Pathfinder Society -hahmot Attach:Mejaroe.png Δ

Mejaroe Mielentie (6089-17)

”Annapa kun minä hoidan tämän, eihän tästä muuten tule yhtään mitään. ÄLÄ KOSKE SIIHEN PERHANA!”

WayangARG InvestigatorACG (EmpiricistACG) 9
Neutral Small Humanoid (wayang)
Player Veltzeh (6089-17)
XP 25
Faction Scarab Sages
Prestige/Fame 1/41
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Init +3
Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +18 (+1d6; +4 vs. traps)
Speed 20 ft. (15 ft. encumbered)
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AC 21, flat-footed 18, touch 14, flat-footed touch 11 (+3 Dex, +6 armor, +1 armor (magic), +0 natural, +0 deflection, +0 insight)
HP 74/74 (9d8+9*2+8)
Fort +8, Ref +12 (+3 vs. traps), Will +9 (+4 (insight) vs. illusion spells or spell-likes that allow a save to disbelieve them); +2 vs. shadow subschool spells

  • Immediate action, expend 1 point of inspiration: use Int instead of Wis (+6 bonus to save) vs. illusion spells or spell-likes that allow a save to disbelieve them. Lasts for 1 round.
  • Before attempting a save vs. a spell or SLA with the mind-affecting or evil descriptors or any mind-affecting ability of an outsider with the evil subtype: gain +4 to the save. 1 use. c16
  • Gain +1 insight bonus to saves vs. spells, SLAs, effects of creatures with the water subtype and against spells with the cold or water descriptors. While in the Plane of Water, instead gain +1 insight bonus to all saves. c17a

CMD 21 (+6 BAB, +3 Dex, +3 Str, +0 deflection, +0 insight)
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  • melee +1 rapier: +11, 1d4+4, P, 18–20/×2, —
  • melee +1 adamantine longspear: +11, 1d6+5, P, ×3, —
  • melee Brass knuckles (alch. silver): +10, 1d2+3, B, ×2, —
  • melee Dagger: +10, 1d3+3, P or S, 19–20/×2, 10 ft.
  • melee Morningstar (cold iron): +10, 1d6+3, B and P, ×2, —
  • melee Morningstar (cold iron) (2-h): +10, 1d6+4, B and P, ×2, —
  • melee Longspear: +10, 1d6+4, P, ×3, —
  • melee +1 rapier: +9, 1d4+8, P, 18–20/×2, — (PA)
  • melee +1 adamantine longspear: +9, 1d6+11, P, ×3, — (PA)
  • ranged Dagger: +10, 1d3+3, P or S, 19–20/×2, 10 ft.
  • ranged Dart: +10, 1d3+3, P, ×2, 20 ft.
  • ranged mwk darkwood composite (+3) shortbow: +11, 1d4+3, P, ×3, 70 ft.

CMB +8
Special Attacks

  • Studied Strike (Ex) Free action: deal +3d6 precision damage to target of Studied Combat with a melee attack.
  • Power Attack: -2 to attack, +4/+6 to damage (1-h/2-h)


  • Studied Combat (Ex) Swiftquick study action: study an enemy. Gain +4 to melee attack and damage rolls against it (for 4 rounds or until the attack hits, whichever comes first). Damage is precision damage. Only one creature can be studied at a time. A creature can only be studied once in 24 h.
    • Expend 1 point: use Studied Combat on a creature that already was the target of Studied Combat.
  • Free action, once per check, expend 2 points of Inspiration: +1d6 to the result of an attack roll.
  • Swift action: gain +2 to atk and weapon dmg, +2 dodge to AC, vs. magcial beasts and orc subtype until the beginning of your next turn. 3 uses. '^c13b^

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Formula book 1 (64/100 pages used)
Level 1 extracts per day: 6

  • Ant Haul, Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Identify, Jump, Keen Senses, Monkey Fish, Reduce Person, Shield, Touch of the Sea, True Strike

Level 2 extracts per day: 5

  • Acute Senses, Alchemical Allocation, barkskin, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Certain Grip, Cure Moderate Wounds, Darkvision, Defensive Shock, False Life, Fire Breath, Invisibility, Restoration, Lesser, See Invisibility, Perceive Cues

Level 3 extracts per day: 4

  • Arcane Sight, Resist Energy, Bloodhound, Fly, Heroism


  • Standard action: Recall a spell slot or prepared spell you already used that day. 2 uses. c17b

