Female Human Cleric or Besmara 3 (+3 hp)
Chaotic Neutral Medium Humanoid
Player Ziria (38482)
Xp 7
Faction Sczarni
Prestige/Fame 10/12
Deity Besmara
Domains Storms (subdomain of Weather), War
Init +3
Senses Perception +2
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13; (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge)
hp 24
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5
Special Defenses Dodge
Speed 30 ft
Melee Masterwork Rapier +6 (1d6+1) 18-20/x2
Melee Dagger +5 (1d4+1) 19-20/x2
Ranged Sling +5 (1d4+1) x2
Ranged Dagger +5 (1d4+1) 19-20/x2
Special Attacks Storm Burst 5/day, Channel positive energy 2d6 4/day DC 12
Spells prepared
2nd - Resist Energy, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon (D)
1st — Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil, Magic Weapon (D)
Orisons (at will) — Create Water, Detect Magic, Stabilize, Guidance
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +2; CMB 3; CMD 17
Feats Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Mobility
Skills Appraise +5 (1), Bluff +7 (2), Diplomacy +5 (1), Heal +6 (1), Knowledge (geography) +2 (1), Knowledge (history) +5 (1), Knowledge (religion) +5 (1), Profession (sailor) +6 (1), Sense Motive +6 (1), Spellcraft +5 (1), Swim +6 (1)
Traits Fast Talker, Shackles Seafarer
Languages Taldane, Polyglot, Varisian
SQ Aura: Chaos, Channel positive energy 2d6 4/day DC 12, Battle Rage 5/day, Storm Burst 5/day
On person Traveler's outfit (5), +1 Rapier (2), +1 Studded Leather Armor (20), Dagger (1), Wayfinder (1), Alchemist's Fire (1), Silver Holy Symbol (1), Spell Component Pouch (2), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1), Pearl of Power 1 (1), Mithral Buckler
In Handy Haversack (?) Sling and 10 bullets (5), Bedroll (5), Fishhook, Grappling hook (4), Waterskin (4), Alchemist's Fire (2), 2 x Acid Flask (2), 5 x Tindertwig, Sack (0,5) 3 x Ration (3), Potion of Airbubble, Aircrystal, Silver Light Mace, Antitoxin, Scroll of Lesser Restoration, Light Crossbow + 10 bolts, Courtier's outfit, Silk rope, Masterwork Thieves Tools, Potion of CMW
In Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath (1) Wand of Cure Light Wounds 36 charges (1)
Encumbrance x lb. without backpack, x lb. with backpack (43 lb. light/86 lb. medium/130 lb. heavy)
Date | Scenario | Party members | GM | PA | Notes |
18.9.12 | First Steps, Pari I: In Service to Lore | Cleric, Bard, Monk | mosillan | 2 | Naked First Steps as Halfling Sorcerer |
18.9.12 | First Steps, Pari II: To Delve the Dungeon Deep | Barbarian, Bard, Monk | xJx | 2 | Naked First Steps as Halfling Sorcerer |
3.1.13 | Thornkeep: The Accursed Halls | Hallamieli, Willem Latranius, Luukas Kuoppala (kuoli)/Kepec (tuli tilalle), Gabriel | orbitti | 4 | alussa rebuild |
31.1.13 | Rise of the Goblin Guild | Ziria | 2 | GM exp | |
17.1.13 | The Sanos Abduction | Ziria | 2 | GM exp, saavutti sopivan tason |
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