Isfahan Atreiadad

the fire, it knows me and I
can walk through the blaze without a mark

female ifrit inquisitor of Brigh 8
CN medium outsider (native)
Player Rei (4304-16)
Xp 22
Faction Grand Lodge
Prestige/Fame 4/35

Init +9 (+2 Dex, +4 racial, +3 Wis)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +14

AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 16; (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 65 (8d8+16; favored class +8)
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10
Special Defenses

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 butchering axe +12/+7 (3d6+6/x3)
Ranged +1 keen composite longbow +9/+4 (1d8+2/19-20, x3)
Special Attacks +1d6 precision damage when flanking; +4 to hit when flanking; bane 11 rounds/day

Spells (CL 8th, concentration +11)
3rd (3/day, DC 17) - dispel magic, greater shield of fortification, heroism
2nd (5/day, DC 16) - align weapon, blistering invective, lesser restoration, see invisibility
1st (5/day, DC 15) — comprehend languages, divine favor, lock gaze, shield of faith, true strike
0 - create water, detect magic, guidance, light, read magic, stabilize
Inquisition Reformation
Spell-like abilities burning hands 1/day, CL 8; discern lies 8 rounds/day; awaken discontent DC 17, 4/day

Str 19, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 10
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +10; CMD 22
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (butchering axe), Extra Bane, Outflank*, Precise Strike*, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (butchering axe)
Skills Bluff +5 (2), Climb +8 (1), Diplomacy +14 (7), Disable Device +14 (8), Intimidate +17 (8), Knowledge (planes) +4 (1), Knowledge (religion) +4 (1), Linguistics +1 (1), Perception +14 (8), Perform (oratory) +9 (1), Sense Motive +17 (8), Spellcraft +4 (1), Survival +7 (1), Swim +8 (1)
Blessed Correction: when you make a Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Perform (oratory) check, you may roll twice and take the more favorable result; 4/day
Traits Fiery Glare; Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind
Languages Common, Ignan, Kelesh
SQ cunning initiative, detect alignment, discern lies, fire-starter, judgment 3/day (2 kinds), monster lore +4, solo tactics*, stern gaze +4, track +4, wildfire heart

On person +1 dragon bane butchering axe, +1 keen composite longbow (+2 Str), 19 arrows, 10 silver-blanched arrows, 10 cold iron -blanched arrows, 10 adamantine-blanched arrows, 10 ghost salt arrows, +2 darkwood buckler, +2 elysian bronze chain shirt, cloak of resistance +1, headband of inspired wisdom +2, belt of giant strength +2, wand of CLW (39 charges), holy water x2, acid x2, potion of air bubble x2, amulet of natural armor +1, potion of fly, antiplague, antitoxin, wand of alter self (3 charges), hot-weather outfit, mwk tool (Intimidate: savuavat päreet hiuksissa), mwk thieves' tools
In backpack A Thread of Silver (Numeria dungeon guide)
Wealth 5942 gp
Encumbrance 78 lbs. without backpack, 63 lbs. with backpack (76 lb. light/ lb. medium/ lb. heavy)

Awaken Discontent (Su): At 8th level, you can deliver a stirring speech condemning the mistakes of those in power and calling for reform, causing the target of your rhetoric to be affected by charm person with a caster level equal to your inquisitor level and a save DC of 10 + 1/2 your inquisitor level + your Wisdom modifier. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Intimidate breakdown: +7 ranks, +3 class skill, +3 Wisdom, +4 Inquisitor level (+2 masterwork tool)

