Pathfinder Society -hahmot

Kirtara (6089-12)

Tengu GunslingerUC (PistoleroUC) 8
Neutral Medium Humanoid (tengu)
Player Veltzeh (6089-12)
XP 21
Faction Dark Archive
Prestige/Fame 27/33
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Init +61
Senses Low-light vision; Perception +17
Speed 30 ft.
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AC 22, flat-footed 16, touch 16, flat-footed touch 10 (+4 Dex, +2 dodge, +5+1 armor)
HP 76/76 (8d10+8)
Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +10
CMD 25
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Melee Bite +9, 1d3+1, BPS, 20×2
Melee Dagger +9, 1d4+1, P or S, 19–20×2
Melee Tonfa +9, 1d4+1, B, 20×2
Melee Hooked lance +9, 1d8+1, P, 20×4
Ranged Pistol +11, 1d8+11, B and P, 20×4, 20 ft. → vs. touch AC (PBS, DA)
Ranged Pistol +9, 1d8+11, B and P, 20×4, 25–30 ft. (PBS, DA) (1st range increment)
Ranged Pistol +8, 1d8+10, B and P, 20×4, 35–40 ft. (DA) (1st range increment)
Ranged Pistol +14, 1d8+5, B and P, 20×4, 20 ft. → vs. touch AC (PBS)
Ranged Pistol +12, 1d8+5, B and P, 20×4, 25–30 ft. (PBS) (1st range increment)
Ranged Pistol +11, 1d8+4, B and P, 20×4, 25–30 ft. (1st range increment)
Ranged composite +1 longbow +10, 1d8+7, P, 20×3, 110 ft. (DA)
Ranged composite +1 longbow +11, 1d8+8, P, 20×3, 30 ft. (PBS, DA)
Ranged composite +1 longbow +13, 1d8+1, P, 20×3, 110 ft.
Ranged composite +1 longbow +14, 1d8+2, P, 20×3, 30 ft. (PBS)
Ranged Dagger +13, 1d4+2, P, 19–20×2, 10 ft. (PBS)
Ranged Dagger +11, 1d4+2, P, 19–20×2, 15–20 ft. (PBS)
Ranged Dagger +9, 1d4+2, P, 19–20×2, 25–30 ft. (PBS)
Ranged Dagger +6, 1d4+1, P or S, 19–20×2, 35–40 ft.
Ranged Dagger +4, 1d4+1, P or S, 19–20×2, 45–50 ft.
Ranged Dagger +10, 1d4+8, P, 19–20×2, 10 ft. (PBS, DA)
Ranged Dagger +8, 1d4+8, P, 19–20×2, 15–20 ft. (PBS)
Ranged Dagger +6, 1d4+8, P, 19–20×2, 25–30 ft. (PBS)
Ranged Dagger +3, 1d4+7, P or S, 19–20×2, 35–40 ft.
Ranged Dagger +1, 1d4+7, P or S, 19–20×2, 45–50 ft.
CMB +9
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Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 8
BAB +8
Traits Cosmopolitan DEP, Mind over Matter GOP
Feats Gunsmithing UC, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Deadly Aim, Rapid Reload, Iron Will, Extra grit
Skills Acrobatics +12 [5], Appraise +1, Bluff -1, Climb +5 [1], Craft (alchemy) +7 [3], Craft () +1, Diplomacy -1, Disguise -1, Fly +4, Handle animal +3 [1], Heal +8 [1], Intimidate -1, Knowledge (engineering) +12 [8], Knowledge (local) +5 [1], Linguistics +17 [8], Perception +17 [8], Perform () -1, Ride +8 [1], Sense motive +4, Sleight of hand +8 [1], Stealth +11, Survival +8 [1], Swim +5 [1]

