
Melee (Studied+PA) Adamantine Inspired Rapier+1 +17/+12 1d6+15 (18-20/x2) (Studied strike:3d6)
Melee (Studied+Combat Inspiration+PA) Adamantine Inspired Rapier+1 +21+1d8/+16+1d8 1d6+2d8+17 (18-20/x2) (Studied strike:4d6)
Melee (Studied+Combat Inspiration+PA+Bane) Adamantine Inspired Rapier+1 +23(+1d8)/+19(+1d8) 1d6+2d6+2d8+19 (18-20/x2) (Studied strike:4d6)
Phrenic dabbler: 5 pt psychic pool: Mindshield, 1 point target of linked spell +2 morale bonus on Will saves for 8 rds. Can instead spend 2 points to increase the bonus to +4
Psychic Spells, CL: 10, Concentration +15
Str 13, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +7; CMB +8; CMD 24
Investigator talents
Half-elf FCB: +1/4 inspiration x 8
Inspiration: 10 pts, 1d8+2
Free inspiration: Knowledge(all), Linguistics, Profession, Spellcraft, Diplomacy, Heal, Perception, Sense motive
Skills acp: 0; total skill ranks: 110, Normally Heroism +2, Awareness +2 Knowledge/perception. Trapfinding: +4 perception/disable vs traps.
Traits: Elven reflexes, Student of philosophy
Languages: Common, Elven, Ancient Osirian, Thassilonian, Infernal, Aklo, Abyssal, Celestial, Protean
On person: Traveler's outfit (trench coat), Mithral chain shirt+1, Mithral Buckler +1, Adamatine Inspired rapier +1, Headband of intelligence [+4], Belt of physical might (Dex,CON) [+2], Ring of protection[+1], Amulet of natural armor [+1], Eyes of the eagle, Cloak of resistance [+3], MW thieves tools, Bane baldric
Wealth: 9,136
Potions/Oils: Potion of touch of the sea, Oil of daylight
Wands: Wand of longstrider [48], Wand of heightened awareness [43], Wand of infernal healing [42]
Ioun Stones: Cracked pink & green sphere (+1 UMD), cracked dusty rode prism (+1 init)
Encumbrance lb. without backpack (//), lb. with backpack
Master of Trade: 10% discount
Investor: 5% discount
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