on Lebedan huoneeseen adoptoitu norninsukuinen kontaktiekspertti Siber...Brevoysta
Society Minutiae 4961-23 | Sovereign Court | EXP 12 | 16/18
Designations Lawful Neutral Humanoid (elf, human) Bloodrager 1, Monk (nornkith+qinggong) 4
Statistics 20 12 12 12 10 19 | Base Atk +4, CMB +9, CMD 26
Feats Extra Rage, Dodge, Weapon Focus (FIST), Improved Initiative
Traits Noble Born (Lebeda), Fey Mediator
Initiative +8 (+1 Dex, +1 Trait, +1 Class)
AC 18 | touch 18 | f-footed 11 (+1 dex +1 def, +1 dodge, +4 cha, +1 monk)
HP 39 (1d10+3d8+Constitution), includes favored class bonus x3
Saves Fortitude +7, Reflex +6, Will +4
Speed 50 feet
Melee with Rage active:
Unarmed combat
Bloodrage (11/day) | +4 Str & Con, -2 AC
Misc bonus feat, evasion, convinction of fate (Cha mod to AC, 1/2 lvl to Initiative), maneuver mastery, use of spell trigger items, monk ac bonus, ki pool (magic) [6 pts], qinggong power (scorching ray)
Overall Kindred-raised (+2 to Cha)
Senses low-light vision
Languages Draconic, Elven, Hallit, Sylvan, Taldane
Misc counts as elf & human both
Ranked Diplomacy +12 (5), Intimidate +12 (5), Knowledge(arcana) +5 (1), Knowledge(history) +5 (1), Knowledge(nature) +2 (1), Knowledge(nobility) +9 (5), Knowledge(religion) +5 (1), Sense Motive +8 (5), Swim +9 (1)
Unranked yet relevant Acrobatics(to jump) +9
Worn gear backpack, belt of strength +2. cloak of +1, headband of charisma +2, mwk cold iron nine-ring broadsword, oil of bless wpn, pen+ink+scrolls, ring of protection +1, 2668 gp, wand of mage armor
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