Pathfinder Society -hahmot, pelaaja: Arkhios (4225-3)
Olof Kriger
Even dragons will learn to fear my name!
Entinen gladiaattori, nykyinen vapaaherra Olof Kriger pyrkii tekemään nimeä itselleen ja kenties joskus palaamaan kotikonnuilleen maineikkaana paitsi teoiltaan myös nimeltään.
Male Human (Ulfen) Barbarian 1/Fighter 1 (Viking; +1 Skill Rank)
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid
Deity of Worship: Cayden Cailean
Player Arkhios
Xp 5/6
Faction Sovereign Court
Prestige/Fame 0/5
Init +1
Senses Perception +5
AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18; (+1 dex, +6 armor, +2 dodge, +2 shield)
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 16; (+1 dex, +6 armor, +2 dodge, +2 shield, RAGE: -2)
hp 22, RAGE: 26
Fort +6, Refl +1, Will +0
Fort +8, Refl +1, Will +2 [RAGE]
Special defenses Combat Expertise: (Atk +0/Dodge +1 AC).
Speed 40/30 ft.
Melee Mwk Longsword +8 (1d8+4, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Spear +3 (1d8+4, 20/x3, range 20 ft.)
Melee (Rage) Mwk Longsword +10 (1d8+6, 19-20/x2)
Ranged (Rage) Spear +3 (1d8+6, 20/x3, range 20 ft.)
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 8
Rage: Str 22, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Dodge, Weapon Focus (Longsword)B, Combat Expertise
Skills 11 Ranks (ACP -4):
- Acrobatics +2 (2)
- Climb +4 (2)
- Intimidate +4 (1)
- Perception +5 (2)
- Profession (Guard) +5 (2)
- Swim +4 (2)
Languages Taldane, Skald, Giant
SQ (Racial +2 Str), Fast Movement (+10 ft. when not wearing Heavy Armor and not in Heavy Load), Rage 6 rounds/Day, Viking Armor Proficiency, Bonus Feats
Traits Threatening Defender (Reduce Combat Expertise Attack Penalty by 1), Viking Blood (+1 Trait bonus Intimidate)
On person MWK Chainmail (40 lb.), MWK Longsword (4 lb.), MWK Darkwood Heavy Shield (5 lb.), Spear x 3 (18 lb.)
In backpack Backpack (2 lb.), Hempen Rope (50 ft., 10 lb.), Potion of Cure Light Wounds x 5 (0.5 lb.)
Encumbrance 67lb. without backpack, 79.5 lb. with backpack (100 lb. light/200 lb. medium/300 lb. heavy)
Wealth 43 gp 5 sp
B Bonus Feat, Fighter
Future Plans:
- Barbarian1: Dodge, Combat Expertise, Fast Movement, Rage
- Viking1: Viking Armor Proficiency, Weapon Focus: Longsword
- Viking2: Power Attack, Intimidating Prowess, Fearsome (move)
- Viking3: Shield Defense +1, +1 Int
- Viking4: Weapon Specialization: Longsword, Toughness, Berserker
- Ulfen Guard1: Chosen Ally 1, Guard Dedication (Curiosity), Rage
- Ulfen Guard2: Antagonize, Guarded Thoughts
- Ulfen Guard3: Guard Dedication (Formal Training: Shield Focus), +1 Wis
- Ulfen Guard4: Greater Shield Focus, Adaptable Guardian
- Ulfen Guard5: Chosen Ally 2, Guard Dedication (Clothed in Civilization)
- Ulfen Guard6: Raging Vitality, Tight Follower
- Ulfen Guard7: Guard Dedication (Greater Rage), +1 Dex
Defenses & Offense per level:
- Rage: 6rds/day (+4 str&con/+2 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: +0/+2
- Rage: 6rds/day (+4 str&con/+2 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: +0/+2
- Rage: 6rds/day (+4 str&con/+2 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: +0/+2 | PA: -1/+2
- Rage: 6rds/day (+4 str&con/+2 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: -1/+3 | PA: -2/+4
- Rage: 8rds/day (+4 str&con/+2 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: -1/+3 | PA: -2/+4
- Rage: 10rds/day (+4 str&con/+2 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: -1/+3 | PA: -2/+
- Rage: 12rds/day (+4 str&con/+2 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: -1/+3 | PA: -2/+4
- Rage: 14rds/day (+4 str&con/+2 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: -2/+4 | PA: -3/+6
- Rage: 16rds/day (+4 str&con/+2 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: -2/+4 | PA: -3/+6
- Rage: 18rds/day (+4 str&con/+2 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: -2/+4 | PA: -3/+6
- Rage: 20rds/day (+4 str, +6 con/+2 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: -2/+4 | PA: -3/+6
- Rage: 22rds/day (+6 str, +8 con/+3 will/-2 AC) | CE+Dodge: -3/+5 | PA: -4/+8
Toivelista Joulumieliselle Baba Yagalle:
- Darkwood Heavy Shield +3
- Furious Courageous Longsword +2 (in Rage: +4 & All morale bonuses +2 extra)
- Belt of Physical Prowess (Str & Con) +4
- Cloak of Resistance +3
- Ring of Protection +3
- Amulet of Natural Armor +3
- Mithral Full Plate +3 (+12, max dex +3, acp -3)
- Boots of Speed
- Ioun Stone (+2 Dex)
Potential at level 12 (w/Rage & Haste!):
- Str 30 (+10), Dex 16 (+3), Con 28 (+9), Int 14 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
- speed 70 ft./60 ft. in medium or heavy armor!
- AC 43, Touch 20, Flat 34 (+12 armor, +3 dex, +8 shield, +6 dodge, +3 deflection, +3 natural, -2 rage)
- Fort +22, Ref +10, Will +14
- HP: 198
- BAB: +12/+7/+2, CMB: +22, CMD: 43
- Melee: +21/+21/+16/+11, 1d8+24, 19-20/x2 (longsword)
- Ranged: +15, 1d8+10, 20/x3 (Spear)
- Skills (ACP -3): Acrobatics +6 (3), Climb +11 (2), Diplomacy +21 (12), Intimidate +24 (12), Kno. Nobility +16 (11), Perception +16 (12), Profession (Guard) +16 (12), Sense Motive +16 (12), Swim +11 (2)
Pathfinder Society - Pelatut Skenut:
- Perils of the Pirate Pact
- Skeleton Moon
- Tide of Morning
- Voice in the Void
- Echoes of the Overwatched (-5 PP; -100gp; Retrained fighter archetype from default to Viking)
Kategoriassa Pathfinder Society -hahmot, pelaaja: Arkhios