Pathfinder Society -hahmot

Len Lonesworn

Male Halfling Brawler (Snakebite Striker) / Unchained Rogue (Thug, Scout) 1
Neutral Good Small Humanoid (halfling)
Player Ilendur (106721-2)
Xp 5
Faction Sovereign Court
Prestige/Fame 5/8
Favored classes Unchained Rogue

Init +5
Senses Perception +6, low-light vision

AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 16; (+4 armor, +5 Dex, +2 shield, +1 size)
hp 19/19
Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +1
Special Defenses brawler's cunning, fleet of foot, halfling luck, keen senses, martial training, skulker, weapon and armor proficiency

Speed 30ft
Melee Unarmed +7 (1d4)
Ranged Crossbow, light +7 (1d6)/19-20
Special Attacks Sneak attack +2d6

Str 10, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 15
Feats EnforcerB, Weapon Finesse, Improved Unarmed Strike
Skills Acrobatics +8 (1), Bluff +6 (1), Climb +5 (1), Diplomacy +6 (1), Disable Device +9 (1), Intimidate +6 (1), Perception +6 (2), Stealth +9 (0), Use Magic Device +6 (1)
Traits Carefully Hidden, Lessons of Chaldira
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ Sneak attack +2d6, Frightening Ex
---- On person
Crossbow, light, Bolts (40), Mithral Shirt Wand of clw (in Wrist Sheath, spring loaded), Heavy Shield (darkwood), Pathfinder
In backpack (total X)
Grappling Hook,
Thieves tools,
Wealth Very little
1. Brawler
2. Unchained Rogue
3. Mesmerist
4. Unchained Rogue
5. Unchained Rogue
6. Brawler
7. Mesmerits
8. Swashbuckler
9. Unchained Rogue
10. Unchained Rogue
11. Unchained Rogue
Ostosuunnitelma ( 2 - 5 levels, ~10000gp):
- Cracked Mulberry Pentacle (+1 to Diplomacy&Bluff) - Magenta prism (+2 UMD)
- Boots, Daredevil Softpaws
- Cloak of Resistance +1
- Mithral Chainshirt +1 of Brawling
- Wand of Mirror Image

Ostosuunnitelma ( level 5 -, in no order):
- Gloves, Deliquescent
- Amulet, Frost Fist or Amulet, Forge Fist
- Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier
- Boots of Striding and Springing
- Cloak of resistance +2
- Swarmbane Clasp





  • Tziolon the Silver

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