  • +2 to Linguistics vs. Azlanti writing s21

Languages Common (Taldane), Tengu, Tien, Erutaki, Ancient Osiriani, Infernal, Terran, Abyssal, Undercommon, Giant, Polyglot, Dwarven, Kelish, Celestial, Ignan, Nagaji, Aklo, Auran, Azlanti, Thassilonian
Special Qualities Tengu: Low-light vision, Sneaky, Gifted linguist, Swordtrained, Natural weapon; Gunslinger: Gunsmith, Grit (6), Deeds (Up Close and Deadly, Gunslinger's Dodge, Quick Clear, Gunslinger Initiative, Pistol-Whip, Utility Shot (Blast Lock, Scoot Unattended Object, Stop Bleeding)), Deadeye, Dead Shot, Targeting (Arms, Head, Legs, Torso, Wings)
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On body pistol (magic, +1) (4 lb), kikko (mithral) (12,5 lb), Headband of + (5 lb), Headband of (mental stat) + (1 lb), hat of disguise (1 lb), Cloak of Resistance + (1 lb), wand of CLW, Wayfinder (1 lb), Dagger (1 lb), Sling, Arrows (10) (1,5 lb), Black powder (dose) (53), Firearm bullet (1) (16) (0,27 lb), Firearm bullet (30) (0,5 lb), Firearm bullet (wb. ghost salt) (10) (0,17 lb), Alchemical paper cartridge (44), Alchemical paper cartridge (alchemical silver) (10), Alchemical paper cartridge (cold iron) (15), Alchemical paper cartridge (adamantine) (14), Pouch, belt (empty) (0,5 lb), smoked goggles, spring-loaded wrist sheath (2) (2 lb), Weapon cord, Whistle, signal, alchemical grease (2) (2 lb), Repellent, vermin (2), Smokestick (0,5 lb), Explorer's outfit (8 lb), Essence of independence, Pathfinder Chronicles - Volume 1 , weight 41,93 lbs
inside spring-loaded wrist sheath (left): =
inside spring-loaded wrist sheath (right): dagger
In Handy haversack darkwood composite (+1) longbow (1,5 lb), Tonfa (1 lb), Hooked lance (10 lb), Gunsmith's kit (2 lb), Arrows (cold iron) (5) (0,75 lb), Arrows (30) (4,5 lb), Arrows (cold iron) (15) (2,25 lb), Firearm bullet (cold iron) (36) (0,6 lb), Firearm bullet (alchemical silver) (10) (0,17 lb), Firearm bullet (wb. adamantine) (21) (0,35 lb), Bedroll (5 lb), Blanket, winter (3 lb), Case, map or scroll (2) (1 lb), drill (1 lb), filter hood (4 lb), fishing kit (0,5 lb), Flask (empty) (1,5 lb), Grappling hook (4 lb), Hammer (2 lb), Magnet (0,5 lb), Oil (1-pint flask) (2) (2 lb), Rations, trail (per day) (8) (8 lb), Rice paper (sheet) (10), Rope, silk (50 ft.) (5 lb), saw (2 lb), Shovel or spade (8 lb), String or twine (50 ft.) (0,5 lb), Torch (3) (3 lb), waterproof bag (0,5 lb), Waterskin (4 lb), Acid (flask) (4) (4 lb), Alchemist's fire (flask) (4) (4 lb), Holy water (flask) (6) (6 lb), pellet grenade (iron) (1 lb), weight 93,62 lbs
In belt pouch potion of CLW, potion of pass without trace, potion of touch of the sea, potion of CMW, potion of remove paralysis, potion of darkvision, potion of invisibility, potion of fly, potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness, Bell, Candle (4), Chalk, 1 piece (6), Earplugs (3), Flint and steel, glass cutter, Inkpen, snorkel, weight 0 lbs
In sack swarmbane clasp (0,5 lb), scroll of haste, weight 0,5 lbs
In lodge or some inn Studded leather (20 lb), Backpack (empty) (2 lb), weight 22 lbs Money 6358 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
Encumbrance 41,9 lb (without sack) (Light 43 lb, Medium 86 lb, Heavy 130 lb)
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Because Pistols Are Complicated

  • Firing a pistol: standard action; needs one hand; provokes.
  • Loading a pistol (with bullet and black powder): move action (because Rapid Reload); need one hand free; provokes AoOs.
  • Loading a pistol (with paper cartridge): free action (because Rapid Reload); need one hand free; provokes AoOs. Paper cartridge increases misfire range by 1.
  • Regain grit: when scoring a critical hit or reducing enemy to 0 or below HP (not from an object, helpless creature or creature with less HD than half level).

