Picture by: theDURRRRIAN
Male Aasimar0 Ranger(Wild Stalker) 1 / Wizard 1 / Eldritch Knight 4 / Hellknight Signifer 10
Lawful neutral Medium Outsider (native)
Player mosillan (37103-11)
Xp 36
Faction Dark Archive
Prestige/Fame 50/62
Init +4 (+3 dex, +1 competence)
Senses Perception +20, Darkvision 60', low-light
AC 28, touch 14, flat-footed 25; (+3 dex, +11 armor, +1 deflection, +3 shield)(+1 insight)
hp 136 (d10 + d6 + 4d10 + 10d8 + 16x 3 con + 1 fcb)
Fort +15 (con +3, Ran +2, Wiz +0, EK +2, HKS +3, res +5)(+2 morale)
Ref +14 (dex +3, Ran +2, Wiz +0, EK +1, HKS +3, res +5)(+2 morale)
Will +13 (wis +0, Ran +0, Wiz +2, EK +1, HKS +5, res +5)(+2 morale)
Special Defenses:
Speed 30ft, with armor 25ft, Fly Speed 35ft
Melee Mwk Spiked Gauntlet +12/+7/+2 (1d4/x2)
Ranged 3 Scorching ray +14 (4d6+1/x2)
Spells usually prepared (CL 16, Consentration +24, +20 to overcome sr)
7th (1+1+2/day) (DC 24)- ??, ?? + 2x ??
6th (2+1+2/day) (DC 23)- Chain Lightning, Empovered Intensified Fireball, ?? + 2x Sirocco
5th (3+1+2/day) (DC 22)- Overland Flight, Wall of Force, Fire Snake + 2x Empovered Lightning bolt
4th (4+2+2/day) (DC 21)- Shout, Ball Lightning, Shadow Conjuration, ??, Greater Darkvision + 2x Intensified Fireball
3rd (4+2+2/day) (DC 20)- Tongues, 2x Heroism, Fly, 2x Haste + 2x Lightning bolt
2nd (4+2+2+1/day) (DC 19)- 1x See Invisibility, 2x False life, Invisibility, 2x Mirror Image + 2x Scorching ray
1st (4+2+2+2/day) (DC 18)- Ant haul, Swift Girding, Feather Fall, 3x Magic Missile + 2x Burning hands
Cantrips (DC 15) - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Message, Prestidigation
Spells known
6th: (0) Chain Lightning, Sirocco
Str 11, Dex 16, Con 16 (14), Int 27 (18+3), Wis 10, Cha 10 (9+1)
Base Atk +12/+7/+2; CMB 12; CMD 26 (+12 bab, +3 dex, +1 deflection)
Skills [16*(2+5)+(6+5)+16*3]=134 ACP: -1
Traits Magical Knack(wizard)1, Clever Wordplay(UMD)
Languages Common, Celestial, Draconic, Sylvan, Elven, Gnome, Osirian, Thassilonian(headband), Halfling, Hallit, Undercommon, Polyglot, Jistka(Headband)
SQ Daylight 1/day, Track, Wild Empathy, Sin Magic Specialist(Evocation(Admixture)), Intense Spells, Versatile Evocation, Arcane bond(bonded object(ring)), Aura of Law, Order of the Scourge(whip), Enforcer Mask, Signifer armor training 2, Assiduous gaze(Elucidation5 & Veracity, 5 rounds), Discern lies, Infernal Resilience, Diabolic Harbinger,
On person: +2 mithral buckler, Mwk Gauntlet, Spell Component Pouch, Explorer's Outfit, Pearl of Power I, Wayfinder, Wristsheat x2, lmmr Piercing x2, lmmr Extend, lmmr Ectoplasmic, lmmr toppling
In Handy Haversack: Mwk Backpack, Grappling hook, rope 50ft (silk), Spellbook, 10x Pathfinder Chronicles
Mule: Pack Saddle, Bedroll, Climber's kit, Cold-weather outfit, Small Tent, Mithral Chain Shirt
Scrolls: 3x Endure Elements, Heal
Wands: Magic Missile(CL1&5), Cure Light Wounds, Longstrider, Identify, Technomancy, Infernal Healing, Lesser Restoration, Freedom of Movement
Ioun Stones:
Encumbrance x lb. without backpack (38/76/115), X lb. with backpack (43/86/130)
Ant haul x lb. without backpack (114/228/345), X lb. with backpack (129/258/390)
lvl13: HellKnight Signifier 8; hp 8; sp 6+1; bab 11; Signifer armor training 2, FEAT: Quicken Metamagic?
lvl14: HellKnight Signifier 9; hp 8; sp 6+1; bab 11; Infernal resilience
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