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Spell-Like Ability

  • Create water CL 1 (1/day) (Technic Tinkerer)
  • Activate one of the following as a spell-like ability (using your character level (9) and highest mental ability (4)): feather fall, fly, gust of wind, lightning bolt, wind wall, air walk, chain lightning. 1 use. c14a
  • Standard action: Cast one of the following as a SLA: cat’s grace, CMW, lesser restoration, shocking grasp, CSW, fly, lightning bolt, lightning storm, CCW. 2 uses. c17b

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Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 5, Cha 7
BAB +6
Traits Indomitable FaithAPG, Technic TinkererISP, Armor ExpertUC, Theoretical MagicianCED
Feats TechnologistTG, Additional TraitsAPG, Iron Will, Power Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (chainsaw)
Skills (ACP calculated in) Acrobatics +15 [9], Appraise +8 [1], Bluff -2, Climb +7 [1], Craft (mechanical) +13 [6], Craft (alchemy) +13+9 (alchemy (create alchemical item, competence)) [6], Craft () +4, Diplomacy +2+1d6 [1], Disable device +22 [9], Disguise -2, Escape artist +7 [1], Fly +3, Handle animal -1 [1], Heal +1+1d6 [1], Intimidate -2, Knowledge (arcana) +8+1d6 [1], Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8+1d6 [1], Knowledge (engineering) +16+1d6 [9], Knowledge (geography) +8+1d6 [1], Knowledge (history) +8+1d6 [1], Knowledge (local) +8+1d6 [1], Knowledge (nature) +8+1d6 [1], Knowledge (nobility) +4, Knowledge (planes) +8+1d6 [1], Knowledge (religion) +8+1d6 [1], Linguistics +16+1d6 [9], Perception +18+1d6; +4 vs. traps [9], Perform () -2, Ride +3, Sense motive +8+1d6 [1], Sleight of hand +7 [1], Spellcraft +15+1d6 [5], Stealth +16 [4], Survival -3, Swim +3, Use magic device +16 [9],

  • Craft (alchemy) +22 (when creating alchemical items)
  • Diplomacy (gather information) +81CO
  • Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate: -2 vs. Hellknights c14b
  • Perception +22 vs. traps (trapfinding)
  • Swift action (1 use): gain +5 competence bonus on Swim checks and the ability to breathe water for 1 minute. c17a


  • Free action, once per check, expend 0 points of Inspiration: +1d6 to the result of a trained Knowledge, Linguistics or Spellcraft check.
  • Free action, once per check, expend 0 points of Inspiration: +1d6 to the result of a trained Diplomacy, Heal, Perception, Profession or Sense Motive check (expanded inspiration).
  • Free action, once per check, expend 1 point of Inspiration: +1d6 to the result of a skill or ability check.

Languages Common/Taldane, Wayang, Tien, Aklo, Draconic, Hallit, Tengu, Gnome, Azlanti, Thassilonian, Polyglot, Goblin, Necril, Shadowtongue, Terran, Auran
Special Qualities wayang: small, slow speed, darkvision, light and dark, lurker, shadow resistance, dissolution's child; investigator: alchemy, inspiration, trapfinding, investigator talents (expanded inspiration, quick study, alchemist discovery: infusion), keen recollection, trap sense, studied combat, studied strike; empiricist: ceaseless observation, unfailing logic
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Special Abilities

  • Light and Dark (Su) Immediate action: treat positive and negative energy as if you were an undead creature. Duration 1 minute. 1/day.
  • Dissolution's Child (Su) Standard action: become shadowy (as invisibility). Duration 5 rounds. 1/day.
  • Alchemy (Su)
    • +9 to Craft (alchemy) to create alchemical items.
    • Identify potions using Craft (alchemy) as if using detect magic. Takes 1 round.
    • Create extracts.
  • Inspiration (Ex) 8 points per day
    • Free action, once per check, expend 0 points: +1d6 to the result of a trained Knowledge, Linguistics or Spellcraft check.
    • Free action, once per check, expend 0 points: +1d6 to the result of a trained Diplomacy, Heal, Perception, Profession or Sense Motive check (expanded inspiration).
    • Free action, once per check, expend 1 point: +1d6 to the result of a skill or ability check.
    • Expend 1 point: use Studied Combat on a creature that already was the target of Studied Combat.
    • Free action, once per check, expend 2 points: +1d6 to the result of an attack roll.
    • Immediate action, once per check, expend 2 points: +1d6 to the result of a saving throw.
  • Trapfinding Can use Disable Device on magical traps.
  • Ceaseless Observation (Ex) 1CO Use Int modifier instead of the normal ability with Disable Device, Perception, Sense Motive, Use Magic Device, Diplomacy (gather information).
  • Keen Recollection Attempt all knowledge checks untrained.
  • Trap Sense +3 bonus on Reflex saves vs. traps, +3 dodge bonus to AC vs. traps.
  • Quick Study (Ex) Use studied combat as a swift action instead of a move action.
  • Infusion An infused extract can be imbibed by a non-alchemist to gain its effects.