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Special Abilities

  • Gunslinger's Dodge (Ex): immediate action: spend 1 grit, move 5 ft and +2 AC against the triggering ranged attack. Movement is not a 5-foot step, provokes AoOs. Alternatively, drop prone to gain a +4 bonus to AC against the triggering ranged attack. Requirements: medium or light armor, no more than a light load.
  • Quick Clear (Ex): standard action: remove the broken (misfired only) condition from a currently wielded firearm. Requirements: at least 1 grit remaining. Alternatively, spend 1 grit to clear as a move-equivalent action.
  • Up Close and Deadly (Ex): Spend 1 grit (before attack roll) to deal 2d6 extra damage'. If attack misses, deal half the extra damage. This is precision damage: not multiplied on a critical hit. Stacks with sneak attack and other precision damage.
  • 1 Gunslinger Initiative (Ex): 1 or more grit left: +2 initiative. If she has the Quick Draw feat, her hands are free and unrestrained, and the firearm is not hidden, she can draw one firearm as part of the initiative check.
  • Pistol-Whip (Ex): standard action, spend 1 grit: make a surprise melee attack with the butt or handle of the firearm. Considered proficient, add magic enhancement bonuses. 1d6 B, critical 20×2. If the attack hits, free action: can roll CMB to knock the target prone.
  • Utility Shot (Ex): 1 or more grit points left: make a utility shot (can be applied to any single attack with a firearm, must declare the utility shot before firing the shot.)
    • Blast Lock: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a lock within the first range increment of her firearm. A Diminutive lock usually has AC 7, and larger locks have a lower AC. The lock gains a bonus to its AC against this attack based on its quality. A simple lock has a +10 bonus to AC, an average lock has a +15 bonus to AC, a good lock has a +20 bonus to AC, and a superior lock has a +30 bonus to AC. Arcane lock grants a +10 bonus to the AC of a lock against this attack. On a hit, the lock is destroyed, and the object can be opened as if it were unlocked. On a miss, the lock is destroyed, but the object is jammed and still considered locked. It can still be unlocked by successfully performing this deed, by using the Disable Device skill, or with the break DC, though the DC for either break or Disable Device or the AC increases by 10. A key, combination, or similar mechanical method of unlocking the lock no longer works, though knock can still be employed to bypass the lock, and the creator of an arcane lock can still bypass the wards of that spell.
    • Scoot Unattended Object: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a Tiny or smaller unattended object within the first range increment of her firearm. A Tiny unattended object has an AC of 5, a Diminutive unattended object has an AC of 7, and a Fine unattended object has an AC of 11. On a hit, the gunslinger does not damage the object with the shot, but can move it up to 15 feet farther away from the shot's origin. On a miss, she damages the object normally.
    • Stop Bleeding: The gunslinger makes a firearm attack and then presses the hot barrel against herself or an adjacent creature to staunch a bleeding wound. Instead of dealing damage, the shot ends a single bleed condition affecting the creature. The gunslinger does not have to make an attack roll when performing the deed in this way; she can instead shoot the firearm into the air, but that shot still uses up ammunition normally.
  • Deadeye (Ex): Spend 1 grit per range increment to resolve attack against touch AC. Range increment penalties still apply.
  • Dead Shot (Ex): Full-round action, spend 1 grit: roll all attack rolls of full attack, and if any of them hit, the attack hits. The damage roll gains an extra die per other succesful hit. If any roll is a critical, confirm with highest bonus −5 (additional critical threats reduce penalty up to 0). Misfire only if all rolls are 1s.
  • Targeting (Ex): Full-round action, spend 1 grit: make one attack and aim at a body part (must have that body part and must not be immune to sneak attack).
    • Arms: On a hit, target takes no damage but drops one carried item of the gunslinger's choice, even if the item is wielded with two hands. Items held in a locked gauntlet are not dropped on a hit.
    • Head: On a hit, target is damaged and confused for 1 round (mind-affecting effect).
    • Legs: On a hit, target is damaged and knocked prone. Creatures that have four or more legs or that are immune to trip attacks are immune.
    • Torso: Targeting the torso threatens a critical on a 19–20.
    • Wings: On a hit, target is damaged and must make a DC 20 Fly check or fall 20 ft.

