Tyron Hjortson sovittamassa vihertävällä kivellä koristeltua haarniskaansa
Male Dwarf Alchemist (Cryptbreaker, Chirurgeon) 7/Paladin (Divine hunter) 2/Ranger (Dungeon rover) 1
LG M Humanoid (dwarf)
Player FranKc (71232-21)
XP 21
Prestige/Fame: 10/28
Init +3 (+1 dex, +2 because underground)
Senses Perception +14, Darkvision 60', Trapspotter, Trapfinding +3, Stonecunning +2, Stonescouting +2, Draught +4
AC 24, touch 11, flat-footed 23; (+1 dex, +13 armor | +4 shield extract, +3 natural from mutagen, +5 natural barkskin, +1 haste, +1 deflection from smite evil)
HP 98 (7d8+3d10+con 40+fc 1)
Fort +18 (con +4, class +10, resistance +3, charisma +1)
Refl +12 (dex +1, class +7, resistance +3, charisma +1)
Will +10 (wis +1, class +5, resistance +3, charisma +1)
Special Defences: +2 vs. spells & SLA's; +4 vs. poison; +2 AC vs. aberrations; +4 vs. bullrush and trip attempts
Speed 20ft, with armor 20ft, 30ft with longstrider
Melee +2 adamantine dwarven waraxe +12 1d10+5 (x3)
Melee +2 adamantine dwarven waraxe mutagen & power attack +11 1d10+17 (x3)
Melee +2 adamantine dwarven waraxe Kiror's b-strength & mutagen & power attack +14 1d10+21 (x3)
Melee Mwk sap +10 1d6+2 (x3)
Melee Cold iron longspear +9 1d8+3 (x3)
Melee Alc. silver cestus +9 1d4+2
Ranged Alkahest bomb 9/day +9 4d8/4d4+3 (x2)
Ranged Crossbow, light +8 1d8 (19-20)
Special Power attack -3/+6 | 2H -3/+9
Special Mutagen +4 strength
Special Favored enemy: Constructs +2/+2
Special Smite evil: +1/+2 (+4 if very evil)
Special +3 trait bonus on crit
Spells usually prepared (CL 9)
3rd (2/day) (DC 16) - spells Displacement (2)
2nd (4/day) (DC 15) - spells Lesser restoration, CMW, Resist energy, See invisibility
1st (5/day) (DC 14) - spells Shield, Shield, CLW, Longarm, Enlarge person
Spells known
Str 15 Dex 12 Con 18 (16) Int 16 (14) Wis 12 Cha 12
BAB +8; CMB +10; CMD 21
Feats Breadth of experience, Throw anythingb, Precise shotb, Power attack, Heavy armor proficiency, Extra Discovery: Trapspotter, Skill focus: Healb, Extra discovery
Discoveries Mutagen, Trapspotter, Spontaneous healing: 3x 5hp, Preserve organs 50%
Skills acp -5
Traits Magical knack (alchemist), Tunnel fighter
Languages Common, Dwarven, Undercommon, Azlanti, Undercommon
SQ Trapspotter, Stonecunning +2; Stone scouting +2; Trapfinding +3; Draught: +4 perception, light blindness, scent; Lay on Hands 3d6 4/day; Aura of good; detect evil; smite evil 1/day; divine grace; vermin affinity; track +1; lorekeeper; deep warrior; infused curative
On person: +4 stoneplate etc
In backpack:
Ioun Stones:
Encumbrance m lb. without backpack (x/2x/3x), M lb. with backpack (y/2y/3y)
Favored class bonus: Add +1/4 to the alchemist's natural armor bonus when using his mutagen. x6
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