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On body rapier (1 lb), agile breastplate (6,25 lb), darkwood composite (+3) shortbow (0,5 lb), adamantine longspear (4,5 lb), Handy Haversack (5 lb), Cloak of Resistance + (1 lb), First Aid Gloves (1 lb), efficient quiver (2 lb), wand of detect magic, wand of CLW, wand of longstrider, wand of magic missile (10 ch.), wand of infernal helaing, wand of lead blades, Brass knuckles (alch. silver) (1 lb), Dagger (2) (2 lb), Morningstar (cold iron) (6 lb), Longspear (9 lb), Dart (4) (2 lb), Arrow, blunt (20) (3 lb), Arrows (20) (1,6) (4,8 lb), Arrows (10) weapon bl. Adamantine (1,5 lb), Arrows (10) weapon bl. Ghost salt (1,5 lb), Pouch, belt (empty) (0,125 lb), Smoked goggles , Smokestick (0,5 lb), Thieves' tools, masterwork (2 lb), Monk's outfit (0,5 lb), Troll oil (3) (3 lb), Smokestick (0,5 lb), Liquid blade (2) (4 lb), medlance, e-pick (2), haunt siphon (2) (2 lb), combat trained leopard (puma), weight 49,275 lb;
In belt pouch potion of CLW, potion of air bubble, potion of touch of the sea, potion of reduce person, potion of lesser restoration (3), potion of fly, Elixir of Spirit Sight, Elixir of Darksight, oil of bless weapon, Bell, Candle (5), Chalk, 1 piece (9), drill, Earplugs (4), Flint and steel, glass cutter, Paper (sheet) (2), Signal whistle, snorkel, Repellent, vermin (2), Smelling salts, air crystals (2), Essence of independence (3), Meditation tea (6), Padzahr (3), Soul stimulant , Stillgut (vial) (3), Troll styptic (5), Twitch tonic (3), Soul stimulant , Stillgut (vial) (3), Defoliant (4), Spiritbane spike (1 lb), Tunnel creeper (1 lb), weight 2 lb;
In sack nothing weight 0 lb;
In lodge or some inn Alchemist's lab (40 lb), weight 40 lb;
Money 2953 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
Encumbrance 51,275 lb (no sack) (Light 57 lb, Medium 115 lb, Heavy 172,5 lb)
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  • s2 Copper coin with the symbol of the open road on one side and the flag of Jalmeray on the other: When in a city of 5000 or more people (in Absalom, Andoran, Cheliax, Jalmeray, Osirion, Qadira, Taldor), locate a citizen of Jalmeray (takes 1d4 hours), show the coin and receive a +4 circumstance bonus on an Appraise, Diplomacy, Knowledge check. 1 use/scenario.
  • Scalefriend s3 Kobold called Nighttail helps you (but you still have to spend the actions etc. as if you performed them): Handle Animal +7, Survival +10, Bluff +9, cast resist energy (CL 1, concentration +2). 3 uses.
  • Confirmed Field Agent s4a Kreighton Shaine has formally recognized you as a field agent and given you a wayfinder engraved with your name and the date of your graduation. If this is the first time you have received this boon for any of your characters, you receive this wayfinder for free; otherwise, you may acquire it by spending 1 Prestige Point. Furthermore, if you assign this Chronicle sheet to a character whose starting XP is 0, you reduce the Prestige Point cost of any wayfinder enhancement vanities you purchase to modify this wayfinder by 1 (minimum 1).
  • Explore, Report, Cooperate s4b As a free or immediate action, you may consider whether a particular action you name – such as subduing but not killing an enemy, befriending an NPC, or recovering a particular item – would help realize the goals of the Pathfinder Society. The GM then informs you whether the action's impact would be positive (contributes to meeting a secondary success condition for the scenario), negative (opposes the secondary success condition), or negligible (neither contributes to nor opposes the secondary success condition). If none of these three options accurately reflects the action's impact on the PC's fulfillment of the secondary success conditions, the GM may respond with a phrase of five words or less. Once you use this boon, cross it off the Chronicle sheet.
  • Friend of Janira Gavix s4c Janira helps you perform research, granting you a +1 bonus on Knowledge checks attempted while you are in the Grand Lodge.