- can use one of the following from own space: Handle Animal +7; Survival +10; Bluff +9; resist energy (CL 1st, concentration +2) - 2 uses (boon from DD1)
- specialized in Perform (oratory) (boon from DD4)
- can use one of the following: Disable Device +16; Knowledge (arcana or planes) +13; Sleight of Hand +16; +3 on Stealth checks for 5 minutes - 2 uses (boon from DD4)
- when purchasing one magic item, may treat Fame score as though it were 3 higher to determine maximum item cost, one use (boon from DD2)
- can gain a climb speed of 20 ft. for 1d4 rounds; for 1 round after this boon expires, if you would fall due to failing a Climb check, you fall slowly as if affected by feather fall (CL 1st) so long as you remain adjacent to a wall or other solid surface, 1 use (boon from #6-08)
- upon encountering a true dragon, gain a permanent +2 bonus on Reflex saves against the breath weapon of dragons of that type, as well as +1 on attack rolls and +1 dodge bonus to AC against that type of dragon
- can use one of the following from own space (CL 8th, concentration +11); barkskin, cure serious wounds, remove disease, Knowledge (nature) +13; 1 use left (boon from DD3)
- can purchase a follower vanity (Arvellos Rand) for 2 fewer PP than usual (boon from #6-03)
- A Thread of Silver has +1 accuracy, +2 competence (boon from #6-03)
- can cross off one box from boon to gain a +1 insight bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against a known member of the Aspis Consortium for the rest of the scenario, 2 uses; alternatively, can use both uses to instead apply a +3 insight bonus for one scenario (boon from #6-21)
- Sky Key Component (Hao Jin Tapestry)
- Tanbaru's Respect: can cast dispel magic, fog cloud, or invisibility once using character level as caster level (boon from #6-21)
- +2 on Charisma-based checks to influence wayangs (boon from #6-21)
- Elemental Saturation (Earth) (cost: 5 PP for new PC)
- can cross off this boon to receive a +4 bonus on one Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate roll; if using this boon to influence a genie or any creature with the air, earth, fire or water subtype, can roll twice and choose the better result (boon from #7-13)
- when using PP to purchase spellcasting services, can use this boon to increase caster level by 5; 3 uses
- acquainted with Aslynn
- can cross off this boon to either gain a result of 25 on a Knowledge (history or religion) check, or gain +5 on own roll

Fire-Starter: Ifrits with this racial trait derive sadistic satisfaction from watching others burn. Anytime the ifrit causes a creature to catch fire, he gains a +1 morale bonus on the next single attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check that he makes in the next round. The ifrit only gains this bonus the first time he causes a particular creature to catch fire; subsequent times the creature catches fire provide no bonus. This racial trait replaces fire affinity.

Isfahan ei tunne vanhempiaan: hän tietää vain, että nämä antoivat hänelle etunimen ja oman sukunimensä ennen kuin hylkäsivät tämän orpokotiin, mutta ei ole koskaan onnistunut paikantamaan heitä tai edes selvittänyt heistä mitään tietoja. Hän ehti viettää vain muutamia kuukausia Dimayenin maalaiskaupungissa ennen kuin sai uuden kodin. Alueen läpi matkannut maahisjoukko kiinnostui erikoisesta, savunhajuisesta ja kekälesilmäisestä lapsesta ja sievoista rahasummaa vastaan otti tämän mukaansa. Maahisten matkassa Isfahan päätyi Katheeriin, Qadiran kuhisevaan sydämeen, ja sai kasvaa siellä varsin onnellisena. Hänellä ei missään vaiheessa ollut virallisia ottovanhempia, vaan hän kasvoi ikään kuin yhteisön yhteisomaisuutena.

Itsekin tulen parissa paljon työskentelevät maahiset eivät nähneet mitään ongelmaa siinä, että ottolapsi ajoittain aiheutti pieniä tulipaloja - päinvastoin, osa heistä uskoi vakaasti, että vaikka heidän jumalattarensa Brigh yleensä olikin rakentamisen ja luomisen jumalatar, oli hän lähettänyt heille ikiliekin, sulattamon, taistelemaan uskon voimalla. Vaikka liekkimäisen häilyvä ja hajamielinen lapsi ei aluksi vaikuttanutkaan aivan niin terävältä kuin kenties oltiin toivottu, Isfahanista leivottiin silti kelvollinen soturi ja kohtuullinen Brighin pappi.


  1. 22.5.2014 First Steps I - In Service to Lore (pregen)
  2. 30.8.2014 Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand I, II, IV (3x module GM reward)
  3. 26.11.2014 #6-06: Hall of the Flesh Eaters
  4. 14.12.2014 #6-08: The Segang Expedition
  5. 30.8.2014 Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand III (module GM reward)
  6. 4.3.2015 #6-03: The Technic Siege
  7. 8.7.2015 #6-21: Tapestry's Toil
  8. 16.10.2015 #5-99: The Paths We Choose
  9. 23.1.2016 #7-13: Captive in Crystal
  10. 16.3.2016 #5-09: The Traitor's Lodge (GM star replay)
  11. 29.4.2016 #7-15: The Deepmarket Deception
  12. 1.2.2018 #9-11: The Jarlsblood Witch Saga (GM chronicle)

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