Female Dwarf Ranger (Guide) 6/ Fighter (Brawler) 4
Neutral Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Player Swyrlyn
Init +1/+3 undergound(+1 dex)
Senses Perception +15 (+2 vs stone) +2 underground, Darkvision
AC 33, touch 13, flat-footed 32; (+1 dex, +10 armor, +8 shield, +1 deflection, +2 natural armor, +1 insight)
HP 110 (10d10 + 40 con + 6 fcb)
Fort +16 (con +4, fighter +4, ranger +5, resistance +3)
Refl +10 (dex +1, fighter +1, ranger +5, resistance +3)
Will +11 (wis +2, fighter +1, ranger +2, resistance +3, +1 trait, +2 feat)
Special Defences:
+4 vs spells and spell-like abilities, +5 vs poison, +1 vs diseases +1 vs fear, +1 vs confusion, Endurance, +4 AC vs giants
Speed 20ft, with armor 20ft
1-handed Melee +5 Adamantine Heavy Shield +23/+18 1d4+16 (P/S/B change with free action-20/x2)
1-handed Melee+ Power Attack +5 Adamantine Heavy Shield +20/+15 1d4+22 (P/S/B change with free action-20/x2)
2-handed Melee +5 Adamantine Heavy Shield +23/+18 1d4+19 (P/S/B change with free action-20/x2)
2-handed Melee Power Attack +5 Adamantine Heavy Shield +20/+15 1d4+28 (P/S/B change with free action-20/x2)
2-handed Melee Power Attack+Ranger's Focus +5 Adamantine Heavy Shield +24/+19 1d4+32 (P/S/B change with free action-20/x2)
Ranger's Focus 2/day: +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls against the target of his focus. Boots of speed 10/day
Ranged Mw Darkwood Composite Longbow +12 1d8+3 (20/x3)
Spells:(CL 3, Concentration +5)
1st (2/day) (DC 13)- Resist Energy*2
Str 22 , Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 5
Base Atk +10; CMB +16; CMD 30(+5 vs bull rush, +4 vs trip, +1 vs reposition&drag)
Skills acp: -4; total skill ranks: 44
Traits: Indomitable faith, Insider Knowledge (Diplomacy)
Languages: Dwarf, Common
RSQ Hardy, Stability, Hatred, Stonecunning, Lorekeeper, Darkvision
SQ track +3 survival, Favored Terrain (Underground +2), Terrain Bond, Close Control, Close Combatant +1/+3
On person: +5 Adamantine Heavy Shield [12], Explorer's Outfit[8], Sap [2], Mw Darkwood Composite Longbow (+3 Str) [1,5], +1 Mithral Full Plate, Cold Iron Arrows (40), Blunt Arrows (20), Silver Arrows (20)
In backpack: Pathfinder's Kit[22], crowbar [5], Grappling hook with 50 ft silk rope [9} Alchemist Fire [4], Acid Flask [2]
Ioun Stones:Dusty Rose Prism in wayfinder,
Encumbrance lb. without backpack (//), lb. with backpack
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