  • Dragonfoe s5 Reroll either one attack roll against a dragon or one CL check to overcome a dragon’s spell resistance. If you’re using a weapon, spell or item that grants a specific benefit vs. dragons, gain +2 insight bonus on the reroll. The reroll must be made before the results of the original roll are known. You must take the new result. 1 use.
  • Touched by Time s6 May cast haste or slow as a SLA, with Cha as key ability score. 1 use.
  • Karela’s Gratitude s7 May buy special ammunition with 1600 or 800 gp. 1 use.
  • Dragon Slayer s9a When you next meet a dragon, special permanent bonuses!
  • Friend of the Green s9b The druid Azmur Kell does any of the following (you must spend the actions): cast barkskin, cure serious wounds, remove disease (CL 8, concentration +11) or Knowledge (nature) +13. 3 uses.
  • Ally of Belhaim s10a Abadar.
  • Debt of Shadow s10b The shae Maffei does any of the following (you must spend the actions): Disable Device +16, Knowledge (arcana or planes) +13, Sleight of Hand +16, gain +3 to Stealth for 5 min. 3 uses.
  • Esoteric Item Research s11a When you defeat Aspis agent(s), gain access to special items.
  • Unwavering Resolve s11b Gain +2 to save vs. a fear or confusion effect. If the save against fear fails, gain 2*lvl (18) temporary HP. If the save against confusion fails, roll confusion dice twice, take preferred result. 1 use.
  • Jewel Seeker c12 When any of your characters recovers an intact sage jewel, regain a prestige point. Once per scenario. Three uses.
  • Righteous Redemption c13a Between adventures or in Lastwall: requisition one of the following: satchel of six flasks of holy water and an oil of bless weapon; two scrolls of lesser restoration; combat-trained warhorse, military saddle, bit, bridle and week of feed; mwk longsword; mwk lance. Effective resale value of 0. 1 use.
  • Worthy Foe c13b Swift action: gain +2 to atk and weapon dmg, +2 dodge to AC, vs. magcial beasts and orc subtype until the beginning of your next turn. 3 uses.
  • Air Spirit’s Blessing c14a Activate one of the following as a spell-like ability (using your character level (9) and highest mental ability (4)):feather fall, fly, gust of wind, lightning bolt, wind wall, air walk, chain lightning. 1 use.
  • Teetering Alliance c14b
  • Visage of the Broodlord c14c You can purchase the visage of the broodlord.
  • Outstanding bounty c15a While in the City of Brass, you can turn in the bounty document to restore 4 PP. Alternatively, give it to a native of the Plane of Fire with an Int of at least 8 to gain +10 to Diplomacy to influence it. 1 use.
  • Redoubt’s Repairs c15b Forgo your day job check to restore 1d4+1 charges to a timeworn weapon/armor/device. If you have the Technologist feat, restore 1d4+5 charges. Any charges that exceed the item’s maximum capacity are lost.
  • Experience with Dark Dreams c16 Before attempting a save vs. a spell or SLA with the mind-affecting or evil descriptors or any mind-affecting ability of an outsider with the evil subtype: gain +4 to the save. Alternatively, the nightmare spell does not make you fatigued or unable to rest. 1 use.
  • Elemental Conquest (Water) c17a Gain +1 insight bonus to saves vs. spells, SLAs, effects of creatures with the water subtype and against spells with the cold or water descriptors. While in the Plane of Water, instead gain +1 insight bonus to all saves. Swift action (1 use): gain +5 competence bonus on Swim checks and the ability to breathe water for 1 minute.
  • Ranginori’s Debt c17b Standard action: Gain one of the following benefits (2 uses):
    • Recall a spell slot or prepared spell you already used that day.
    • Cast one of the following as a SLA: cat’s grace, CMW, lesser restoration, shocking grasp, CSW, fly, lightning bolt, lightning storm, CCW.
    • Available at lvl 12: heal, whirlwind. (These expend 2 uses.)
  • REPLAY BOON! c18 Or regain prestige.

