Male Nagaji Bloodrager(X-blooded) 2, Sorcerer(Tattooed) 3, Dragon Disciple 9
Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid (Nagaji)
Player Nostrix

Init +2 (+1 dex +1 ioun stone)
Senses Perception +8, Low-light vision, Blindsense 30

AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+1 dex, +4 armor, +6 natural, +1 deflection, +1 insight)
HP 177 (2d10 +3d6 +9d12 +70 con +14 Toughness + 3 fcb)
Rage HPs 219
Fort +19 (con +5, class +9, resistance +4, +1 competence) Heroism +2
Refl +9 (dex +1, class +3, resistance +4, +1 competence) Heroism +2
Will +12 (wis +0, class +8, resistance +4, -2 Xblooded, +1 trait, +1 competence) Heroism +2
Special Defences: Uncanny dodge, +10 Resist Cold, +2 vs mind-affecting and poison, Rage: Displacement

Speed 40ft, 70ft Fly
Melee +PA +AS MW Glaive +16/+11 1d6+29 x3
Melee +PA +AS +RAEG MW Glaive +18/+13 1d6+32 x3
Melee +PA +AS +RAEG Claws +22/+22 1d8+25 X2, Bite +22 1d6+34 +1d6 cold X2

Spells CL: 11, Concentration: +15
4th (4+1) Dimension door, Fear(b), ???
3rd (6+1) Heroism, Fly(b), Haste, ???
2nd (6+1) Resist energy(b), Burst of radiance, Mirror image, Glitterdust, ???
1st (6+1) Snowball, Mage armor(b), Magic missile, Shield, Longarm, Heightened awareness
0th Read magic, Detect magic, Mage hand, Prestidigitation, Message, Light

Str 28 (32), Dex 12, Con 20 (26), Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +9; CMB +17 (19); CMD 28 (30)

  • 1: Extra rage (retrain at 10)
  • 3: Raging vitality
  • 3b: Varisian tattoo (evocation)
  • 5: Arcane Strike (+3)
  • 7: Weapon focus (claws)
  • 7b: Toughness
  • 9: Improved familiar (calligraphy wyrm)
  • 10b: Power attack (-3 +6)
  • 11: Eschew materials
  • 13: Mad magic

Bloodrage (15 rounds):
+4 str, +6 con, Draconic: claws (1d8), Arcane: Blur, Spider climb or Resist energy, Arcane2: Displacement, Haste

Skills acp: 0; total skill ranks: 32. Heroism +2

  • Acrobaticsc (0) +1
  • Appraisec (0) -1
  • Bluffc (1) + 11
  • Climbc (0) + 10
  • Craft c (0) -2
  • Diplomacyc (3) +13
  • Disable device (0)
  • Disguisec (0) +6
  • Escape artistc (0) + 1
  • Flyc (11) +17
  • Handle animalc (1) +10
  • Healc (0)
  • Intimidatec (1) +10
  • Knowledge(arcana) (5) +7
  • Knowledge(history)c (0) -1
  • Linguistics (0)
  • Perceptionc (1) +8
  • Perform (Dance) (0) +6
  • Profession (Sailor)c (1) +8
  • Ridec (0) +1
  • Sense motive (0) +2
  • Sleight of hand (0)
  • Spellcraftc (0) -2
  • Stealth (0) +1
  • Survivalc (0) +2
  • Swimc (0) +10
  • Use magic devicec (8) +18

Traits: Indomitable faith, Magical knack (sorcerer)
Languages: Common, Nagaji, Draconic, Tien

Bloodrager (Crossblooded) while raging:

  • 1 Draconic, Claws (1d8 natural attack)
  • 4 Arcane, Select from: Blur, Spider climb, Protection from arrows, Resist energy
  • 8 Arcane, Select from: Displacement, Haste


  • 3 Dragon resistances, +10 Resist cold, +2 natural armor
  • 9 Breath weapon, 30ft cone of cold (11d6 DC 20) 2/d

