Pathfinder Society -hahmot

Signifer Maevis Tarlach Hellknight order of the Scourge

Picture by: theDURRRRIAN

Male Aasimar0 Ranger(Wild Stalker) 1 / Wizard 1 / Eldritch Knight 4 / Hellknight Signifer 10
Lawful neutral Medium Outsider (native)
Player mosillan (37103-11)
Xp 36
Faction Dark Archive
Prestige/Fame 50/62

Init +4 (+3 dex, +1 competence)
Senses Perception +20, Darkvision 60', low-light

AC 28, touch 14, flat-footed 25; (+3 dex, +11 armor, +1 deflection, +3 shield)(+1 insight)
hp 136 (d10 + d6 + 4d10 + 10d8 + 16x 3 con + 1 fcb)
Fort +15 (con +3, Ran +2, Wiz +0, EK +2, HKS +3, res +5)(+2 morale)
Ref +14 (dex +3, Ran +2, Wiz +0, EK +1, HKS +3, res +5)(+2 morale)
Will +13 (wis +0, Ran +0, Wiz +2, EK +1, HKS +5, res +5)(+2 morale)
Special Defenses:

  • Resistances:
    • Acid: 5
    • Cold: 5
    • Elec: 5
  • Enforcer Mask
    • +2 competence bonus on saving throws against spells and abilities that rely on visual effects.
  • Sight of the Unseeing:
    • +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws when flat-footed or during a surprise round
  • Shadowtouched/Shadowbound (Eerie Perception)
    • +2 perception and stealth checks
    • Light sensitivity (Dazzled in bright light)
  • Hellknight Signifer
    • Infernal Resilience
      • DR 5/chaotic and immune to poison

Speed 30ft, with armor 25ft, Fly Speed 35ft
Melee Mwk Spiked Gauntlet +12/+7/+2 (1d4/x2)
Ranged 3 Scorching ray +14 (4d6+1/x2)

Spells usually prepared (CL 16, Consentration +24, +20 to overcome sr)
7th (1+1+2/day) (DC 24)- ??, ?? + 2x ??
6th (2+1+2/day) (DC 23)- Chain Lightning, Empovered Intensified Fireball, ?? + 2x Sirocco
5th (3+1+2/day) (DC 22)- Overland Flight, Wall of Force, Fire Snake + 2x Empovered Lightning bolt
4th (4+2+2/day) (DC 21)- Shout, Ball Lightning, Shadow Conjuration, ??, Greater Darkvision + 2x Intensified Fireball
3rd (4+2+2/day) (DC 20)- Tongues, 2x Heroism, Fly, 2x Haste + 2x Lightning bolt
2nd (4+2+2+1/day) (DC 19)- 1x See Invisibility, 2x False life, Invisibility, 2x Mirror Image + 2x Scorching ray
1st (4+2+2+2/day) (DC 18)- Ant haul, Swift Girding, Feather Fall, 3x Magic Missile + 2x Burning hands
Cantrips (DC 15) - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Message, Prestidigation
Spells known 6th: (0) Chain Lightning, Sirocco

  • 5th: (2) Cone of Cold, Overland Flight, Fire Snake, Wall of Force
  • 4th: (2) Shout, Ball Lightning, Shadow Conjuration, Greater Darkvision
  • 3rd: (7) Haste, Daylight, Fly, Lightning bolt, Fireball, Tongues, Heroism
  • 2nd: (21) See invisibility, Darkvision, Spider climb, Bear's endurance, Bull's strength, Cat's grace, Owl's wisdom, Fox's cunning, Eagle's splendor, Burning arc, Spider climb, False life, Detect Thoughts, Frost Fall, Scorching ray, Mirror Image, Pilfering Hand, Alter Self, Frigid Touch, Invisibility, Minor Image
  • 1st: (20) Burning Hands, Magic missile, Shocking Grasp, Ear-piercing Scream, Ray of Enfeeblement, Swift Girding, True Strike, Sleep, Color Spray, Vanish, Enlarge Person, Identify, Expeditious retreat, Magic Weapon, Feather Fall, Ant Haul, Break, Burning Disarm, Comprehend language, Crafter's Fortune
  • Cantrips: (25) Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Daze, Breeze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Penumbra, Ray of Frost, Scoop, Spark, Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect, Bleed, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Jolt, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Root, Arcane Mark, Prestidigation

Str 11, Dex 16, Con 16 (14), Int 27 (18+3), Wis 10, Cha 10 (9+1)
Base Atk +12/+7/+2; CMB 12; CMD 26 (+12 bab, +3 dex, +1 deflection)