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  • APG: Advanced Player's Guide; ISP: Inner Sea Primer; ARG: Advanced Race Guide; ACG: Advanced Class Guide; TG: Technology Guide; CED: Cheliax, Empirel of Devils.

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  • Homeland: Goka, Tian Xia
  • Religion:
  • Height: 112 cm / 3’8”
  • Weight: 18 kg / 40 lb
  • Hair: dark grey
  • Eyes: black
  • Complexion: grey
  • Age: 56
  • Clothes:
  • Achievements:

  1. 2014-05-22: First Steps, Part I: In Service to Lore
  2. 2014-07-23: #33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible (GM) s2
  3. 2014-08-30: PM: The Dragon’s Demand (1) s3
  4. 2014-03-29: #5–08: The Confirmation s4
  5. 2014-08-30: PM: The Dragon’s Demand (2) s5
  6. 2015-09-09: #7–02: Six Seconds to Midnight s6
  7. 2015-11-16: #7–07: Trouble in Tamran s7
  8. 2016-05-29: #6–01: Trial by Machine s8
  9. 2014-08-30: PM: The Dragon’s Demand (3) s9
  10. 2014-08-30: PM: The Dragon’s Demand (4) s10
  11. 2016-08-14: #7–98: Serpents’ Ire s11
  12. 2016-10-02: #6–23: The Darkest Abduction s12
  13. 2016-11-05: #8–07: From the Tome of Righteous Repose c13
  14. 2016-11-26: #7–25: Orders from the Gate c14
  15. 2016-11-26: #6–17: Fires of Karamoss c15
  16. 2017-03-04: #8–15: Hrethnar’s Throne c16
  17. 2017-03-05: #8–00: The Cosmic Captive c17
  18. 2017-05-03: An Exchange of Secrets c18

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Tausta: Mejaroen äiti (shadow sorcerer) lähti muiden wayangien luota seikkailunhalunsa takia, ottaen Mejaroen mukanaan. Hän päätyi lopulta Numeriaan, jossa hän löi hynttyyt yhteen jonkun maahisen kanssa, niin epätodennäköistä kuin se olikin. Maahinen alkoi sortua pahuuden tielle ja liittyi lopulta Teknikkoliigaan. Äiti ei tästä pitänyt ja häipyi eräänä päivänä Mejaroen kanssa.

Maahinen oli kuitenkin liian omistushaluinen ja jäljitti Mejaroen ja tämän äidin. Siinä ei hänelle hyvin käynyt, sillä wayangit totesivat hänet liian ärsyttäväksi ja tappoivat hänet.

Numerian mielenkiintoiset paikat ja asiat jaksoivat innostaa Mejaroeta ja hänen äitiään, joten he vaelsivat ympäriinsä yleensä joidenkin seikkailijaporukoiden mukana. Mejaroe ei tosin yleensä osallistunut kovin aktiivisesti, sillä hän oli vielä kovin nuori. Sen sijaan hän kyllä tutkiskeli innolla kaikkea jännää, mitä muut löysivät.

Ennen pitkää seikkailijaporukka, jonka mukana hän pyöriskeli, törmäsi tiennäyttäjäryhmään. Hetken taistelun ja nahistelun jälkeen he päätyivät yllättäen yhteisymmärrykseen ja suostuivat jakamaan tietonsa. Yksi tiennäyttäjistä myös ehdotti Mejaroelle ja muille Tiennäyttäjäjärjestöön liittymistä. Muita moinen järjestelmällisyys ei millään innostanut, mutta Mejaroe haistoi, että ilmaisesta kunnon koulutuksesta olisi varmasti hyötyä. Siispä hän lähti tiennäyttäjien mukaan.

Persoonallisuus: Mejaroe on aika turhantärkeä ja katsoo tarpeettomaksi katsomiaan asioita pitkää nenänvarttaan pitkin. Hän saattaa vaikuttaa joskus aikamoiselta kusipäältä, vaikka se ei yleensä ole hänen tarkoituksensa. Hän haluaisi kaiken olevan tehokasta, mutta pitää monia muita niin tyhminä, ettei jaksa paneutua kaikkeen työhön kunnolla, erityisesti jos se jotenkin koskee tai sisältää näitä typeryksiä. Hän pitää alkoholia turhana keksintönä, mutta juo silti itsekin, koska ”joitain tyyppejä ei kestä selvinpäin”. Mejaroe pitää kovasti bardimusiikista.

Ulkonäkö: Mejaroessa ei ole mitään kovin erikoista. Hän näyttää useimpien silmiin pimeältä maahiselta ja käyttää tummia ja peittäviä vaatteita. Vaikka hän vaikuttaa ansamaakarilta tai alkemistilta, hänellä on yleensä päällään vähän raskaampi panssari. Lisäksi hänellä on mukanaan vaikuttava määrä tavaraa, koska hän jaksaa kantaa sitä niin paljon.

Kategoriassa Pathfinder Society, pelaaja: Veltzeh.

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