Dragon disciple (Silver dragon)

  • Str +4
  • Con +2
  • Natural armor +3
  • Blindsense 30ft
  • Dragon bite (1d6, 1.5x Str)
  • Dragon form 1/d
  • Int +2
  • Wings

On person: Dragonform armor (1/d form of the dragon 1), Griffon mane adventurer's outfit, MW Cold Iron Glaive, Spring-loaded wrist sheath x2, Cloak of resistance +4, Belt of physical might +2 (STR, CON), Amulet of mighty fists (+1, Furious), Lesser rod of extend spells, Ring of protection +1, Circlet of persuasion, Headband of alluring charisma +2, Ring of vengeful bloodmagic, Spectacles of understanding
Wealth 111,694
Potions/Oils: Oil of daylight
Wands: Longstrider (42), Heightened awareness (36), Infernal healing (42)
Ioun Stones: Cracked Dusty rose prism (+1 init), Cracked pink and green sphere (+1 Diplo), 2xCracked pale green prism (+1 competence to attack rolls/ac) Scarlet & blue sphere (+2 INT, Fly), Dusty rose prism
Encumbrance lb. without backpack (//), lb. with backpack

Wondrous Items

  • Head Circlet of Persuasion
  • Headband Headband of alluring charisma +2
  • Face/Eyes Spectacles of understanding
  • Neck Furious Amulet of mighty fists +1
  • Shoulders Cloak of resistance +4
  • Chest
  • Body
  • Armor
  • Belt Belt of physical might+4 (STR,CON)
  • Wrist
  • Hand
  • Ring Ring of Protection (+1)
  • Ring Ring of vengeful blood magic
  • Feet


LN Medium Silver Dragon (humanoid, nagaji)
Init +2 (+1 dex +1 ioun stone)
Senses Perception +8, Low-light vision, Darkvision 60, Blindsense 30

AC 25, touch 13, flat-footed 20 (+1 dex, +4 armor, +8 natural, +1 deflection, +1 insight)
HP 191
Rage HPs 228
Fort +17 (+20) (con +6, class +7, resistance +4) Heroism +2
Refl +8 (dex +1, class +3, resistance +4) Heroism +2
Will +9 (wis +0, class +6, resistance +4, -2 Xblooded, +1 trait) Heroism +2
Special Defences: Uncanny dodge, +2 vs mind-affecting and poison, Resist cold: 30, Rage: Displacement
Vulnerability: Fire

Speed 40ft, Fly 60 ft (poor) Fly check: 17 (+2 heroism)
Melee +PA +AS +RAEG Bite +23 1d8+37 X2, Claws +24/+24 1d6+27 X2, Wings +18/+18 1d4+17 X2
Breath weapons
2/d 12d6 Cold DC 21 30 ft cone (bloodline)
1/d 8d8 Cold DC 25 30 ft cone (dragon form)

Str 32 (36), Dex 12, Con 22 (28), Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +9; CMB +21 (23); CMD 30 (32)


Male Calligraphy Wyrm Familiar
Neutral Diminutive Dragon

Init +7
SensesBlindsight 60, Darkvision 60, Lowlight 60, Perception +7

AC21 (+4 size, +3 dex, +4 armor)
hp47 (1/2 of Samase)
Fort 7 Ref 6 Will 7
Special Defenses Impr. Evasion

Speed 10 ft. Fly 80 ft. (perfect)
Melee gore +10 1d3-1
Special attacks: +2d6 sneak attack, Ink spray DC12 Reflex glitterdust (every 2d4 rounds)

Str 4 Dex 17 Con 10 Int 13 Wis 12 Cha 13)
Base Atk 3 CMB 2 CMD 9

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +4)
At will—arcane mark, read magic
1/day—secret page

Feats Improved initiative, Weapon finesse
SkillsBluff +7, Craft (calligraphy) +7, Fly +15, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Linguistics +7, Perception +7, Spellcraft +7
SQ Link, Share Spells
Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal Equipment

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