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  • s3 Kayle's Blessing: +1 luck bonus to save vs. dragon's breath weapon. Apply before result revealed. 3 uses, non-stackable.
  • s4 In Irrisen, when you mention Yavgena and how you helped their family, +2 circumstance bonus to diplomacy.
  • s5 Gift of the Kirin: Treat Fame score as 2 higher when purchasing an item. Used in s12.
  • s7 Get a free divination spell from a cleric of Asmodeus in Egorian. 1 use.
  • s7 The Andoren Embassy of Absalom regards you as an upstanding free citizen of the Republic.
  • s8 Unidentified Unguent grants a mutation for 1d4+3 rounds. Roll 1d6; 1–2: rage spell and sickened 1 rounds after rage ends; 3–4: reach increases by 5 ft and take 1d2 Dex damage after effect ends; 5–6: breathe a 15-ft line of acid as a standard action (4d6 acid dmg, Ref DC 15 for half) and take 2d6 acid dmg after effect ends.
  • s10 Antagonized by Avalexi When using a boon that would be crossed off after use, 25% chance that it doesn't work. If that boon is foiled, cross off that boon and this antiboon.
  • s12a Friend of the Family May purchase vanity Blakros Family Member.
  • s12b Library Card (Dark Archive) +5 circumstance bonus to one Knowledge check (also untrained) or Diplomacy check to gather information. 1 use.
  • s12c Friend of the Library (Dark Archive) Next time you are in Cheliax, Zarta gives you a potion, scroll or elixir worth up to 250 gp. 1 use.
  • s13 Old Loyalties Reduce PP cost of a Vanity Prestige Award by Fame/10. 1 use.
  • s14a Sky Citadel Reclaimer: Secrets of Creation 1/day, cast magic weapon (caster level = character level) (Sp). When wielding a weapon with greater magic weapon or wearing armor with magic vestment, treat spell's CL as one higher.
  • s14b Sky Key Core Each time you earn a Sky Key Component boon, you recover one spent Prestige Point.
  • s15a Spoils of the Siege (Marnarius) If you bring this chronicle sheet to an adventure in which the Pathfinder Society deals with Marnarius or his schemes, you can qualify to receive a special boon at the end of the adventure to reflect Marnarius's increased resources.
  • s15b Trusted Pathfinder Buy a thing from the chronicle. 1 use.
  • s16a Fiend-Slayer Before you make an attack roll, CL check to overcome SR or save against an outsider with the evil subtype (or to resist one of its spells, SLAs or other abilities), roll two dice and use the higher result. If your attack or slepp deals damage, treat the target’s resistances and DR as if they were only half their listed values. 1 use.
  • s16b Inheritor of the Arrow You can buy a scaling magic item: legacy arrow or spear of the huntmaster. Eivät ole kovin hyviä.
  • s17a Hero of the Day +2 to Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify constructs. Once per scenario, ignore a construct’s hardness and DR for one attack (declared before attack roll).
  • s17b Recovered Treasures May pay prestige to gain access to items. Access bought: amulet of the god caller (in s17).
  • APG: Advanced Player's Guide; UC: Ultimate Combat; FG: Pathfinder Society Field Guide; DEP: Dragon Empires Primer; GOP: Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play; ARG: Advanced Race Guide.

