Male Tiefling Occultist (Battle host) 1 / Magus (Mindblade) 9
Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid (outsider)
Player Nostrix (<140263-10>)
Init +7 (+1 dex +1 trait +1 ioun stone, +4 familiar)
Senses Perception +19, Darkvision 60ft
AC 32, touch 15, flat-footed 31; (+1 dex, +13 armor, +4 natural, +3 deflection +1 insight)
HP 92 (10d8 + 30 con + 9 fcb)
Fort +15 (con +3, class +8, insight +1, resistance +3) Heroism +2
Refl +8 (dex +1, class +3, insight +1, resistance +3) Heroism +2
Will +13 (wis 0, class +8, trait +1, insight +1, resistance +3) Heroism +2
Resistance: 5 fire, 5 cold, 5 electricity
Speed 30ft, with armor 20ft
Melee PowerAttack (TWF) +2 Keen Mindblade (Two-bladed sword) +12/+12/+7/+7 1d8+12/1d8+10 17-20/X2
Melee PowerAttack (2h) +2 Keen Mindblade (Two-bladed sword) +14/+9 1d8+17 17-20/X2
Magus Spells:(CL 10) Concentration: +26 (cast defensively DC 25+2xSpell level)
3rd (3+1/day) Heroism, Haste, Mind Thrust III, Storm step
2nd (4+1/day) Mirror Image, Frigid touch, Placebo effect, Bladed dash
1st (5+2/day) Blade tutor's spirit, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Magic Missile, Heightened awareness
0th Detect magic, Read Magic, Arcane Mark, Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
Occultist Spells:(CL 1)
1st (4/day) Lead Blades, Expeditious Retreat
Psychic access: (2nd): Heightened awareness, Placebo effect, (3rd) Heroism, Mind thrust III
Jeweled Sage (Garnet):+3 insight bonus on Knowledge (history) and Linguistics checks, and all Knowledge skills are class skills for you. Once per day, when attempting a Knowledge skill check, you can roll twice and take the higher result. Additionally, you can cast comprehend languages once per day as a spell-like ability (CL 15th). You are recognized as a leading scholar in many fields and gain +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks when dealing with other scholars and experts.
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +6; CMB +13; CMD 25
Arcana Psychic pool: 9 (use 2 to manifest blade)
Panoply bond Focus pool: 6
Skills acp: -5; total skill ranks: 70 (+2 from heroism, normally)
Traits: Arcane temper, Magical Knack (Magus), Indomitable Faith (boon), Secrets of the Sphinx (boon)
Languages: Common, Osirian, Ancient Osirian, Thassilonian, Azlanti, Infernal, Auran, Jistkan, Aklo, Tekritanin
RSQ Prehensile Tail, Vestigial Wings,
On person: Spellguard bracers, Tunic of careful casting, Gloves of elvenkind, Ring of protection +1, Amulet of natural armor+1, Cloak of resistance +3 (1lb), Wayfinder [Aegis of recovery] (1lb), Belt of Giant strength +2, Full Plate+3 (Panoply bond) (50lbs), Scholar's outfit (6lbs), Adventurer's kit (16,5lbs), Masterwork backpack (2 lbs), 2xSpring-loaded wrist sheath, Antiplague (5), Antitoxin (5)
Scrolls: Lesser restoration (x5), death ward, restoration, remove disease(x5), remove curse(x2), remove paralysis, tongues, calm emotions, heal
Wealth 8,028
Potions/Oils: Touch of the sea, Oil of daylight, Potion of fly
Wands: Longstrider(48), Infernal Healing(44), Expanded Awareness(42), Dimension door (10)
Ioun Stones: Dusty rose prism (+1 insight AC +2CMB/CMD), Cracked dusty rose prism (+1 init), Cracked pink and green sphere (+1 UMD) Cracked magenta prism (+2 diplo), Cracked opalescent white pyramid (two-bladed sword), Cracked pale green prism (+1 competence to attack), Four-leaf clover
Encumbrance 77 lbs. (153/306/460)
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