N Male Half-Elf Bloodrager(Black Blood bloodline) 2 / Investigator 1
Player JJape 66474-12
Xp 6
Faction Dark Archive
Prestige/Fame 0/8
Init +4
Senses Perception +4, Low-light vision, Trapfinding
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
with bloodrage 16, touch 10, flat-footed 14
hp 33(2d10+1d8+3*3+3)(+9 hp in rage)
Fort +6(+9 in rage), Ref +4, Will +2(+4 in rage)
Special defenses Elf Immunites, Immune to Black Blood
Speed 30ft (with armor)
mwk Al.S. Earth Breaker +5 2d6+7, x3, B, PA
in rage +7 2d6+10, PA, x3, B
mwk C.I Katana +5 1d8+7, PA, x3, B
in rage +7 1d8+10, PA, x3, B
Ranged mwk composite(+3) Longbow +4 1d8+3
Special Attacks
Investigator extracts prepared
1st: 2xEnlarge Person
Investigator resources: Inspiration pool: 1
Bloodrager resources: Black Blood(Frost to weapon, 2 rounds, 3/day), Rage(7 rounds)
Str 16(20 in rage), Dex 14, Con 16(22 in rage), Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +5(+7 in rage); CMD 17(19 in rage)
Feats Power Attack, Raging Vitality
Traits Magical Knack(Investigator), Reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +3 (1), Bluff +5 (1), Climb +4(1), Craft:Alchemy +5 (1), Diplomacy +5 (1), Knowledge:Arcana +5 (1), Knowledge: Engineering +5 (1), Knowledge: Planes +5 (1), Knowledge:Religion +5 (1), Linguistics +5 (1), Perception +4 (1), Sense Motive +2 (1), Spellcraft +5 (1), Survival +2 (1), Swim +4(1), Stealth +3 (1), Use Magic Device +5 (1)
Languages Taldane, Elven, Varisian, Aklo, Draconic
SQ Dual-minded, Multitalented
ACP -3
On person Adventurer outfit (5), mwk Breastplate, mwk Al.S. Earth Breaker, mwk C.I Katana, IH-wand, mwk Darkwood Composite(+3) Longbow, Ioun Torch, 5xAlchemist Fire, 5xAcid Flask, Wand of Longstrider, Wand of Shield
In Backpack (5) Pathfinder Kit, Grappling Hook, Courtier`s Outfit
Spring-loaded to wrist sheaths
Wealth ?
1. Bloodrager 1, Power Attack
2. Investigator 1
3. Bloodrager 2, Raging Vitality
4. Bloodrager 3, +1STR
5. Bloodrager 4, Combat reflexes
6. Investigator 2
7. Investigator 3, Furious Focus/Toughness, Mutagen
8. Investigator 4, +1STR
9. Bloodrager 5, Toughness/Furious Focus
10. Bloodrager 6, Improved Initiative(bloodline)
11. Bloodrager 7
IH: 5
Shield: 4
Longstrider: 3
Recuited Scholar
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