"No equal in heaven nor earth."
Init +6
Senses Perception +0, low-light vision
AC 27, touch 17, flat-footed n/a; (+8 Armor, +5 Dex, +1 Def, +1 Insight, +2 Nat)
hp 83 (10d8+con+fcb10)
Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +10; +4 vs. performances, sonic, language-dependent; +2 vs. mind-affecting
DR 1/-
Immunities endure elements effect in cold weather, ghoul paralysis resist cold 5
Speed 30 ft., in armor
Melee(+pa+as) +1 agile furious e.b.s +11/+6 (1d8+15/x3) reach, P
Melee(+song+pa+as+rr) +5 keen e.b.s +14/+9 (1d8+22/19-20/x3)
Ranged(+song+as) tube arrow s. +14/+9 (1d4+7/x2, 40 ft range)
Melee(+allegro+heroism) +5 keen a.ebs +17/+17/+12 (1d8+22/19-20/x3)
Special Attacks enhance weapons +3 (24 rds, move action), +1 to hit humanoids(dwarf or orc)
Spells known (CL 10, defensive +13)
4th (1/day) - echolocation, freedom of movement
3rd (4/day) — good hope, haste, jester's jaunt, see invisibility
2nd (6/day) — allegro, gallant inspiration, heroism, rotgut], versatile weapon
1st (6/day) — borrow skill, cure light wounds, feather step, remove fear, timely inspiration, vanish
Cantrips — detect magic, light, mage hand, spark, prestidigitation, read magic
Str 13, Dex 21, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +7; CMB +8; CMD 25
Feats Weapon Finesse, Improved CounterspellB, Power Attack, Arcane Strike, Combat Reflexes, Reckless Rage
Skills (acp 0) Acrobatics +14 (6), Bardic Knowledge +6, Bluff +16 (10), Climb +5 (1), Linguistics +5 (1), Perform(percussion) +11 (5) +2 to Intimidate w/cloak, Perform(oratory) +16 (10); +2 to hunches; +2 to gather info; +2 w/tome, Swim +5 (1), Spellcraft +14 (10), Use Magic Device +12 (6)
Traits Obscure TraditionsPotN (race), Sound of MindDEP (region)
Languages Common, Elven, Tien (ling), Hallit (int)
Racial Elemental resistance, eternal grudge, low-light vision, urbanite, weapon familiarity
SQ bardic knowledge, cantrips, Weapon Song(Enhance Weapons), versatile performance (oratory: Diplomacy, Sense Motive, percussion: Handle Animal, Intimidate), well-versed, protege(Solveig 4961-4: +2 Con), rage power (Celestial Blood, Lesser|Spirit Totem, Lesser|Spirit Totem), uncanny dodge, greater counterspell, song of strength, lore master 1/day, improved uncanny dodge, damage resistance, song of arcane manipulation
On person antiplague, antitoxin, aona +1, backpack (2 lb.), bamboo shaft arrow x1 (½ lb.), belt of dex, cloak of the yeti (5 lb.), +1 agile furious darkwooden branched spear (5 lb.), dusty rose prism, headband of cha +2, hyperboreal robeRoW2 (1 lb.), +3 burdenless mithral kikko armor (12,5 lb.), monk's outfit (2 lb.), tube arrow shooter (loaded) x2 (1 lb.), wand of clw, ring of protection +1
In backpack acid flask (2) (2 lb.), courtier's + jewels (6 lb.), rations (2) (2 lb.), spell component pouch (2 lb.), bedroll (5 lb.), silk rope (5 lb.), tome of epics (3 lb.), earplugs
Wealth 7861 monies -25(booze), -6800 (lucky horseshoe) -1000(Page of Spell Knowledge:borrow skill) =1036
Encumbrance w/burdenless armor 26 lb. without backpack, 53 lb. with backpack (75 light/76-150 medium/ lb. heavy)
pakko mikä pakko
Keväiset vuoret
Paljastavat antejaan
Aika poluttaa
Tallo mua hani
Valaistumista haluun
Femdomeitse siis
Jos ei pakotus
Tahi ryyppäys autakaan
Ehkä kipu sit
Bei Dao opettaa
Vaan ei mitään riimejä
Pelkkää totuutta
Kaikki on kusta
Paitsi siis Rajavalli
Se on vaan paskaa
Kaiverrat minua
Riimuni räjähtävät
Kiitti vitusti
Synk mut ei huippuu
Vain ruumiita Besmaran
Ryntäillä kelluu
Velashu kutsuu
Nyt meitä onnekkaita
Syvä sen syli
Voi sinua Remy
Ei vettä voi lävistää
Agentit kirkuu
Kokee suuria vaikeuksia
Pienet kollegat
Siis vitun keijut
Ei vaan mitään etiikkaa
Ihan kuin minä
wake me up inside
11) Extra Rage Power (gtr. spirit totem), 1 3rd & 4th lvl slot, spells known: heightened awareness & primal scream
12) +1 Dex, all saves +1, rage power (come and get me), versatile performance, 2nd & 4th lvl slots, spells known: greater path of glory
can't wake up
save me(skenu/kuka/missä)
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