N Female Half-Elf Magus(Kensai) 3
Player JJape (66474-17)
Xp 6
Faction Exchange
Prestige/Fame 0/10
Init +4
Senses Perception +1, Low-light vision
hp 24 (3d8+3*1+3)
AC(with Mage Armor) 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14; (+2 Dex, +3 Int, +4 Armor)
With Shield 23, touch 15, flat-footed 18
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5
Special Defenses Canny Defense (int to AC), Elf(+2 vs. Ench, Immune to Sleep)
Speed 30 ft
mwk Whip +6 1d3-1, 15ft
Spellstrike True Strike +26 1d3-1, 15ft
Full attack Spell-Combat +4/+4 1d3-1, 15ft
Crossbow Crossbow +4 1d8
Spells Prepared (CL3 ; Concentration: +7)
Lvl 1(3+1-1) - 3xShocking Grasp
Cantrips/Orisons (at will) — Acid Splash, Prestidigation, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Daily Resources
Normal Magus Arcane pool (5 points)
Str 7 , Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +2; CMB+0 ; CMD 12
Feats Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus:Whip(Kensai bonus), Whip Master
Skills Climb +2 (1), Craft(Alchemy) +8(1), Diplomacy +10 (3), Intimidate +8 (1), Knowledge: Arcana +8 (1), Knowledge: Dungeoneering +8 (1), Knoweldge:Nature +5 (1), Knowledge: Nobility +5 (1), Knowledge: Planes +8 (1), Knowledge: Religion +5 (1), Linguistics +6 (2), Perception (), Ride +6 (1), Spellcraft +8 (1), Swim +3 (1), Use Magic Device +7 (1)
Traits Princess ; Reactionary
Magus Arcana Wand Wielder
Languages Common, Elven, Kelish(home region), Draconic, Infernal, Celestial, Terran, Ignan, Auran
SQ Low-light vision, Kindred-raised(Cha&Int), Chosen Weapon:Whip 6
Spells Known
1st — Shocking Grasp, True Strike, Grease, Shield, Corrosive Touch, Frostbite, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Shield
Cantrips/Orisons (at will) — All
On person 20 lbs Courtier´s Outfit(with Jewels), mwk Whip, Whip, Spellbook:Compact(1lbs), Spell-Component Pouch(2lbs), Wand of Mage Armor, Wand of Infernal Healing, Ioun Torch, 4x Alchemist Fire, CLW-potion, 2xOil of Mage Armor, Wand of Heightened Awareness, Cloak of Resistance +1, Wand of Shield, Potion of Touch of Sea, Mage Armor Wand
In Backpack 58,5lbs Wizard Kit (21 lbs), Cold-Weather Outfit(7lbs), Hot-Weather Outfit, Diving Suit(black leather),
Spring-loaded in Wrist Sheet with weapon cord Wand of True Strike
Wealth 1,500 gp
IH: 10 ; MA:6 ; Shield: 9, Awareness: 4
Level plan:
1: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus:Whip(bonus
3: Whip Mastery, Wand Wielder -Arcana
4: +INT
5: Arcane Strike, Intensify Spell
6:Empower Magic -Arcana
7: Weapon Specialization:Whip
8: +INT
9: Improved Whip Mastery
10: Extra Arcana, ??
11: Greater Whip Mastery
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