Pathfinder Society -hahmot, pelaaja: Arkhios (4225-7)

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Male Human Bard 2 (Archaeologist)
Neutral Medium Humanoid (human)
Player (Arkhios) (4225-7)
Xp 4
Faction Liberty's Edge
Prestige/Fame 1/5

Init +3
Senses Perception +7 | Archaeologist's Luck +9

AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15; (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +3 Dex)
hp 15 (2d8+2Con)
Fort +1 (base +0, con +1)
Ref +6 (base +3, dex +3)
Will +4 (base +3, wis +1)
With Archaeologist’s Luck +2

  • Uncanny Dodge!
  • Wayfinder Resonance (No Resonance; Cracked Mulberry Pentacle Ioun Stone)

Speed 30ft. (20 ft. with backpack!)
Melee Rapier

  • +3, 1d6+2, 18-20/x2

Ranged Mwk Darkwood Composite (+2 Str) Longbow

  • +5, 1d8+2, 20/x3, up to 220 ft. range
  • +6, 1d8+3, 20/x3, up to 30 ft. range

With Archaeologist’s Luck +2 to Weapon Attack & Damage rolls

Spells known
1st (3/day) — Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Vanish
Cantrips (5/at will) — Light, Detect Magic, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic

Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Skills (18 (6Class+2Int+1Fc.)/level) (*ACP -1 included)

  • Acrobatics* +7 (2)
  • Bluff +8 (1); +1 Competence
  • Diplomacy +8 (1); +1 Competence
  • Disable Device* +7 (2); +2 Circumstance
  • Kno. Arcana +7 (1)
  • Kno. History +7 (1)
  • Kno. Local +7 (1)
  • Kno. Any other +3 (0)
  • LinguisticsL +6 (1)
  • Perception +7 (2)
  • Spellcraft +7 (2)
  • Stealth* +7 (2)
  • Use Magic Device +6 (2)
    With Archaeologist’s Luck +2

Traits Fate's FavoredFaith, Hunter's Eye (Longbow)Faction
Languages Taldane, Osiriani, Garundi, Ancient OsirianiL
SQ Human (Dex +2, Silver Tongued), Bardic Knowledge (+1), Archaeologist’s Luck 5/Day, Cantrips, Clever Explorer (+1 Disable Device & Perception), Uncanny Dodge

On person Explorer's Outfit (5 lbs.), Rapier (2 lbs.), Shortbow (2 lbs.), 20 x Arrows (3 lbs.), Mw. Chain shirt (25 lbs.), Mw. Buckler (5 lbs.), Wayfinder (1 lb.), Wand of CLW (50/50; -2 PP)
In Mwk backpack Customized Bard's Kit1 (35.5 lbs.), Mw. Thieves' Tools (2 lbs.), Thieves' Tool Extenders2 (3 lbs.)
Ioun Stones

  • Cracked Mulberry Pentacle (+1 competence bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks)

Wealth 1497gp-720gp
Encumbrance 42 lb. without backpack, 78.5 lb. with backpack (66 lb. light/133 lb. medium/200 lb. heavy)

1Customized Bard's Kit: This kit consists of a masterwork backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a common harmonica, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a journal, a mess kit, a mirror, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.

2Thieves' Tool Extenders: These long-reaching extenders can be attached to or detached from thieves' tools as a standard action, allowing the user to make Disable Device checks on devices in any space he could reach with a reach weapon. High-quality mirrors on the shafts let him see what he's doing, but he takes a –4 penalty on Disable Device checks when working on a device more than 5 feet away.