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  • Homeland: Tian Xia (Goka)
  • Religion: ?
  • Height: 132 cm / 4' 4"
  • Weight: 35 kg / 77 lbs.
  • Feathers: black
  • Eyes: black
  • Age: 26+3
  • Simple clothes.

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  1. 2013-04-18: First Steps—Part 2: To Delve the Dungeon Deep
  2. 2013-05-22: First Steps—Part 1: In Service to Lore (GM)
  3. 2013-05-24: First Steps—Part 3: A Vision of Betrayal s3 (GM)
  4. 2013-07-26: #04: The Frozen Fingers of Midnight s4
  5. Year of the Risen Rune s5
  6. 2013-08-21: #5–01: The Glass River Rescue
  7. 2013-10-01: #2: The Hydra's Fang Incident s7
  8. 2013-11-14: Pathfinder Online: Thornkeep – The Forgotten Laboratory s8
  9. 2014-03-24: #5–11: Library of the Lion
  10. 2014-04-13: Pathfinder Module: Dawn of the Scarlet Sun s10
  11. 2014-06-30: #2–07: Heresy of Man 2: Where Dark Things Sleep (GM 5)
  12. 2014-08-16: #6–02: The Silver Mount Collection s12
  13. 2014-09-13: #5–99: The Paths We Choose s13
  14. 2014-11-29: #6–00: Legacy of the Stonelords s14
  15. 2015-08-03: #698: Serpent's Rise s15
  16. 2015-09-05: PFS Quest: Fane of Fangs s16
  17. 2016-02-13: #7–03: The Bronze House Reprisal s17
  18. 2016-05-08: #7–19: The Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts s18
  19. 2016-05-16: #6–21: Tapestry’s Toil s19

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Tausta: Kirtara syntyi Gokassa tengugetossa ja vietti siellä suhteellisen onnellisen lapsuuden. Hänen heimonsa oli nimeltään Peitsipöllöt. Hän lähti aikuistuttuaan hetken mielijohteesta laivalla toiselle puolelle maailmaa, koska hän oli kuullut aiheesta mielenkiintoisia tarinoita.

Vaikka laivamatka alkoi hyvin, Kirtara alkoi vihata sitä noin kolmen kuukauden kuluttua. Lopulta hän löysi itsensä Absalomista. Hän oli hetken yksinäinen ja masentunut, mutta löysi sitten muitakin tenguja ja lyöttäytyi heidän kanssaan yhteen. Jostain syystä melkein kaikki muut tengut tuntuivat kuuluvan Tienraivaajien järjestöön, joten Kirtarakin liittyi siihen.

Persoonallisuus: Kirtara viettää mieluiten aikaa muiden tengujen parissa. Ihmisiä ja muita hän yleensä vain vilkuilee varautuneesti. Häntä hämmentävät nisäkkäiden käsitykset vaatteista ja alastomuudesta. Hän on tähän mennessä ollut tyytyväinen siihen, millaisia muutoksia Tienraivaajien koulutus ja tehtävät ovat saaneet hänessä aikaan. Aiemmin hän ei oikeastaan olisi millään halunnut tappaa ketään, mutta nähtyään millaisista kääliöistä järjestö yleensä haluaa agenttien hankkiutuvan eroon, hänen mielensä muuttui.

Ulkonäkö: Kirtaralla on tyypilliset tengujen mustat silmät ja mustat höyhenet, joskin höyhenet ovat juuri ja juuri erotettavissa hieman tummansiniseen vivahtaviksi kärjistään. Hän on tenguksikin hieman lyhyt. Hän on pukeutunut tyypillisiin seikkailijan varusteisiin ja hänen vaatteensa ovat tyyliltään gokalaiset, mutta eivät sen hienommat kuin mitkään perusvaatteet. Hänen vaatteillaan näyttää olevan lähinnä koristeellinen tai suojaava merkitys.

Kategoriassa Pathfinder Society, pelaaja: Veltzeh.

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