Skills [16*(2+5)+(6+5)+16*3]=134 ACP: -1

  • Acrobatics (3) +6
  • Appraisec (1) +12
  • Bluff +0
  • Climbc +0
  • Craftc (1) +11
  • Diplomacyc (13) +16 | Armiger6
  • Disable device (13*) +16 | +2 mwk tools
  • Disguise +0
  • Escape artist +3
  • Flyc (2) +9 | +cl/2, overland flight
  • Handle animalc +0
  • Heal (1) +1
  • Intimidatec (2) +8 | Hellknight signifer7 title
  • Knowledge(arcana)c (13) +24
  • Knowledge(dungeoneering)c (1) +12
  • Knowledge(engineering)c (13) +24
  • Knowledge(geography)c (1) +12
  • Knowledge(history)c (1) +12
  • Knowledge(local)c (4) +15
  • Knowledge(nature)c (1) +12
  • Knowledge(nobility)c (1) +12
  • Knowledge(planes)c (13) +24
  • Knowledge(religion)c (1) +12
  • Linguisticsc (4) +16
  • Perceptionc (3) +19
  • Perform(Oratory)c (1) +4
  • Professionc +0
  • Ridec +3
  • Sense motivec (1+13*) +18
  • Sleight of hand +3
  • Spellcraftc (13) +24
  • Stealthc (1) +9
  • Survivalc+0
  • Swimc +0
  • Use magic device (1+13*) +21

Traits Magical Knack(wizard)1, Clever Wordplay(UMD)
Languages Common, Celestial, Draconic, Sylvan, Elven, Gnome, Osirian, Thassilonian(headband), Halfling, Hallit, Undercommon, Polyglot, Jistka(Headband)
SQ Daylight 1/day, Track, Wild Empathy, Sin Magic Specialist(Evocation(Admixture)), Intense Spells, Versatile Evocation, Arcane bond(bonded object(ring)), Aura of Law, Order of the Scourge(whip), Enforcer Mask, Signifer armor training 2, Assiduous gaze(Elucidation5 & Veracity, 5 rounds), Discern lies, Infernal Resilience, Diabolic Harbinger,

On person: +2 mithral buckler, Mwk Gauntlet, Spell Component Pouch, Explorer's Outfit, Pearl of Power I, Wayfinder, Wristsheat x2, lmmr Piercing x2, lmmr Extend, lmmr Ectoplasmic, lmmr toppling
In Handy Haversack: Mwk Backpack, Grappling hook, rope 50ft (silk), Spellbook, 10x Pathfinder Chronicles
Mule: Pack Saddle, Bedroll, Climber's kit, Cold-weather outfit, Small Tent, Mithral Chain Shirt
Scrolls: 3x Endure Elements, Heal
Wands: Magic Missile(CL1&5), Cure Light Wounds, Longstrider, Identify, Technomancy, Infernal Healing, Lesser Restoration, Freedom of Movement
Ioun Stones:
Encumbrance x lb. without backpack (38/76/115), X lb. with backpack (43/86/130)
Ant haul x lb. without backpack (114/228/345), X lb. with backpack (129/258/390)

Wondrous Items

  • Head Enforcers mask - Bonded object
  • Headband Headband of Vast Intelligence +6 (Disable Device&Sense Motive&UMD)
  • Face/Eyes Eyes of the eagle
  • Neck
  • Shoulders Cloak of Resistance +5
  • Chest
  • Body
  • Armor +2 Glamered Mithral Hellknight Plate
  • Belt Belt of mighty constitution +2
  • Wrist
  • Hand
  • Ring Ring of Protection +1
  • Ring
  • Feet


  • 0
  • 5 Elucidation (Su): Discern each active spell on the target, including the spell's effect and caster level.
  • 6 Though still a loyal Pathfinder, your service to Cheliax grants you admission into a Hellknight order of your choice with the rank of armiger. You gain a +3 bonus on Diplomacy checks made against Hellknights of any order or rank.
  • 7 Your continued loyalty to Cheliax and your Hellknight order earn you the honorary rank of Hellknight (or signifer if you are a spellcaster), granting you a +3 bonus on Intimidate checks when wearing heavy armor. This rank is granted independently of levels in the Hellknight prestige class.

Things to buy


lvl13: HellKnight Signifier 8; hp 8; sp 6+1; bab 11; Signifer armor training 2, FEAT: Quicken Metamagic?
lvl14: HellKnight Signifier 9; hp 8; sp 6+1; bab 11; Infernal resilience

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