"Sir" Iacobus Hawke tai "Papa" Hawke, Jon Hawken isä, on vanhan Taldorin imperiumin aikaisen aatelissuvun vanhoillinen jälkeläinen. Kun Taldorin imperiumi romahti, nykyisen Andoranin alueella vaikuttanut Hawken suku menetti maansa ja aateliutensa, mutta moni kantaa sukunsa vaakunaa edelleen ylpeänä perimästään, eikä Iacobus ole poikkeus. Kuten poikansakin, Iacobus Hawke on intohimoinen arkeologi ja tutkija, ja onkin niittänyt mainetta alallaan jo vuosikymmenien ajan Osirionin kaivauksilla tekemillään löydöillä. Iacobus on myös kivenkova Tiennäyttäjien järjestön tukija ja pitkäaikainen jäsen, joka on kuitenkin viettänyt hiljaiseloa järjestön tehtävistä viime vuosina, omistautuen harrastuksellensa täysin rinnoin. Huolimatta siitä, ettei Hawken suvulla ole ollut aatelisarvoa vuosisatoihin, Iacobus esittäytyy "Sir" Iacobus Hawkena. Kenties vanhuuden höperyyttä, sillä onhan hän jo päälle kuudenkymmenen, tai kenties vain kieroa huumorintajuaan. Tiennäyttäjienkin mittapuulla jo varsin iäkäs Iacobus Hawke on ikäisekseen hyvässä kunnossa, mikä on kenties seurausta arkeologisilla kaivauksilla ahertamisesta - jo yli neljän vuosikymmenen ajan!

Archaeologist’s Luck (Ex) Fortune favors the archaeologist. As a swift action, an archaeologist can call on fortune’s favor, giving him a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. Maintaining this bonus is a free action, but it ends immediately if the archaeologist is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. Archaeologist’s luck is treated as bardic performance for the purposes of feats, abilities, effects, and the like that affect bardic performance. Like bardic performance, it cannot be maintained at the same time as other performance abilities. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 17th level.

Silver Tongued: Human are often adept at subtle manipulation and putting even sworn foes at ease. Humans with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature's attitude, they can shift up to three steps up rather than just two. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Clever Explorer (Ex): At 2nd level, an archaeologist gains a bonus equal to half his class level on Disable Device and Perception checks. He can disable intricate and complex devices in half the normal amount of time (minimum 1 round) and open a lock as a standard action. At 6th level, an archaeologist can take 10 on Disable Device checks, even if distracted or endangered, and can disarm magical traps. This ability replaces the versatile performance ability.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 2nd level, an archaeologist gains uncanny dodge, as the rogue class feature of the same name. This ability replaces well-versed.

Notes/To-Buy list

Level plan

  1. Archaeologist 1 Bardic Knowledge, Archaeologist's Luck +1, Cantrips, 1st-lvl spells, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
  2. Archaeologist 2 Clever Explorer, Uncanny Dodge
  3. Archaeologist 3 Trap Sense +1, Lingering Performance
  4. Archaeologist 4 Rogue Talent (Trap Spotter), 2nd-lvl spells (CHA +1)
  5. Archaeologist 5 Archaeologist's Luck +2, Lore Master 1/Day, Additional Traits: Vagabond ChildRegional (Urban), Maestro of the SocietySocial
  6. Archaeologist 6 Trap Sense +2, Evasion, Clever Explorer (Take 10)
  7. Archaeologist 7 3rd-lvl spells, Deadly Aim (viimeistään tässä vaiheessa Adaptive Jousi)
  8. Archaeologist 8 Rogue Talent (Combat Trick: Arcane Strike) (DEX +1)
  9. Archaeologist 9 Trap Sense +3, Fast Learner
  10. Archaeologist 10 4th-lvl spells
  11. Archaeologist 11 Archaeologist's Luck +3, Improvisation
  12. Archaeologist 12 Trap Sense +4, Advanced Rogue Talent (Improved Evasion) (DEX +1)
  13. Archaeologist 13 5th-lvl spells, Vital Strike
  14. Archaeologist 14 -
  15. Archaeologist 15 Trap Sense +5, Devastating Strike
  16. Archaeologist 16 6th-lvl spells, Advanced Rogue Talent (Feat: Improved Improvisation) (DEX +1)
  17. Archaeologist 17 Archaeologist's Luck +4, Improved Vital Strike
  18. Archaeologist 18 Trap Sense +6
  19. Archaeologist 19 Improved Devastating Strike
  20. Archaeologist 20 Advanced Rogue Talent () (DEX +1)

  1. Before the Dawn—Part I: The Bloodcove Disguise
  2. The Godsmouth Heresy (Module: +3 XP, +4 PP)

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